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I dont know.. I think it was a bold and possible a smart move of what Gerry Wood has done... They now will be able to have some control on the ACR market..Now if someone wants a ACR they are going to have to possible buy one of there cars... Wood can control the price a bit, maybe sell a few at a time. If they control market share they could keep the price strong...Look all the other dealers including the big three could have took Woods leap of faith on the ACR and bought more inventory as well but they didn't. Wood must think very highly and have a strong faith in this car or he would not have taken such a big risk.. I know this really sucks for those who have not got there 1 of 1 order in , but everyone still has the opportunity to purchase this great car..Its just going to be from dealer inventory, just like we have been doing all along...For all of us that love the Viper this could be a good thing if he can keep the price and demand strong......