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  1. #26
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    So after running the car on dyno 3 times 1st run 573hp 2nd 580hp 3rd 583hp. I was in shock. I didn't believe it my self. I told the dyno dude please check your dyno cuz i dont wanna look like a fool when I show this to people. He laughed at me and said look at that camaro , the camaro dynos at 380 hp, help me strap it up and I bet u that's the range. We did. It was 378hp.. then I asked him if my rear gears 373 played a role? He said no. His explanation was that all the mods I did before just kicked in and worked together in sync. So that being said im so glad I didn't waste more money on doing the heads. I must add though this car i have is a freak of nature. Everytime i dyno the car it always had higher numbers then a stock numbers should have when it was stock. My 1/4 times were second to none doing 11.11 at 125mph .. so i dont wanna make claims to something that I say that anyone can achieve. But no one ran a better time and not even close when I did 11.11s with just sct tune,cat deletes,catback,bbk tb and 373 gears. I have hit 128 mph several times but my times were not as good cuz my 60ft sucked.
    Last edited by chicagopd50; 11-18-2016 at 10:02 AM.

  2. #27
    Am I really the only one that thinks these numbers seem off? Mike, no disrespect to you at all bud, definitely not calling you a liar, I guess what I am second guessing is the dyno itself. 583/571 with no porting or internal motor work just seems insanely high to me. On average if this was a DynoJet you would be around 620hp, also you said that you have 3:73's which would also creates more parasitic drag probably pinching another 10rwhp or so, so if you still had 3:07 gears you would be coming in around 630hp on a DynoJet with no internal motor work.

  3. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by chicagopd50 View Post
    So after running the car on dyno 3 times 1st run 573hp 2nd 580hp 3rd 583hp. I was in shock. I didn't believe it my self. I told the dyno dude please check your dyno cuz i dont wanna look like a fool when I show this to people. He laughed at me and said look at that camaro , the camaro dynos at 380 hp, help me strap it up and I bet u that's the range. We did. It was 378hp.. then I asked him if my rear gears 373 played a role? He said no. His explanation was that all the mods I did before just kicked in and worked together in sync. So that being said im so glad I didn't waste more money on doing the heads. I must add though this car i have is a freak of nature. Everytime i dyno the car it always had higher numbers then a stock numbers should have when it was stock. My 1/4 times were second to none doing 11.11 at 125mph .. so i dont wanna make claims to something that I say that anyone can achieve. But no one ran a better time and not even close when I did 11.11s with just sct tune,cat deletes,catback,bbk tb and 373 gears. I have hit 128 mph several times but my times were not as good cuz my 60ft sucked.
    Have you owned this car since new? Are you absolutely positive a previous owner (if applicable) did not do internal mods? Honestly your car runs like a beast!

  4. #29
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Congrats . And Awesome numbers !!!
    I put more faith in ET and MPH then I do dyno numbers. Although it's a great tool for base lining before and after mods .

  5. #30
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Man those numbers are high for that setup. Good for you. Need some headers next!!!!!

  6. #31
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Phoenix, AZ
    Aren't you the same person that called me out when I told you my friends cammed Gen 3 stayed right with me (I was just barely pulling away) in my modded Gen 4? I was just as surprised - but a cam in the Gen 3 really wakes up that motor - and sounds wicked. And yes - my friends Gen 3 had zero work done to the heads.

    Quote Originally Posted by Stealth78 View Post
    Have you owned this car since new? Are you absolutely positive a previous owner (if applicable) did not do internal mods? Honestly your car runs like a beast!

  7. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by chicagopd50 View Post
    So after running the car on dyno 3 times 1st run 573hp 2nd 580hp 3rd 583hp. I was in shock. I didn't believe it my self. I told the dyno dude please check your dyno cuz i dont wanna look like a fool when I show this to people. He laughed at me and said look at that camaro , the camaro dynos at 380 hp, help me strap it up and I bet u that's the range. We did. It was 378hp.. then I asked him if my rear gears 373 played a role? He said no. His explanation was that all the mods I did before just kicked in and worked together in sync. So that being said im so glad I didn't waste more money on doing the heads. I must add though this car i have is a freak of nature. Everytime i dyno the car it always had higher numbers then a stock numbers should have when it was stock. My 1/4 times were second to none doing 11.11 at 125mph .. so i dont wanna make claims to something that I say that anyone can achieve. But no one ran a better time and not even close when I did 11.11s with just sct tune,cat deletes,catback,bbk tb and 373 gears. I have hit 128 mph several times but my times were not as good cuz my 60ft sucked.
    Whoa that is crazy...awesome! Congrats! Were the numbers STD or Corrected? I'm guessing you're close to sea level right?

    Your 11.1@125 is 100% accurate as many Vipers with similar mods trap really close to that in good air. As far as the ET...the 3.73's are the big reason for it.

    What was the DA on the 128 runs? THAT is the most impressive as it usually takes a few more mods to get up into that range. But again, I believe that in good air and with those 3.73's and a good 60''s totally do-able!

    Congrats again Chicago!

  8. #33
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    like i said i dont believe these numbers, i am in shock, but we did 3 runs, and then ran a camaro that was around 380hp, and was dead on, i called roe and showed them the graph he was pleased, and he said that with all the mods were on the car which were not much, but they came all together and netted me the gains.. honestly the car does feel faster where i am almost driving a different car now.. and when i baught this car it was completely stock down to paper filters at 8k miles. i even asked my installer and said are u sure those heads were not ported? he said absolutely not... lets just say my car is a freak of nature.. has anyone else done just a cam and lifter , spring ,push rod swap and seen the gains. maybe porting the heads is all a sales gimmick.. im sure i would gain more with ported heads but im just fine with these gain and saved a ton of money on porting heads..there is no internal work on this car, i baught this car from the owner of snake oil, i think his name was kurt knelling, his kids took the car from him and had the dealership sell it for him cause he was 69 years old. it was a 1 owner car...they did not want him to kill himself with the car... that being said my installer took a look at everything when he installed the cam, he said everything was original.. everything original down to the markings of paint on the nuts that they have never been cracked open b4. i left a copy of my best times and fastest trap speeds b4 the cam.. this was a wisconsin great lakes dragaway..
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Last edited by chicagopd50; 11-18-2016 at 12:00 PM.

  9. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by Rocket View Post
    Aren't you the same person that called me out when I told you my friends cammed Gen 3 stayed right with me (I was just barely pulling away) in my modded Gen 4? I was just as surprised - but a cam in the Gen 3 really wakes up that motor - and sounds wicked. And yes - my friends Gen 3 had zero work done to the heads.
    Yes, yes I am. I have seen multiple GenIII's with cam and spring upgrades, I've even seen them swap to the thinner GenIV head gaskets while doing slow bleeds and that was still only getting them around 530whp.

  10. #35
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Well here's proof or atleast mine did better then usually... i had dynoed my car somewhere else when I did 460 hp on this dyno. And that dyno said 480hp.. but that was not the dyno I used yesterday.. so im going on the same dyno with 2 different pulls on different car set up so no one say it's a different dyno..

  11. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by chicagopd50 View Post
    Well here's proof or atleast mine did better then usually... i had dynoed my car somewhere else when I did 460 hp on this dyno. And that dyno said 480hp.. but that was not the dyno I used yesterday.. so im going on the same dyno with 2 different pulls on different car set up so no one say it's a different dyno..
    No worries bud, sorry I don't mean to dragging your thread down. Congratulations, car is an absolute beast! On another note what tires are you using to cut that 1.6 60'? Have you ever had any issues with your half-shafts?

  12. #37

    Remember that dynos are for tuning and they are not all going to be the same. For comparison Gen III coupe pulled 436/452 bone stock, and 483/503 on a DynoJet after mods. This is considerably less power than 480 on a Mustang. My pulls were in Boise, but these are corrected numbers so this is what I would have pulled at sea level (I just wanted to throw this part in here so people wouldn't think my altitude had an effect on my pull).

    I have M&M headers, high flow cats, Corsa, BBK, K&N CAI, stock 3.08 gears, and an SCT tune. I trapped a best of 121.5 on an abysmal 2.2 60ft. I also hit the reve limiter right before I crossed the traps. I know...first time at the track in 10 years, on standard Pirelli's...and only got a couple runs. Still awful though. Anyway, the DA was around 4000ft (Boise, ID). So, with a better 60ft, rev limiter increased about 200RPM's, and at sea level, I have no doubt my car would also trap what Chicago was trapping with his bolt-ons.

    The driver mod on Vipers is huge also! Chicago, as you can see, is a very accomplished driver at the track. Combine that with those 3.73 gears and his car rips.

    I can't wait to see how you do at the track with your car now Chicago!!

    EDIT: Let me just add that Chicago's car is very strong, regardless of my comparison. I know my car, even in good air, would have a hard time trapping 128. 126...yes...but 128 would be a tall order. Unless the 3.73's are the main difference (better 60 and not shifting at the traps).
    Last edited by 06SRTCoupe; 11-18-2016 at 01:11 PM.

  13. #38
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    323 both of these pulls are with same mods i went to the dyno with 460hp results and dynoed my car after cam swap... if i would have gone the other dyno i might have hit 600 lol

  14. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by chicagopd50 View Post both of these pulls are with same mods i went to the dyno with 460hp results and dynoed my car after cam swap... if i would have gone the other dyno i might have hit 600 lol
    That is badass! Your car rips. I'm betting you are going to be mid 10's@133+ when you run. I wonder what the cam only record is for a Gen III.

  15. #40
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    well my car redlines at 131 with these wheels on these nittos which are 27.5 tall... in 4th gear, remember i have a 373 gear.. i would have a hard time going into 5th and gaining more mph if i needed to... but lucky me i have a set of 18in ssrs with a taller tire that will allow me to go up to 134mph if i can hit we will see when its april and go back to the track again

  16. #41
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    Mar 2015
    i have done 1.6 60ft on both tires and this is a completely stock clutch .. i did it on the nittos and racemaster m&h tires.. but i have more confidence with the racemasters and dont need to do much of a burn out... the nittos u need a long ass burn out... that being said i did 11.25 on nittos and 11.11 on racemasters the video with dark wheels are my race masters, the chrome original h spokes are the nittos nt05r... race masters nittos nto5r

    its possible that i did a better time with ssr wheels because they are much lighter wheels and the rear tires are taller...
    my next step is to get the 2 piece brake rotors which are around 8 pounds lighter on each wheel, saving over 30lbs of rotating mass.. i am sure this will make a difference in mph and 60ft...
    Last edited by chicagopd50; 11-18-2016 at 01:52 PM.

  17. #42
    Dude that's badass man and an impressive 60 ft! I need to grab a set of 18's and get the E-Brake relocation mod done as well. Yeah I figured you would have an extra shift with the 3.73's. I wouldn't be surprised at all if you were close to 134.

  18. #43
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    man all i wanted was to get me into 10s thats why i got the cam.. with my mph was able to get 10s but never was able to.. i can never get that 1.5s 60ft to propel me in the 10s.. so i had to cheat and get the cam lol... but i did not realize i would gain this much... im still waiting for the call from the dyno shop to say they were playing a trick on me..

  19. #44
    Quote Originally Posted by chicagopd50 View Post
    man all i wanted was to get me into 10s thats why i got the cam.. with my mph was able to get 10s but never was able to.. i can never get that 1.5s 60ft to propel me in the 10s.. so i had to cheat and get the cam lol... but i did not realize i would gain this much... im still waiting for the call from the dyno shop to say they were playing a trick on me..
    Your car runs really strong though so I'm thinking you are not going to get that call lol. Now you can shoot for 10.5x.

  20. #45
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    i dont want 10.5 or better because then i will want to get 9s lol... ill be happy with 10.999999 lol

  21. #46
    Quote Originally Posted by chicagopd50 View Post
    i have done 1.6 60ft on both tires and this is a completely stock clutch .. i did it on the nittos and racemaster m&h tires.. but i have more confidence with the racemasters and dont need to do much of a burn out... the nittos u need a long ass burn out... that being said i did 11.25 on nittos and 11.11 on racemasters the video with dark wheels are my race masters, the chrome original h spokes are the nittos nt05r... race masters nittos nto5r

    its possible that i did a better time with ssr wheels because they are much lighter wheels and the rear tires are taller...
    my next step is to get the 2 piece brake rotors which are around 8 pounds lighter on each wheel, saving over 30lbs of rotating mass.. i am sure this will make a difference in mph and 60ft...
    What rotors are you talking about? That would be a huge weight saving in rotating mass!

  22. #47
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    I think 2 piece stop tech from what I remember

  23. #48
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    I think 2 piece stop tech from what I remember

  24. #49
    You will smash through 10.9 with your new power. I was going to get Stop Tech's but I went with Eradispeeds because they were $1000 cheaper and almost 7 pounds lighter per wheel. For me, the extra $1000 was not worth an extra 1.2-1.4 lb weight savings...and it's still a full two piece rotor.

  25. #50
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Not bad ill look into those.. as long as save 7 lbs each wheel, will be alot... so far I have 80lbs less on my car when I use ssr wheels.. almost 55 from wheels and like 25 from the original exaust. The crossover pipes and cats were pretty heavy..
    Last edited by chicagopd50; 11-18-2016 at 06:39 PM.

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