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  1. #1
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    Tired of burning CDs?

    I'm sick of it. Also annoyed of having to store them in our limited "storage space".

    Rather than upgrading the OE radio system entirely or to adapt it to accept some MP3 player (phone or otherwise), I took a chance and spent $20 on this little item. Thrilled with the simplicity, the "fit" and the audio results!

    • Absolutely static free FM transmission
      Fits easily into lighter - has flexible arm so you can configure it to best position (no wires)
      Has "<" and ">" to move to previous or next track
      Has MICRO FLASH CARD (up to 64 GB!) slot so you can pretty much store every audio track you'd ever want to hear
      Has a cable to wire your phone or some other player if desired
      Has volume control and some amplification so your radio will play at regular sound pressure
      Has a USB slot so you can still charge whatever necessary

    • Only basic controls, i.e., no shuffle or play lists
      Screen LCD isn't as bright as I'd like, though it's actually brighter in direct sunlight - might be fine with a fixed roof

    All things considered, this is the simplest and least expensive solution that I've found for anyone in a GEN 3/4 (can't recall the lighter location in the GEN 1/2 but it might also work) that's sick of burning CD's for their antiquated stereo system. Hey, it's $20.

    oria wireless.jpg

    Amazon Link:
    Last edited by City; 09-26-2016 at 11:15 AM.
    2008 SRT10 Open Roof (1 of 2)
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  2. #2
    Thx for the heads up, ordered one! Now do you have a $20 fix for the shitty 3 speaker system too lol
    Last edited by TwinVipers; 09-26-2016 at 01:49 PM.

  3. #3
    this is awesome, can you stream your favorite music channels through this?

  4. #4
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    It has a bluetooth reception and will handle your cell phone calls, so that would suggest to me that it can.
    2008 SRT10 Open Roof (1 of 2)
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  5. #5
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    My only concern is quality of the sound. One Amazon review said this:

    ByAmazon Customeron September 8, 2016
    Verified Purchase
    a lil static but simple to installed

    I like my music loud but a little static would make it a deal breaker for me. What you say City?

  6. #6
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    I saw that review too. Trust me, if it were $2 more, I wouldn't have taken the risk (cheap bastage that I am).

    All I can say is that I plugged the unit into the lighter, changed the FM frequency from its initial default setting 108.0 MHZ to 107.9 MHZ, one "click". Turned my 8 year old OE radio to FM 107.9 and after one creepy deep voice alert of something like "pairing to your radio" (can't remember the actual voice recording ... but it's serious Darth Vader creepy) I had music. Clear as a bell!

    I did notice at first that the sound was relatively low (compared to my typical CD volume), but I soon realized that the middle knob (actually the only knob) is a volume control. Turned it up a bit and all is good.

    I can't speak to the review you mentioned, but my Viper radio links up fine with absolutely no static. Same clarity as my CDs.

    The unit doesn't FEEL like a typical chinese made product. It's surprisingly nice looking and substantive. Hell, it could break in a week, but for the moment, I'm thrilled to have all my music available from one single source.
    Last edited by City; 09-28-2016 at 01:47 PM.
    2008 SRT10 Open Roof (1 of 2)
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  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by City View Post
    I saw that review too. Trust me, if it were $2 more, I wouldn't have taken the risk (cheap bastage that I am).

    All I can say is that I plugged the unit into the lighter, changed the FM frequency from its initial default setting 108.0 MHZ to 107.9 MHZ, one "click". Turned my 8 year old OE radio to FM 107.9 and after one creepy deep voice alert of something like "pairing to your radio" (can't remember the actual voice recording ... but it's serious Darth Vader creepy) I had music. Clear as a bell!

    I did notice at first that the sound was relatively low (compared to my typical CD volume), but I soon realized that the middle knob (actually the only knob) is a volume control. Turned it up a bit and all is good.

    I can't speak to the review you mentioned, but my Viper radio links up fine with absolutely no static. Same clarity as my CDs.

    The unit doesn't FEEL like a typical chinese made product. It's surprisingly nice looking and substantive. Hell, it could break in a week, but for the moment, I'm thrilled to have all my music available from one single source.
    Thanks for the clarity....about the clarity.

  8. #8
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    Well, I bought one for the family car. We'll see how it does!!!

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by SNKEBIT View Post
    Well, I bought one for the family car. We'll see how it does!!!
    Well, we are wild and crazy guys!
    2008 SRT10 Open Roof (1 of 2)
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  10. #10
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    They make one too that is not on the extension, but it does adjust for angle.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by FrgMstr View Post
    They make one too that is not on the extension, but it does adjust for angle.
    I noticed that. Just make sure that it doesn't interfere with the hand brake. Can't tell if it would, but it may be awkward.
    2008 SRT10 Open Roof (1 of 2)
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  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by City View Post
    I noticed that. Just make sure that it doesn't interfere with the hand brake. Can't tell if it would, but it may be awkward.
    Never use the e-brake anymore after they ate $1000 worth of rotors! But yeah, it might get in the way.

  13. #13
    I just picked that one up and it works fine. Then again, my hand isn't the biggest mitt out there.

    Still a little bit of compression breakup in some tracks (heavy bass) but much better than my previous Motorola Roadster 2.

    That little device does have a miniplug audio out, I was trying to think of an easy way to get that plugged into my RB1.

  14. #14
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    Hehe, ordered the "shorty" one I linked above, will report back.

  15. #15
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    Happy it's working for others. Probably didn't notice the "heavy bass" because I drive with the top down ... and my hearing is long gone from a high school of Jimi Hendrix.
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  16. #16
    a lot of my porsche guys get the transit blu that actually taps into the antenna of the radio if you want to keep the stock radio. cost $150 and has bluetooth.

  17. #17
    I picked one of these up this past week after stumbling across this thread. As the OP stated, it seems to work pretty good..for now. The clarity is good as well, I didn't have any issues with static. Only tested it for about half an hour. I've only had my viper for about 2 months now and burning CD's was getting old quick. When i bought the car I distinctly recall asking myself, "When was the last time you actually burned a cd?" haha.

  18. #18
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    OK, got mine in and tested. Very impressed for what it is. Streaming Amazon music on my phone using 107.9 channel sounds as good as it does on my home system. Got the short neck version and it is out of the way of the e-brake. Thing even tilts back really easily to me me get to the knobs on the AC panel. For $20, it is a no-brainer. It seems very well built. And the hands free for the phone works better than the hands free on the head unit does.

  19. #19
    I got this one from amazon, its small and sounds great

    FrgMstr where did you get that shifter, its awesome.

  20. #20
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    Got it a couple years ago from MGW in GA. I do not think they sell those any more. That was the fourth shift knob I had in my Vipers and by far my favorite.

  21. #21
    I have a local fm station here with a strong signal on frequency 107.9 , will this still work ok?

  22. #22
    You can tune the frequency at which it broadcasts so it should still work.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chorps View Post
    You can tune the frequency at which it broadcasts so it should still work.
    Exactly. Find a gap on your FM band in your area and tune both the radio and unit to that frequency.

    Whew ... glad it's working for folks. If it was much more than $50 I would have been reticent to recommend. I DID finally notice the "heavy bass" issue mentioned by Chorps on some tracks. If necessary, you (hardtop guys and gals) can dial down the bass frequency a bit and that helps. Anyway, I just freed up a LOT of space in my console by throwing away 25+ CDs!
    2008 SRT10 Open Roof (1 of 2)
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  24. #24
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    Got mine today. Great find City. It paired right up with my iphone 6 and started playing. It took me longer to remember how to set a radio preset for it. I too did the console cd clean out.

  25. #25
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    what is a cd?

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