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Thread: No more ACRs

  1. #26
    My wife and I have been putting this off all summer and decided over the week end to order one. Monday we talked to our dealer Paul and said we will order it on Tuesday, anyway I could not get there in time so he said lets meet Thursday. We talk Wed and he said that the orders are done, holy crap. Anyway to make a long story short he had (had) 2 on the showroom, but about 1 hour ago one is now on my driveway!!

  2. #27
    Which one did you get? The black, or the gunmetal?

  3. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by Mark1107 View Post
    My thread was deleted, but one dealer in North Carolina ordered 90 ACRs and made their own special editions. Go on car gurus and see all 90 of them.
    I heard 135

    Edit for desktop link
    Last edited by ACRucrazy; 10-01-2016 at 10:36 AM.

  4. #29

    We bought the gunmetal

  5. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by ACRucrazy View Post
    WOW! I wonder how long it will take to sell them all.

  6. #31
    Gerry is going to be very rich or over leveraged.

  7. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by Doug D View Post

    We bought the gunmetal
    That's a nice car!

  8. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by Mark1107 View Post
    Gerry is going to be very rich or over leveraged.
    The memory is still very vivid in my mind when the last "end of Viper" panic happened. I was annoyed because some of the really nice special edition ACRs were going for $20k off of MSRP because they sat for too long.

  9. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by Martin View Post
    The memory is still very vivid in my mind when the last "end of Viper" panic happened. I was annoyed because some of the really nice special edition ACRs were going for $20k off of MSRP because they sat for too long.

  10. #35
    Anyone notice that some of the VINs listed at Gerry Wood Dodge seem odd? The last digits seem too high and many are sequential.

  11. #36
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Detroit, MI
    Im sure Gerry Wood hasnt even been asigned VINs for all those Vipers and that is likely why they are using bogus VINs. Regardless their "special edition" bs atill makes me laugh. Sucks that they cleaned house and blocked everyone elae from ordering custom!

  12. #37
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Doug, fantastic, congrats! That is one if the most bad ass ACRs I've seen. Loyde nearly bought it, instead he ordered a red/black extreme with Normandin's last allocation.

    Are you taking it to the VOA dinner at Normandin? I'll bring my newly striped ACR

  13. #38
    Quote Originally Posted by Martin View Post
    The memory is still very vivid in my mind when the last "end of Viper" panic happened. I was annoyed because some of the really nice special edition ACRs were going for $20k off of MSRP because they sat for too long.
    If they are truly making this many these will be as well. Only so many people want ACR's not to mention nothing says "special" like a thousand of them hitting the lots late next year. A Gerry Wood special edition should be priceless.
    Last edited by ViperJon; 10-01-2016 at 06:14 AM.

  14. #39
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Tysons Corner, VA
    Snooze you lose.

  15. #40
    Quote Originally Posted by ViperJon View Post
    If they are truly making this many these will be as well. Only so many people want ACR's not to mention nothing says "special" like a thousand of them hitting the lots late next year. A Gerry Wood special edition should be priceless.
    This^^^ And, do we think FCA is going to be sympathetic to the dealers who overdid it and over leveraged their floorplans? It won't shake out like last time where the company offered incentives to help the dealers out - this time it will likely be ugly. Well, if I get a new job by the time those hit the lots and wild discounts start happening, I might just pick up an extra ACR on the cheap. The one I have on order is kind of special to me, so I don't know if I want to beat the piss out of it on the track...

  16. #41
    Is this true? We can't order an acr now? Any confirmed sources if this is permanent or just temporary?

  17. #42
    Quote Originally Posted by Doug D View Post

    We bought the gunmetal
    Congrats, that's an awesome choice. One of my favs. Enjoy!!

  18. #43
    Quote Originally Posted by sadil View Post
    Im sure Gerry Wood hasnt even been asigned VINs for all those Vipers and that is likely why they are using bogus VINs. Regardless their "special edition" bs atill makes me laugh. Sucks that they cleaned house and blocked everyone elae from ordering custom!
    100% agree with this statement. I can only imagine how many people were in my boat just to watch their dream slip away. The worst thing is all those cars he ordered are not custom one of ones from what it looks like. Most likely none of the aCR,s have rear carpeting or 18 speaker stereo. Which is what I wanted

  19. #44
    Quote Originally Posted by ViperSmith View Post
    Snooze you lose.
    Don't really agree with this statement. Cause it's only been 3 months into the ordering process for a 2017...I guess I'm just butt hurt. This really sucks..

  20. #45
    Quote Originally Posted by gatesy21 View Post
    Is this true? We can't order an acr now? Any confirmed sources if this is permanent or just temporary?
    All we know is what's in this thread. Nothing official has been released that I know of . But you definitely can't walk into a dealer today and order one that's for sure

  21. #46
    Quote Originally Posted by Martin2000GTS View Post
    100% agree with this statement. I can only imagine how many people were in my boat just to watch their dream slip away. The worst thing is all those cars he ordered are not custom one of ones from what it looks like. Most likely none of the aCR,s have rear carpeting or 18 speaker stereo. Which is what I wanted
    It's definitely a scary thought. Not that I really "needed" a Gen V ACR-E, but after sitting in a chemo chair for eight hours a day, five days a week for months on end, I decided that I would reward myself with the car if I beat the cancer. The minute my blood tests started coming back clean, I tried for days to muster up the strength to get to the dealer and do the deal (without barfing anywhere or passing out when standing up - which was pretty common at that stage of the chemo). I got lucky and got my order in just in time - but if I hadn't, I would be seriously disappointed that I missed the boat. I spent so many hours screwing with the configuration tool on that I would be really bummed if the orders were closed when I finally was able to get in there and finalize the order.

    Truth be told, I had heard rumors of a cutoff in order acceptance at the end of September, but I thought it was just that - rumors. It was enough for me to get my sick ass down to the dealership and do the deal, though. I'll put that one in the pure luck category because I just as easily could have waited till my CT scans came back totally clean (which they did this week - yay) and I would have been more than butt hurt.

  22. #47
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    Apr 2015
    You could always contact Garry Wood and see if they will sale you one of their slots or change one of their builds to match the exact build you want. Dodge probably doesn't like people to change the build, but I'm sure it can be done. Especially, since they are not even close to actually building some of these cars. As long as your build is unique and hasn't been taken by someone else you should be good to go.

  23. #48
    Quote Originally Posted by ACR08 View Post
    You could always contact Garry Wood and see if they will sale you one of their slots or change one of their builds to match the exact build you want. Dodge probably doesn't like people to change the build, but I'm sure it can be done. Especially, since they are not even close to actually building some of these cars. As long as your build is unique and hasn't been taken by someone else you should be good to go.
    This is a great idea! I can't hurt to try.

  24. #49
    Join Date
    May 2016
    Fairfax County, VA
    It's so random, but we brought our 15' SRT at Garry wood last April.

    They treated us like royalty.

    A month or two ago I received a text from the sales manager asking if we were interested in trading in our Viper for a 17', because they picked up the rest of the orders on all remaining Vipers. I was shocked to hear this.

    I'm going to keep my eye on inventory, but I'm assuming they will sell every last one of the ACR's. If not, maybe around this time next year I'll have an ACR-E in the garage instead, depending on if they will throw incentives on the car. I highly doubt they will have trouble selling these beasts.

  25. #50
    You guys are freaking me out I placed a one of one order for a 2017 ACR 10 days ago haven't heard back yet hopefully I'll know something this coming week. James at Concierge said at that time all should be OK...We'll see what my dealer says this week. Hoping!!!

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