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  1. #1
    Web Site Committee
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    Oct 2013
    Nu Yawk

    Tired of burning CDs?

    I'm sick of it. Also annoyed of having to store them in our limited "storage space".

    Rather than upgrading the OE radio system entirely or to adapt it to accept some MP3 player (phone or otherwise), I took a chance and spent $20 on this little item. Thrilled with the simplicity, the "fit" and the audio results!

    • Absolutely static free FM transmission
      Fits easily into lighter - has flexible arm so you can configure it to best position (no wires)
      Has "<" and ">" to move to previous or next track
      Has MICRO FLASH CARD (up to 64 GB!) slot so you can pretty much store every audio track you'd ever want to hear
      Has a cable to wire your phone or some other player if desired
      Has volume control and some amplification so your radio will play at regular sound pressure
      Has a USB slot so you can still charge whatever necessary

    • Only basic controls, i.e., no shuffle or play lists
      Screen LCD isn't as bright as I'd like, though it's actually brighter in direct sunlight - might be fine with a fixed roof

    All things considered, this is the simplest and least expensive solution that I've found for anyone in a GEN 3/4 (can't recall the lighter location in the GEN 1/2 but it might also work) that's sick of burning CD's for their antiquated stereo system. Hey, it's $20.

    oria wireless.jpg

    Amazon Link:
    Last edited by City; 09-26-2016 at 11:15 AM.
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