With all of these orders......
I wonder how it will effect quality control.
It seems like a lot of Vipers were ordered for 2017.
If I recall, didn't all the two hundred something special edition ACR's sell out in the first day.
Then if you add the Gerrywood orders on top of the other big 2 viper dealers with a bunch of custom 1 of 1 orders, I bet they are 700-800 deep in orders.
They might be time and part restricted.
Really sucks that so many of the Gerry Wood vipers are just such odd color combinations that I cant see people liking. Most of which wont have the 12 or 18 speaker stereo and interior carpeting.... Jeeze if Dodge knew they were down to 100 left over ACR-E's would have been nice to let them all be 1 of 1's. Would have been nice of them to give the big dealers a heads up, as I am sure between the big 3 dealers there were probably a large amount of people in the process of putting an order together.
I know business is business and they would probably rather sell all the cars and be out, but with that much time left I'm sure the last 100 would have been sold over the next few months no problem to special 1 of 1 customers. sucks big time for all the people that were in the process and just days away from putting in an official order.
All makes sense.
If I was closing a factory and could completely sell out - order everything needed it would be a no brainer.
Just in time manufacturing having everything delivered right when it's needed is a way of life for factories only way to accomplish that eliminate guess work which is what took place with the limited editions.
Call the dealers Monday morning - it's obviously true you don't see the members / dealers posting guys who are mad or waited it is what it is.
I still don't buy it that this dealer was able to get this large allocation. It doesn't smell right. But anyway, the interior carpeting for the trunk and insulation is a DIY if you really want it that bad. Don't fret over that. The 12/18 speaker system....do the Mopar speaker upgrade. Point is, find an ACR-E that you want and add in the speakers after the fact. When you get your ACR, trust me, you won't give a shit about the speakers or trunk carpet. You'll be too busy having a blast in the Viper. Be patient, some dealer somewhere has what you're looking for. Just need to patient and persistent.
Only time will tell if there will be a repeat of dealers sitting on large allocations of 2017's only having to have trouble selling them. This could be a situation whereby those with patience could be rewarded with good deals.
I would be curious to see how Gerry Wood is going to price the cars. His adds list MSRP, but they are followed with this caveat:
"*MSRP is the Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price (MSRP) of the vehicle. It does not include any tax, tag, title, dealer added accessories, and administrative fee. Pricing and availability may vary based on a variety of factors, including options, dealer, specials, fees, and financing qualifications. Consult your dealer for actual price and complete details. Vehicles shown may have optional equipment at additional cost. *The estimated selling price that appears after calculating dealer offers is for informational purposes, only. You may not qualify for the offers, incentives, discounts, or financing. Offers, incentives, discounts, or financing are subject to expiration and other restrictions. See dealer for qualifications and complete details. *Images, prices, and options shown, including vehicle color, trim, options, pricing and other specifications are subject to availability, incentive offerings, current pricing and credit worthiness. *In transit means that vehicles have been built, but have not yet arrived at your dealer. Images shown may not necessarily represent identical vehicles in transit to your dealership. See your dealer for actual price, payments and complete details."
I know it is fairly standard wording, but there are a couple of holes you could drive a truck through. Eventually pricing should depend on supply/demand, I guess.
I agree - and the fact that the VINs look to be rather bogus makes it smell even less right. I might be less suspicious if they listed the VINs as "TBD". It would be hilarious if people called them on that - and demanded to get the car with the specific VIN that they advertised.
They sure are getting a lot of publicity from this stunt, though.
Don't worry about color. When they have 80 left they can't sell in 2018 you can just take your $40,000 in savings and have it painted whatever you want.
A lot of things do not add up with this story. One - as another member had mentioned, that's a huge amount of inventory to have on your floor plan. It would be unusual for FCA to allow an exception for something like this, which means the dealership would have to prepay some of it and we are talking millions here. Two - I was always told that any 1 of 1 order must be a sold order. This in turn makes it theoretically impossible for a dealership to order any 1 of 1 cars. Three - their "special editions" are idiotic and some of the color combinations (like black and gold) are a disaster.
All shall be revealed on Monday by some of the dealers that frequent this forum.
I did some more digging on the ACR VINs listed on the JW Dodge website. I think they were generated by some VIN calculator because they have a valid check digit (but they are all the same). The check digit (digit 9) is used by the DMV to catch invalid VINs.
The smoking gun is that all the strange looking ACR VINs have "X" as the check digit. This is where whoever generated all these VINs may have inadvertently screwed up. There are 11 possible values for the check digit yet almost every one of their ACRs listed has "X" as the 9th digit. What are the odds of that? There are a couple of low ACR VINs that are actually real VINs but the majority of them are randomly generated. So if the last 6 digits of the VIN are unusually high for a Viper and the 9th digit is an "X", it not a real car just a made up VIN.
I also confirmed with the concierge that 1 of 1's are sold orders only so I don't think it is possible that most cars they have listed are real.
Edit: There is another batch of mysterious VINs where every check digit is a 3. Very unusual.
Last edited by EZ 2B Green; 10-04-2016 at 01:32 AM.
I have talked direct with the owner of JW and it is true. Who said he put them on a floor plan? I am sure that he will sell all of the ACR's.
I hate to say this, but it makes me feel like 100+ people just got robbed out of their dream 1 of 1 ACR-E's.
He thinks it will be an instant classic. I still say give it 15 years for the Ford GT effect
Tell me about it... I have a pristine '97 B&W with only 7776 miles on it. I'm not driving it because I figure when it hits 7777 miles that will be my lucky dayPeople like me are the ones that are keeping the prices of these cars down. There are still too many of them out there. The ones that are driven are still getting crashed pretty frequently - those things definitely earned the Viper reputation for being a car that wants to kill you every time you drive it. I am pretty confident that in a few years, once Viper production is a distant memory, the no-stories cars will skyrocket in value. I'm not selling mine, though - it's got too much sentimental value.
From what I'm hearing from a few people that have orders in that are in the danger zone of being cancelled, the ones where someone recently (like within the four or five weeks) picked a custom color are the ones at highest risk. The extra time it took to pick the custom colors might have messed things up. We'll see what the real story is when someone highly credible chimes in - but from what I'm hearing in the rumor mill, any order that was put in within the last few weeks might be in trouble due to this mess.
God only knows if they'll open the ordering process up again. I think it would take a situation where any dealers who are gaming the one of one system get their orders cancelled. Just doesn't seem right that the one of one system could be used to order large quantities of cars that aren't sold-orders.
Might be spreading more rumors here.....but.....My local dealer that I was working with called me this morning, He spoke to James (from the Viper 1 of 1 program) that was helping us with my build last Monday. According to James, my dealer said 95% of what is being said is not true, and they are reassessing the situation and will have more info on Wednesday"......that's it.
Take that for what its worth. I'm not trying to spread rumors, I want my 1 of 1. It just gives me 2 more days of hope of potentially positive information.
I have spoke to a very reputable dealer over the weekend who is convinced its over. I do tend to believe him.....crossing my fingers that the 1 of 1 program will be back shortly....
Last edited by Martin2000GTS; 10-03-2016 at 09:45 AM.