The date for final phase in for side air bag (Ejection Mitigation) was decided way back in 2011 and finalized in 2013. If you want to read the entire article click on the link and then go to "Table 5—Final Rule Lead Times and Phase-In Schedule" interesting reading.
Might be why the Plant Manager at CAAP said all Vipers have to be finished my mid-August,
Table 5—Final Rule Lead Times and Phase-In Schedule
For vehicles manufactured on or after the first date and before the second date The number of vehicles certified to FMVSS No. 226 shall be not less than this percent of the manufacturer's annual production of vehicles May credits be used?
On or after September 1, 2013; before September 1, 2014 25 percent Yes.
On or after September 1, 2014; before September 1, 2015 50 percent Yes.
On or after September 1, 2015; before September 1, 2016 75 percent Yes.
On or after September 1, 2016; before September 1, 2017 100 percent Yes.
On or after September 1, 2017 All vehicles, without use of credits No.