I just got 2017 ACR this afternoon.
Is there battery charger system and socket?
Can't locate the charger in numerous addition came with a car...
I just got 2017 ACR this afternoon.
Is there battery charger system and socket?
Can't locate the charger in numerous addition came with a car...
Thanks I found out there is none..
the car can be placed in hibernation mode
There are several Battery Tenders on the market. Do your research and pick the one
that is best for you....
Thanks guys!
Deltran Battery Tender, CTEK, NOCO Genius, etc. I am offering this quick connect kit that will bolt on as well if you are interested:
(scroll to the bottom.)
Thanks and welcome!
New here. Have a 2016 ACR with the Li battery. Its been only lasting 4-5 days without driving and needing a charge. No error codes and battery checks out OK (AutoZone). I don't think I should need a battery tender if I drive every other week. Its been cold here (20-25 degrees) but back in the 70s after a few days. I'm going to try hibernation mode. Any comments/observations?
I ALWAYS use hibernation mode, since my car sits for at least a week (sometimes more) at a time. And it always worked well. However, last winter, it did take 4 tries to start one morning on a very cold day. So now, I use hibernation mode and a Deltran, and that's the ticket. Had it out last Saturday after sitting a month, and she lit right off, like it has just been driven an hour ago.
You don't have a Lithium battery, you have a lightweight lead battery. NO cars came with a Lithium battery apparently Dodge changed their mind about supplying them on ACR's. My sticker says Lithium as well but they are all lead. It's always a good idea to keep them on a tender even week to week as you'll always have it topped off and it will prolong battery life overall.
after a month in only hibernation mine started rite up
The CTEK system is what I have on all of my cars for the winter. Simple install with quick disconnects for easy hookups.
This is all you need. Hook the pigtails up so you can reach through the back bumper cover and hook up. Assuming that you can reach through the back on a Gen V. Never done it, so I don't know.
Much simpler way on a Gen V....hardwire the Battery Tender leads to your positive post in the fuse box and the negative to any ground. Feed the connection through the side gills. Simple. I made a post detailing exactly how a while back but too lazy to look for it.