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  1. #1

    Which wideband O2 sensor setups are you guys using


    I know that a wideband is a wideband, but I'm curious on what setups Viper owners are going with. I'm going to be adding ported heads, intake, and a cam this winter and want to install a wideband O2 sensor/gauge for logging. I was just going to go with the AEM setup on the left bank but wanted to get everyone's take on here first. Thanks in advance!


  2. #2
    I'm interested in this as well. Been back and forth on actually installing a gauge inside the car though. You can log the Innovate widebands right from the controller eliminating the need for a display. Part of me would like to be able to check it periodically with out the use of a laptop though.

    Any decent gauge mounting solutions? I'll probably remove the vent from the left side of the dash and build a holder.

    Edit, I like this analog gauge if I were to install one. I think it matches the factory gauges well.
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  3. #3
    Let me also add that I would like one that will work with the SCT X3 data-logging feature.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Dayton, OH
    I've been using an AEM 30-0300 wideband since early this year...I've been very pleased with its performance. I learned about it on the HPTuners can read a bit more about it here in this lengthy thread:

    Basically, someone was able to figure out how to modify the firmware in the wideband to get it to output data directly onto the vehicle's CAN BUS through the OBD-II port. The data is digital, so there's no analog voltage offset to worry about, and you can sample at an extremely high rate (I poll it every 10ms when logging data to adjust my WOT fueling). Since then, AEM has released the 30-0333 which has the firmware loaded straight from the factory, so no middle man like I had to go through. If you can get your logging software to recognize the data this way, it is by FAR the way to go. I've used an Innovate LC-1 way back in the day on another was decent, but I think AEM has developed a winner with this particular setup. More about it here:

    The gauge is the controller, so that's the only have to figure out what to do with it. Other widebands have even bulkier boxes (like the NGK AFX), so I was okay with the gauge. I mounted mine in my glove box so I can look at it when needed, but most of the time it is tucked out of the way. I can snap some pics of my install if you are really interested.

    My $0.02.

  5. #5

    I would love to see some pics! Also, do you know if this gauge will interface with the SCT X3? That will be what I am going to use for logging.

    I really wish they would just release HPT for Gen III's!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Dayton, OH
    Quote Originally Posted by 06SRTCoupe View Post

    I would love to see some pics! Also, do you know if this gauge will interface with the SCT X3? That will be what I am going to use for logging.

    I really wish they would just release HPT for Gen III's!
    I'll see if I can snap a pic this weekend when I get some better lighting in the garage.

    The AEM should interface with the SCT X3 provided the information I'm looking at is correct. The AEM has a 0-5V analog output, and it looks like the SCT X3 will accept up to two 0-5V inputs.

    I hear you on Gen III support from HPT...seems like a lot of people would appreciate it. I'm just not sure how high up on their priority list it is since the market is so limited.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Steve M View Post
    I'll see if I can snap a pic this weekend when I get some better lighting in the garage.

    The AEM should interface with the SCT X3 provided the information I'm looking at is correct. The AEM has a 0-5V analog output, and it looks like the SCT X3 will accept up to two 0-5V inputs.

    I hear you on Gen III support from HPT...seems like a lot of people would appreciate it. I'm just not sure how high up on their priority list it is since the market is so limited.
    Great thanks a bunch Steve.

  8. #8
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    Dayton, OH
    Shit cell phone pics, but you get the idea:

  9. #9 looks like I am going to do exactly what you did. That is the perfect mounting place and it keeps the gauge accessible while keeping it out of the way. Thanks again for sharing. Are you just running it off the right bank? Did you end up putting an extra bung in there? I have an extra bung welded into my left bank so I'll probably just route the sensor to that.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Dayton, OH
    The sensor is installed pre-cat on the driver's side...from what I could see, that was the easiest side to get the wiring into the cabin. It is the only reason I'm running high flow cats...the stock exhaust with the flex joint just didn't leave any room to install a second bung prior to the catalytic converter. I ordered the high flow cats from Jon B, and had extra bungs welded in on both sides...for now, the passenger side is plugged, but I could always move the wideband over to that bank or run dual widebands, but so far haven't seen the need.

    Overall, I'm happy with the install and the's nice to be able to see the gauge when needed, but they are very distracting since they are always bouncing around all over the place during closed loop operation.

  11. #11
    Yeah for sure. I'm thinking about trying mine without cats so I might get some straight pipes...but if it smells too bad it's an easy swap out.



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