Hello everyone,
As you will see this is my first post, so greetings to all. I signed up to this forum because I have read a lot of useful information on it. My position is that I have become infatuated with the ACR E over the last few weeks and in fact and am about to press a button tomorrow to buy a lightly used 600 mile ACR-E. I'm buying the car because basically I have read how fantastic the car is on the track and as I would like to do more track days I thought this would be great fun to have.
To put this into context somewhat I live in the UK and ACR E's are a very rare beast anywhere here or Europe, where mainly Porsche's and Lotus's rule the roost on the track. So I thought this wonderful beast of a car could fly the American flag proudly over here across the Atlantic.
Anyway a couple of questions if I may:
1. I plan to use the car to drive to the track and back mainly and will not really use for any daily driving as I have a number of other cars to do that. However the question I have is if I adjust the height permanently to track height(so that I can corner balance the tires once as I know subsequent height adjustments can throw off the tire balance) and not put the rear diffuser attachments and the front aero splitter extentsion on, is the car reasonably driveable to and from the track without too many problems on the street?
2. How long does it realistically take to put the front spitter and rear diffusers on? And how difficult is it to do so without raising the car? Do I need to bring some sort of hydraulic jack to lift the car? Will the front splitter fit in the car with a passenger in?
3. From reading other posts it seems the front tires are the ones that suffer most compared to the rear. As a rough guideline would it be fair to say that you would need to change one set of back tires for every 2 or sets of front ones?
I would appreciate any feedback as these are really my pressing questions. Many thanks all!