649 whp is a bold claim if just bolt-ons and the highest I've seen for a Gen4 with bolt ons is in the teens/low 620's. Many were frustrated when the op posted for help, and did not want to heed the advice being given.
For those that happen to search trying to get a Gen 4 to pass emissions - this is the info that I've garnered:
The Mopar PCM WILL NEVER pass an OBD inspection - as it does not recognize the secondary O2 sensor. Any OBD computer/tool will ALWAYS show that the secondary O2 sensor is NOT READY.
The stock PCM will throw codes at some point with headers.
Modded Gen 4's have passed emissions - by using the stock pcm - BUT some work is needed to temporarily fool the stock PCM from throwing a code.
- Driving technique is important during the 50-200 mile time it takes the stock PCM to reset itself and show ready when attached to the OBD device.
- One member reported using a new high flow cat installed just prior to putting on the stock pcm to get the stock pcm to not throw a code. He felt the cat's were a disposable item and worth changing out to pass emissions.
-- Some have reported that using one of the spark plug non-fowler extensions on the secondary O2 sensor will also help to get the stock PCM to not throw a code with headers (Used temporarily with stock PCM to pass emissions.)
- The O2 simulators do not seem to work with the Gen 4.
- Some headers/exhausts will not have a bung for the secondary O2 sensor after the cat - and the wiring/O2 sensor will normally be found zip tied along side in the trans tunnel.
Please feel free to add any additional insight if you have REAL experience as "hear-say" will drive people crazy trying to solve a real problem.
