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  1. #1

    How to remove front bumper cover

    I did some searching but didn't come up with a Gen 3 or 4 instructions.

    I scratched my lower front cover and want to fix it. How hard is it to remove the front bumper cover?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2015
    Northern England
    Here's a reply from another thread, I've not done it myself, but a local bodyshop did it when they repainted the bumper last winter to get rid of stonechips

    Quote Originally Posted by sideways06 View Post
    Bumper is easy to remove. Just follow around the bottom and fender edges and remove all bolts you see. Then remove the front fender liners and there are 2 nuts inside the outer edge of the bumper (to the outside of the headlights). Then there are 4 bolts inside the grill that you remove from the bottom front. Finally, remove the bolts from the top with the hood up.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Yup pretty much it, take note of the rubber lining around the headlights when you install it and make sure not to push them behind.



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