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Thread: No more ACRs

  1. #226
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Welcome Gerry. Congrats on your Viper purchases and I hope it goes well for you. I am sure it will.

    The news has been out there for some time to get your orders in. I chose to deal with a dealer that knew what was going on with Dodge to help me make sure I got my order in time. And it was with only days to spare to get it done. I could not get the color I wanted anyway so went with option #2. There is some inventory on the dealer lots yet and I would suggest buying them before they are gone if you want a new one.

  2. #227
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    Oct 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by ViperJon View Post
    The irony of it is:

    If Woodhouse had done it: GREAT move by Woodhouse really looking out for the Viper nation 'cause we will have a nice supply of cars and Bill P is a great guy to work with. Can't wait to see the Woodhouse special editions going to be fantastic. Way to go this is great news for the Viper nation!

    If Tomball had done it: Isn't this just like Bernie trying to corner the market on Vipers. This is very upsetting because they are sooo hard to deal with. Maybe I can talk to Courtney. I heard she gives much better pricing. Can only imagine the special editions. This is bad news for the Viper nation.

    But Gerry Woods did it: Who the hell do these guys think they are? The nerve.....thinking they can sell Vipers and we have never heard of them. And making their own special editions? As if they have a clue what they are doing. I was just going to pull the string on one after waiting two plus years...This is a disaster for the Viper nation. I'm getting a Vette.
    So true

  3. #228
    Join Date
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    Tysons Corner, VA
    Quote Originally Posted by ViperJon View Post
    The irony of it is:

    If Woodhouse had done it: GREAT move by Woodhouse really looking out for the Viper nation 'cause we will have a nice supply of cars and Bill P is a great guy to work with. Can't wait to see the Woodhouse special editions going to be fantastic. Way to go this is great news for the Viper nation!

    If Tomball had done it: Isn't this just like Bernie trying to corner the market on Vipers. This is very upsetting because they are sooo hard to deal with. Maybe I can talk to Courtney. I heard she gives much better pricing. Can only imagine the special editions. This is bad news for the Viper nation.

    But Gerry Woods did it: Who the hell do these guys think they are? The nerve.....thinking they can sell Vipers and we have never heard of them. And making their own special editions? As if they have a clue what they are doing. I was just going to pull the string on one after waiting two plus years...This is a disaster for the Viper nation. I'm getting a Vette.
    Jon, possibly so. I still think people would be bothered by them scooping up inventory and making the ACR uncustomizable. I think that's what many are taking issue with, you can't build the ACR to your specs. Again, if it were next April and it wasn't sold out, I don't think there would be heartache.

    It is an unknown dealer who did this, who hasn't been committed to Viper Owners for 25 years which I think makes this not sit well with some either.

    Oh well, bfd in the end.

  4. #229
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by ViperJon View Post
    After eight years of being a VCA Pill member I don't feel the need to join another club. But I support Dodge by buying three NEW Vipers in the last six years over 100K each. How about you lets hear how you've supported the Viper. One used car is it?
    I thought it was because you're a cheap bastard I stand corrected. Member or not we still love you.

  5. #230
    Quote Originally Posted by ViperJon View Post
    The irony of it is:

    If Woodhouse had done it: GREAT move by Woodhouse really looking out for the Viper nation 'cause we will have a nice supply of cars and Bill P is a great guy to work with. Can't wait to see the Woodhouse special editions going to be fantastic. Way to go this is great news for the Viper nation!

    If Tomball had done it: Isn't this just like Bernie trying to corner the market on Vipers. This is very upsetting because they are sooo hard to deal with. Maybe I can talk to Courtney. I heard she gives much better pricing. Can only imagine the special editions. This is bad news for the Viper nation.

    But Gerry Woods did it: Who the hell do these guys think they are? The nerve.....thinking they can sell Vipers and we have never heard of them. And making their own special editions? As if they have a clue what they are doing. I was just going to pull the string on one after waiting two plus years...This is a disaster for the Viper nation. I'm getting a Vette.

    And there she is. The elephant in the room finally!

  6. #231
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Brownsburg, IN
    I ordered the day pricing was announced in June, ordering had opened maybe a week or 2 before that. I have VIN 100. It was my guess (along with others) that ordering would close long before normal and we stated that in a few posts on a few threads. There were too many variables to have confidence in ordering staying open for the long haul, and obviously this was not a scenario anyone could have predicted.

    I feel pretty bad for those getting ready to pull the trigger on a 1 of 1 ACR. I know I would have been disappointed. If ordering does happen to open again, consider that your second chance and don't hesitate, it will probably close again shortly thereafter given what has happened.

    The good news is there are still ACRs to be had, and other 1 of 1 models you can still order, and while it may not be the exact car you had wanted to order, you might be able to get close. I know if I hadn't been able to order my 1 of 1, I had a few alternates in the back of my mind that in all reality I would have been 99% as happy with once the car was in my garage, it is funny how you convince yourself what you have is awesome once you are committed to it. Luckily there are ways to fill in some of the gaps with options, and even sending the car back to Prefix for stripes is possible. Realizing of course it is not the same and most likely more expensive to do any of this after the fact. Get some of these sample colors from Gerry Wood or contact our known dealers with existing inventory, you might end up liking it, and it saves the back-and-forth of making your own decision and wondering if it is the right one. The good news is you can see your car in person before you commit to it, unlike the 1 of 1 people.

    As for Gerry Wood, we've certainly heard of them now, and they are a sponsor, so good for them and the VOA. It is hard to say they don't like Vipers when they've bought that many without having them sold. So I hope they are welcomed into the community. The Viper world is small and not getting any bigger any time soon.

    Business is business, stuff happens, and unexpectedly the game changed overnight. Ordering would have closed anyway, IMO the fact that someone bought 135 only shifted it forward a little, or maybe just put a pause on ordering while they catch up and fully understand what it means for the supply of ACR parts. That is the past, the future is what you decide to make of it. Not ordering an ACR? Get your order in now. Wanted a 1 of 1 ACR? Time for plan B, whatever you decide that is.
    Last edited by SSGNRDZ_28; 10-05-2016 at 09:04 AM.

  7. #232
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Chandler, AZ
    This all sounds to me like a really smart move on FCA's part. I liken it to a custom house builder that has xxx lots left to build in his subdivision and has already purchased all of the materials to build those houses and has said that he can not build any more. People have been showing up at his showroom house looking at the options; but, haven't committed, and at some point in time an investor comes in and says, I will buy all of the remaining houses today.

    What would you have said as the builder/business owner? I realize that many of you aren't business owners; neither am I, but, I can certainly see the wisdom of their decision.
    Last edited by AZTVR; 10-05-2016 at 09:30 AM.

  8. #233
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Silver Springs FL
    This is a pleasant distraction from all the "engine blowing up" "FCA is the devil" threads....

    Carry on.

  9. #234
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Downingtown, PA
    Quote Originally Posted by AZTVR View Post
    This all sounds to me like a really smart move on FCA's part. I liken it to a custom house builder that has xxx lots left to build in his subdivision and has already purchased all of the materials to build those houses and has said that he can not build any more. People have been showing up at his showroom house looking at the options; but, haven't committed, and at some point in time an investor comes in and says, I will buy all of the remaining houses today.

    What would you have said as the builder/business owner? I realize that many of you aren't business owners; neither am I, but, I can certainly see the wisdom of their decision.
    Creating and selling a program aimed at the customer (1 of 1 ordering) only to sell out to a dealer who depleting an chance of a potential buyer to customize their own vehicle? Not to mention what issues FCA may face with warranties after these cars have sat on the dealer's lot for a lengthy period of time (thinking about PDV's situation).

    Not sure smart is the right word..

  10. #235
    Quote Originally Posted by Murpowa View Post
    Creating and selling a program aimed at the customer (1 of 1 ordering) only to sell out to a dealer who depleting an chance of a potential buyer to customize their own vehicle? Not to mention what issues FCA may face with warranties after these cars have sat on the dealer's lot for a lengthy period of time (thinking about PDV's situation).

    Not sure smart is the right word..
    Maybe Gerry Wood can comment, but from what I read they used the 1 of 1 to create 3 special editions. Those special editions have a grand total of 38.

    It seem's the gripe people are having is a dealer "snatched up" the last of the Vipers. We know the plant is shutting down in Aug of next year. That's 10 months away. Some of these parts take months to get. I am sure Dodge has an allocation for x number of parts. I'd have to think having the opportunity to have the remaining few Vipers picked up by a dealer well only 10 months to go made all the sense in the world. Connor needs to know exactly what Vipers are going to be built and what parts are going to be needed. Waiting until spring 2017 is not an option.

    When rumors started 12 months ago that 2017 was it, I was HOPING they would build Vipers up until the end of Dec 2017. It would have been better for me and a lot of people I am sure. I was planning on getting an order in Spring 2017 for late 2017 pickup. As the 2016 model year came to a close and 2017 ramped up it was VERY CLEAR orders would not stay open long. It was a math game. The second Dodge announced 248 "Special Editions" and 223 of those being ACR spec back in June and pretty much all of them being spoken for within minutes of ordering being opened that should have been everyones green light to shit or get off the pot.

    [sarcasm]Want to blame someone? Blame Dodge for making 248 special editions taking away from 1 of 1 allocations. [/sarcasm]


  11. #236
    Honestly, I have nothing personal against Gerry Wood Dodge or FCA, but I do think the situation is a little shady. I've talked to dealers, and this situation was not well communicated. If FCA had notified all the dealers that an interested party was about to snatch up all the remaining production capacity, and told the dealers that they had X amount of time to contact their customers and get their orders in, that would have been the right thing to do. There were a lot of people out there going through the back-and-forth one-of-one process of getting color chips, approving them, etc. Many of those orders got cancelled - and that is shitty to say the least. These customers and dealers were playing by the rules - "sold order" cars, following the somewhat complicated and time consuming one-of-one process as mandated by FCA, and they got hosed.

    From what I'm hearing from several sources, the GW deal was not communicated to the dealers - they all got blindsided by it. That put them in a bad situation - they now have pissed off customers, and the customers have to go to an unfamiliar non-local dealer to do a deal.

    Sure, everyone "should have seen the writing on the wall" but that really isn't realistic. We've all seen rumors of "the end of the world" so many times that we take it with a grain of salt. If FCA had sent an official and strongly worded notice to the dealers of what was about to happen, and given them time to contact customers, this whole mess could have been avoided. It was just horribly mis-managed - and that is sad since it sends the Viper out on a bad note.
    Last edited by Martin; 10-05-2016 at 11:02 AM.

  12. #237
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    North Carolina
    ^ this.

  13. #238
    Quote Originally Posted by ViperJon View Post
    After eight years of being a VCA member I don't feel the need to join another club. But I support Dodge by buying three NEW Vipers in the last six years over 100K each. How about you lets hear how you've supported the Viper. One used car is it?
    Not even close. I have multiple cars and 2 soon to be 3 Vipers. Have owned 5 Vipers in total along with many other Dodge products. That's how I support the Viper. Now stop being so cheap and support the VOA that you like to come to and post on so often. Surely you can afford it if you have spent over $300K on Vipers in the last six years. Lol.

  14. #239
    Whatever happens I am proud to be a new Viper GTC owner as of June 2016. I just love my car and looking forward to my ACR I ordered! Concierge is a class act and I'm sure they are doing the best they can with all considered. Whether they go up or down in price I personally do not care my sons can sell them when I'm gone-that's why I got two! There will be plenty of ACRs out there and to have one in any combo is a treat IMO. As my one friend stated, "I've never seen one in any combo I didn't like." I have to agree with him. I hope you all get what you want. Viper is American car history!

  15. #240
    I'm honestly surprised orders were open for as long as they were. It's a bum deal for those that were debating but if some of the colors for the solid package that they show on their images are what they are ordering they aren't all that bad. Looks like they have a couple of copperhead style cars inbound. The problem with notifying others is you run the risk of the person wanting to buy all of them coming back saying nope don't want to anymore. Money talks, business is business.

  16. #241
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Detroit, MI
    There is a lot of concern about not being able to get a 1of1 car. Cant the non-VIN assigned Gerry Wood cars be had in any way desired? Are changes that hard to make during the VON process? If I truly wanted a 1of1 ACR my way I would be hitting up Gerry Wood right now and trying to get a VON-assigned car changed asap.

  17. #242
    Quote Originally Posted by Murpowa View Post

    This may be hard for you and a few others of such stature to understand, however, not everyone can cut a check for 120k on a moments notice without some forward planning.
    Moments notice? Really? It has been known for at least six months or more that 2017 was the last year of the viper. That is a long moment.

  18. #243
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    San Diego
    Been on the fence about custom order but I am almost certain that they will have one close enough on the lot at some point and I will not have to wait. Good enough for me. Just glad the plant is going to be running at cap for he foreseeable future.

  19. #244
    Quote Originally Posted by ViperJon View Post
    The irony of it is:

    If Woodhouse had done it: GREAT move by Woodhouse really looking out for the Viper nation 'cause we will have a nice supply of cars and Bill P is a great guy to work with. Can't wait to see the Woodhouse special editions going to be fantastic. Way to go this is great news for the Viper nation!

    If Tomball had done it: Isn't this just like Bernie trying to corner the market on Vipers. This is very upsetting because they are sooo hard to deal with. Maybe I can talk to Courtney. I heard she gives much better pricing. Can only imagine the special editions. This is bad news for the Viper nation.

    But Gerry Woods did it: Who the hell do these guys think they are? The nerve.....thinking they can sell Vipers and we have never heard of them. And making their own special editions? As if they have a clue what they are doing. I was just going to pull the string on one after waiting two plus years...This is a disaster for the Viper nation. I'm getting a Vette.
    I have to say, John, that when your right your right.

  20. #245
    Quote Originally Posted by sadil View Post
    There is a lot of concern about not being able to get a 1of1 car. Cant the non-VIN assigned Gerry Wood cars be had in any way desired? Are changes that hard to make during the VON process? If I truly wanted a 1of1 ACR my way I would be hitting up Gerry Wood right now and trying to get a VON-assigned car changed asap.
    That was my understanding - I was told that the order could be changed as long as a VIN was not yet assigned and the car wasn't in D status. The only reason I have some confidence that this is true is that I was on the fence about a few options, and I was told that I could make changes between when the car was initially accepted and the VIN was assigned. Of course, I knew that I ran the risk of the changes being declined because someone else might have ordered the same thing, but that was more of an administrative issue than anything else.

    I think right now, GW might be afraid that their orders will get kicked out of the system if they try to make any changes. I know of a few people that did make changes, and that is what caused their orders to get kicked out of the system. Once you make a change, even if you have an approved order, you go into unapproved status until the order is re-approved. Right now, if you go into unapproved status, you're going to get kicked out of the system.

  21. #246
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    Feb 2014
    Downingtown, PA
    Quote Originally Posted by Special Ed View Post
    Moments notice? Really? It has been known for at least six months or more that 2017 was the last year of the viper. That is a long moment.
    Yes, as others have previously stated, who would have known that orders would have been opened and closed in less than a few months. Typically, you think you'd be able to order through 2017...

  22. #247
    Quote Originally Posted by Murpowa View Post
    Yes, as others have previously stated, who would have known that orders would have been opened and closed in less than a few months. Typically, you think you'd be able to order through 2017...
    Typically you would be able to.

    Typically 200+ Vipers of the final year don't "sell out within 40 minutes"

    With 2016 total production of being what? 600 give or take? And 1/3 of that sold in minutes for 2017 along with all the others who wanted to get in on the final year it really didn't take much thought to know the door could close at any time.

    Just look at the hints have been dropped for those who haven't been following along.

    8 weeks ago

    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Pemberton View Post
    We have one each of the most sought after Limited Models ( one 1:28, one Vooodoo, and one GTSR), and of course we have allocation to order a One of One. Though no one knows for sure when the ordering process will end, it is easy to extrapolate the numbers in already and take note that the cars will likely fill the estimated Production capabilities before this year is out. Logically, unlike most years, they will not request excess parts from suppliers and they can not extend the build time since the Plant is closing. Even upping production has virtually no chance ,as training new employees for a very short term is not viable. Hope that answers your question.
    6 weeks ago

    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Pemberton View Post
    This should alleviate the rumors of a set date for orders to cease of August 31st that has been stated from some Dealers. Kuniskis mentioning that the Plant is booked through March does give everyone a reasonable and reliable statement of how rapidly sales are going, though.

    3 weeks ago
    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Pemberton View Post
    Plant is being shut down, so like any company Dodge/SRT will need to have completion of the build process done by then. As noted by Tim Kuniskis last month build out is factored through March. There have been quite a few orders since then so it is not unlikely that the Viper will be sold out for production in the relatively near future. Sadil is correct, base models are in super low supply , but of course they would be higher than 85K as Dodge often posts pricing not including shipping and gas guzzler -- so add $5095. Least expensive 2017 SRT incoming or in stock is around 94K going up to 107K. There are around 27 2016s out there.

    Be happy to help anyone acquire one of those if they are interested.......heh, it's my job to ask,hehe.
    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Pemberton View Post
    Martin ,

    There is no Jan. 1st mandatory cutoff date. No date has been set by SRT/Dodge, yet heck for all we know things could happen sooner......

    Etc etc..
    Last edited by ACRucrazy; 10-05-2016 at 12:46 PM.

  23. #248
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Downingtown, PA
    So in other words, you would have had to stalk this forum as none of that information was "sticky" or publicly announced.

    In the end, it is what it is...

  24. #249
    Quote Originally Posted by Martin View Post
    Honestly, I have nothing personal against Gerry Wood Dodge or FCA, but I do think the situation is a little shady. I've talked to dealers, and this situation was not well communicated. If FCA had notified all the dealers that an interested party was about to snatch up all the remaining production capacity, and told the dealers that they had X amount of time to contact their customers and get their orders in, that would have been the right thing to do. There were a lot of people out there going through the back-and-forth one-of-one process of getting color chips, approving them, etc. Many of those orders got cancelled - and that is shitty to say the least. These customers and dealers were playing by the rules - "sold order" cars, following the somewhat complicated and time consuming one-of-one process as mandated by FCA, and they got hosed.

    From what I'm hearing from several sources, the GW deal was not communicated to the dealers - they all got blindsided by it. That put them in a bad situation - they now have pissed off customers, and the customers have to go to an unfamiliar non-local dealer to do a deal.

    Sure, everyone "should have seen the writing on the wall" but that really isn't realistic. We've all seen rumors of "the end of the world" so many times that we take it with a grain of salt. If FCA had sent an official and strongly worded notice to the dealers of what was about to happen, and given them time to contact customers, this whole mess could have been avoided. It was just horribly mis-managed - and that is sad since it sends the Viper out on a bad note.
    100% with you.

  25. #250
    Quote Originally Posted by Murpowa View Post
    So in other words, you would have had to stalk this forum as none of that information was "sticky" or publicly announced.

    In the end, it is what it is...

    No, you just had to pay attention to what was going on and realize the last year of the Viper was going to be popular and plant closes in August. Understanding that its a hand built Viper, made in low quantities and nearly half of those were sold as "Special Edition" by Dodge. It really wasn't tough to know the end was coming sooner than later. I wanted a warning. A heads up. I wanted to wait to order. But after poking around, trying to get an answer from someone on the forums I realized know one had them to share here.

    It was just clear that the orders would fill quickly and there were only so many slots available for the hand built car.

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