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  1. #1

    Looking at this car. Thoughts?

    Seems cheap. I suspect salvage title or heavily damaged at some point based on the price. Thanks for any input.
    Last edited by SubStoker; 11-01-2016 at 02:41 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2015
    Western NY
    Gen 3 hood on a 2008 so clearly not original.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Dana Point
    Quote Originally Posted by Lizzardking308 View Post
    Gen 3 hood on a 2008 so clearly not original.
    As are G3 Wheels too.

    No vin listed, try to get the vin and do a google search, more often than not you'll see the listing pictures from the salvage auction sale.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by acrvprc View Post
    As are G3 Wheels too.

    No vin listed, try to get the vin and do a google search, more often than not you'll see the listing pictures from the salvage auction sale.
    It's in quebec. I have no idea why but a lot of cars go to Quebec and are fixed and sold. Not sure how the auction system works up here or if those photos will be readily available. Often those Quebec rebuilders will provide photos of the car prior to the repairs.

    That specific car has been advertised on the Canadian auto trader site for nearly a year.

    Recently there was a 2010 FE coupe in quebec that was repaired and it had 6-7K miles on it. They were asking $47,500 CDN and was fixed with gen correct parts.

    That 08 is priced high imho.

    - - - Updated - - -
    Last edited by parabs; 10-31-2016 at 12:58 PM. Reason: iOS horseshit

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Image 11 is interesting....don't think we should be seeing that much of the front tire

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    No mileage, no pics of engine? What kind of salesman is this? LOL Run, Forest, Run!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    Far enough west of Toledo
    Quote Originally Posted by labtec View Post
    Image 11 is interesting....don't think we should be seeing that much of the front tire
    No way there was a fender on in that pic. But other pics show complete on the left side...WTF?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Phoenix, AZ
    Lots of proof that there was work done to the front end - especially that #11 picture, the Gen3 hood, and even something so simple as the PCM plastic cover missing. Price could attractive if the repairs were done correctly - and you would really need to take a close look at everything prior to purchasing.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Tucson, Arizona
    Rocket knows his stuff when it comes to purchasing salvaged vipers. Listen to what he says. I've seen his work. It's amazing.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2015
    I shopped for my viper for nearly 3 years. I was shopping country wide (All of canada). I saw the pattern that every single quebec viper for sale was sketchy. At first it was kinda fun to figure out what the hidden situation was...but eventually, I just stopped searching in Quebec.

    From what I gathered from the patterns the typical good deal went this way. They buy a salvaged viper and fix it up over night. Post it for sale. The vin still shows a perfectly clean titled viper on the car fax. about 3 weeks later the vin FINALLY gets updated in the "system". They basically have a 3 week delay to sell the thing before it shows up as a salvaged car. I am not sure if it takes this long in other provinces....but in Quebec there is definitely a delay.

    I felt bad for the one guy. He was was selling his viper and realized while talking to me on the phone that it was a salvaged car. I thought he was gonna cry. He bought it under the impression it was clean titled. (bought from quebec of course) and drove it for 3 years. Now he goes to sell it, and suddenly this salvage title pops up. He had both car faxes (before he bought it and the up to date one). Sucks for him, just lost 10k in resell value.

  11. #11
    I had two conversations with gentlemen at the "dealership" and was informed that it is a US car with a salvage title.
    Good eye "Rocket"! The hood and front left fender have been replaced and the front clip repainted. They told me there was no chassis or engine damage.
    My contiplation is this:
    I don't need a cream puff show piece as the car will be a track toy. I'm about to turn my current project over to a buyer. This car has been referred to as "museum quality" which although is flattering it's in conflict of being mostly used as a track car. I don't want to get into this again.
    I couldn't care less about car shows.
    My struggle is for the same money as a good Gen 2 is it worth getting a potentially well repaired gen 4 of get a solid Gen 2?
    The performance advantages speak for themselves. Appearances? Well a gen 4 interior is lack luster at best (who cares?!?). The exterior? Who can say which is better? My wife likes the gen 4 more.
    Drive line? Gen 4 has a definite advantage.
    I appreciate the input folks!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Where are you located? If in Canada and if you're interested in a gen 3 vert I'm going to advertise mine if I buy the 2010 I'm working a deal on. Like you, I'm far more interested in driving my car vs having a museum piece.

  13. #13
    I'm in Halifax NS. I really appreciate your offer but I need a roof.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2015
    To my knowledge, a USA Salvaged car can NEVER be Registered as a road car in Canada if it is a flood car. It can only be a parts car or a track car FOREVER. You will have to read up on the RIV about it. Can you confirm if this thing is a flood car?

  15. #15
    It isn't a flood car. It had been damaged in the front end.

  16. #16

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by SubStoker View Post
    Drive line? Gen 4 has a definite advantage.
    The TR6060 is a definite upgrade over the T56. However, if you aren't going to be running big power, I think the drivelines are a wash.

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by 06SRTCoupe View Post
    The TR6060 is a definite upgrade over the T56. However, if you aren't going to be running big power, I think the drivelines are a wash.
    What about the rear diff/LSD?

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Quebec, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by viper04blk View Post
    I shopped for my viper for nearly 3 years. I was shopping country wide (All of canada). I saw the pattern that every single quebec viper for sale was sketchy. At first it was kinda fun to figure out what the hidden situation was...but eventually, I just stopped searching in Quebec.

    From what I gathered from the patterns the typical good deal went this way. They buy a salvaged viper and fix it up over night. Post it for sale. The vin still shows a perfectly clean titled viper on the car fax. about 3 weeks later the vin FINALLY gets updated in the "system". They basically have a 3 week delay to sell the thing before it shows up as a salvaged car. I am not sure if it takes this long in other provinces....but in Quebec there is definitely a delay.

    I felt bad for the one guy. He was was selling his viper and realized while talking to me on the phone that it was a salvaged car. I thought he was gonna cry. He bought it under the impression it was clean titled. (bought from quebec of course) and drove it for 3 years. Now he goes to sell it, and suddenly this salvage title pops up. He had both car faxes (before he bought it and the up to date one). Sucks for him, just lost 10k in resell value.
    I know there might be delay to show on the Carfax here in Québec ( max 10-15 days) but if it's a salvaged car it will show on the registration paper (as shown on post 16. ''Reconstruit'' means rebuilt) so it's impossible to buy one without knowing it.

  20. #20
    Image 12 you can see the Gen IV intake .......

  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by VIPER BAZ UK View Post
    Image 12 you can see the Gen IV intake .......
    Is that an issue?

  22. #22
    Decided against this car. Thanks for the input. Moderators please close/remove.



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