Anyone have the ordering or contact info on the windshield clear wrap?
Anyone have the ordering or contact info on the windshield clear wrap?
The people that did my Clear Bra did ClearPlex on the windshield. Not cheap but it definitely saves the windshield. If you know of a DIY kit for the Gen 5 I would be interested.
Is this stuff cheaper than getting a windshield re-done by insurance? Also, if you use your windshield wipers, does the wrap scratch? I'm planning on wrapping my car head to toe, but this stuff seems to be pretty darned expensive for plastic wrap that only lasts a few years before it needs to be re-done...
It isn't cheap. I think mine was close to $400. A windshield is more (something like $750-$1000) unless covered by insurance. The ClearPlex covering does get pitted over time but when you pull it off the windshield is perfect. Plus if you take a rock and crack the windshield you run the risk that changing the windshield might cause other problems. I had it on my 09 ACR when I traded it and the guy that bought the car took it off before driving to Hastings for the Viper event last year. He took a rock and cracked the windshield. I have it on all my Vipers as my insurance does not cover glass.
I've always used ClearPlex and have loved it. That said, since you are in CA, you might look into Bray. A few of my Ferrari friends like it a lot.
Thanks for the info George and NT. I'm definitely going to look into this stuff.
"Is this stuff cheaper than getting a windshield re-done by insurance? "
They only pay if windshield is cracked and you have full glass. Then also even though its glass its still a strike against your insurance. I have this to keep the glass from pitting . I think I paid around 200-250 well worth it. Keep in mind it has an extra hard coating but over time windshield wipers will create scratches
Very worth it. I have Clearplex on my ACR. I regret not doing my 2013 because although it has no cracks, it has 10,000 pits from tracking and looks like shit to look through.
Yes it can scratch. I had a pebble thrown through the wheel well vent and landed on my windshield. I hit the wiper, and now I've got a feint arc scratch. It may have done that to the windshield too, so it was worth it regardless.
Darius had his windshield replaced after only a few track days (no Clearplex). I think the wheel well vents (in the hood) are the culprit- tossing rocks all over the top of the car and the windshield.
Interesting topic tho. My previous Z06 windshield was 1400 or 1600 if I remember correctly so getting it wrapped is a much better options.
How clear does this stuff looked installed?
Sounds like a good investment. Since I can't spend my money on modifications to make the car more powerful (since I want to keep my warranty intact), I may as well spend the money on keeping the car looking nice. Thanks for all the info!
Make sure you find a good installer. The upper corners on a Viper windshield are somewhat challenging to do. The material can come up there if not done correctly. ClearPlex reps showed my installer some tricks to get it right, something about cutting it on a 45 degree angle - don't really know for sure.