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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    Kewarra Beach, Cairns, Australia

    CAT converter advice

    My previous thread related to power issue and cat etc........ well i have had my Viper (2005 SRT10) towed to garage where it is deemed a CAT has gone on left side.
    Wierd thing is this only happened a few miles after having the crossover pipe removed when Belenager Tips fitted (The 489 dollar ones from Viperstore)
    My question is, i obviously need to buy new Cat from Mopar asap..... (as i live in Australia....) i find it unusual a CAT converter has failed.
    Is there something else that should have been done? I have never heard or read anywhere about CAT failures by removing Crossover pipe......
    I didnt want high flow CATs but would i be wise getting these seeing as i removed crossover pipe and fitted Belanger tips?
    I only wanted a reasonable increase in sound hence getting the Tips (which also gives the side exit points a nice look :-)
    I am at a bit of a loss on what to do.
    I prefer to keep standard CATs if its ok. Anyone else experienced CAT converter failure removing crossover pipe?
    Cheers, Mark

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Lucas, Texas
    If you took a hammer to any of the exhaust components to remove those could explain the the 11 year old cat failure...that and time. And yes, they do break over time, the fact that yours did does not surprise me.

    Not sure what you mean by "tips" but just the exit of the exhaust, that should change really nothing. I assume you did a full cat-back replacement?

    I would put high flow cats on it and call it a day. No way in hell I would put stock cats back on the car.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Tucson, Arizona
    Cats definitely can and do go bad on ya. For a number of reasons.

    High flow cats and you should be good. No cats is, IMO, a lifestyle choice. It's loud and you can smell the unburned fuel. Some people really like it, I don't. I've had high flow cats on both my Vipers.

  4. #4
    He's in Australia, I think they are super strict on, well, everything, so he probably has to stay with stock. Shame. I had a stock cat go last year, but not as a result of any mods or banging, at least that I'm aware of. But I agree with the other posters that cats definitely fail. One reason I went with hi-flow cats because the dealer wanted drug money for replacement stock parts, and hi-flows were cheaper.

    To answer the OP's other question, you don't need to go with hi-flow cats just because you removed the cross-over or installed a cat-back.



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