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Thread: Need help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2016
    San Antonio, Texas

    Need help

    Hello my Viper family.
    So just a little bit ago, I hit some loose gravel/ uneven road near my house and lost control of my car. I was only going about 50 MPH when the car did two 360's and hit a small curb before coming to a stop. Luckily I was able to steer away from the ditch and the concrete barrier to avoid any major damage, especially since my daughter was with me. We are OK thankfully, and the car is back in the driveway. What I need help with is the Viper won't start now. The dash lights come on, alarm works/ radio works, but the starter won't even crank or anything. I don't get any noise when I push the start button. I was thinking there was a reset button or something. Have any of you guys had this issue before?
    The car will probably end up at the dealer in the next couple of days, but I was hoping to get it out of my driveway at least until then. Any info would be appreciated.
    -David Martinez

  2. #2
    Tech Team

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    Hampstead NC
    First off glad your both ok. If I remember correctly there is a 15amp fuse in the PDC Fuse block under the hood. If it pops the car will not start. Easy to check and i think it was upped to a 25 amp in 2006. Also if there is any chance you had side contact with the rear wheels while spinning have the rear knuckles checked. Would even be a good time to have the rear toe link stiffeners installed just as piece of mind. If your steering wheel is not in the same position now as it was before you spin this is a good indication something moved in the alignment.
    Last edited by Tom Sessions; 11-13-2016 at 07:10 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Check ASD 1 fuse ...can swap with cig. lighter fuse next to it, then try to start. If that doesn't work, pull and reinstall starter relay and ASD relay.

    I would be interested in the model year if you more specifics.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2016
    San Antonio, Texas
    Thank you guys! I'm going to try this now. The car is a 2005. There was side rear wheel impact so I will definitely have that checked.

  5. #5
    Tech Team

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    Hampstead NC
    Quote Originally Posted by davidm0209 View Post
    Thank you guys! I'm going to try this now. The car is a 2005. There was side rear wheel impact so I will definitely have that checked.
    Look closely at the rear wheels and see if anything looks "off". Did you drive the car home or have it towed? If it was towed then go for a slow test drive after you get it running and see if the steering wheel is off center. If the wheel is off center DO NOT drive it to the dealer have it towed.

  6. #6
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    Oct 2013
    One final thought on starting problem, if our suggestions above don't solve it, check wiring at starter. I have heard of more than one where contacts were loose...may apply even more after a "jolt". I know Tom has seen/fixed more than one of these starter wiring issues on Gen III's.

  7. #7
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    San Antonio, Texas
    And Steve Indy is the winner! It was the ASD fuse! Thank you so much for the advice and the guidance. I did have the car towed home initially. I'm going to go grab another fuse and then take it for a slow spin to check everything out. I know I have one tire that is loosing a little air so I'm going to go fill it. Thank everyone so much for coming to my rescue. I'll sleep a little easier tonight knowing it's safe in the garage. I wish you guys could see the huge ass smile on my face when I saw replies to my post. For what it's worth, I'm really glad you guys decided to check the forums tonight and I can only hope I will be able to pay it back and forward along the way!x

  8. #8
    VOA Member 99RT10's Avatar
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    Glad to hear you and your daughter are ok. Always drive carefully.
    09 ACR With all the goodies
    99 ACR TT 99 red RT/10 Roe S/C
    97 B/W RT/10 TT 94 RT/10 TT

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Gald we could help.

    Please note that my suggestions all came from Mr. Tom Sessions over the past several years. I was just passing them along. He's a great guy who will help someone anytime anywhere !!

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Makes you wonder how much money the internet forums bypass from dealerships/mechanics.

    I purchase my daily drivers based on how good the forum support is for that make/model... otherwise, I would go broke fixing cars

  11. #11
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    Tucson, Arizona
    Quote Originally Posted by davidm0209 View Post
    And Steve Indy is the winner! It was the ASD fuse! Thank you so much for the advice and the guidance. I did have the car towed home initially. I'm going to go grab another fuse and then take it for a slow spin to check everything out. I know I have one tire that is loosing a little air so I'm going to go fill it. Thank everyone so much for coming to my rescue. I'll sleep a little easier tonight knowing it's safe in the garage. I wish you guys could see the huge ass smile on my face when I saw replies to my post. For what it's worth, I'm really glad you guys decided to check the forums tonight and I can only hope I will be able to pay it back and forward along the way!x
    If a tire is losing air, your wheel could be out of true or slightly damaged where the bead is. I would get that checked because you don't want to lose a tire at speed. Maybe tire just needs remounted but worth a close look, IMO.

    Glad you are ok. Our cars, as much as we love them, are just machines. People are what really matter. Glad you and your daughter are all good. That is obviously most important.

  12. #12
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    San Antonio, Texas
    Thank you Vprbite. I am going to have to car checked out very soon just to make sure there isn't a problem that I can't see. The tires are going to get checked out/ remounted if needed this week. I'll probably end up having to buy a new wheel because the more I look at it, the worse the curb rash on the wheel looks lol.

  13. #13
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    Far enough west of Toledo
    Quote Originally Posted by Tom Sessions View Post
    First off glad your both ok. If I remember correctly there is a 15amp fuse in the PDC Fuse block under the hood. If it pops the car will not start. Easy to check and i think it was upped to a 25 amp in 2006. Also if there is any chance you had side contact with the rear wheels while spinning have the rear knuckles checked. Would even be a good time to have the rear toe link stiffeners installed just as piece of mind. If your steering wheel is not in the same position now as it was before you spin this is a good indication something moved in the alignment.
    Rear Toe link stiffeners, I'd like to hear more about this...

    Edit: I see there is a bracket that goes onto the knuckle to stiffen up the toe link arm/mount area. Do you recommend on all gen 3/4s Tom?
    Last edited by Mopar'er no car; 11-17-2016 at 10:54 AM.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2018
    Los Angeles
    Hi Steve. I just bought an 03 last night and set off the Alarm while testing my door locks. Now the car is in theft mode (flashing lights), alarm goes off when battery is plugged in, and it won't start. I put new batteries in the aftermarket FOB, but it doesn't work and the key does not disarm. What can I do to drive the car and reset the alarm?

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by 03Viper View Post
    Hi Steve. I just bought an 03 last night and set off the Alarm while testing my door locks. Now the car is in theft mode (flashing lights), alarm goes off when battery is plugged in, and it won't start. I put new batteries in the aftermarket FOB, but it doesn't work and the key does not disarm. What can I do to drive the car and reset the alarm?
    03Viper, please do not post a completely separate problem in a thread that is 2 years old. Start a new thread!

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    03Viper...just call me 317 402 9013

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Good to speak with you !

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2018
    Los Angeles
    Steve-Indy thanks again! Your advice saved me from so much headache and stress. A bit of WD-40 and a lot of wiggling allowed the frozen keyhole to move and disarm the alarm. I'm a happy Viper owner again.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Glad the WD 40 freed up the lock. I like to cycle these locks at least every 6 months...using a light film of white lithium grease on the key.



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