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  1. #1

    Where does this third connector on the cowl ground strap connect to?

    I received a new cowl ground strap and I have no clue as to where the slip connection goes. I see that the main connection goes on the cowl support (in between the plastic cowl and the cowl's metal flashing). And the second one can go on one of the wiper motor bolts, correct? But where does this third one go? It slips on somewhere, but I can't find anything in the FSM or the factory parts diagram.

    Strap is for a 99 GTS, my car is a 96 GTS. The dealer couldn't find one listed for the 96. Not sure if that matters or not.

    Last edited by MacGyvers Mullet; 09-07-2016 at 04:57 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2015
    Western MD
    I just looked on my 97 GTS (715 miles... so far)

    I have the 3 point harness and only 2 are connected?????

    The clip is in upper left of picture.

    I assume this was done on purpose OR someone left something off at the CAAP plant assembly line.


  3. #3
    Ha, well that is interesting. With our both of our half-realized knowledge combined, we may be able to figure this out.

    I'm sure that your loose end will go in between the upper part of the cowl support and the cowl itself. Take out that screw, slip the sucker in and you should be good to go. See here:

    It also looks like the slip on connection in the picture within that link is also heading up towards where you have it installed. I will go with that then.
    Last edited by MacGyvers Mullet; 09-07-2016 at 05:38 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2015
    Western MD
    TADA, that's it.

    Yours is fixed and mine is fixed, all in just a few minutes!!!!!

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by SnakeWatching View Post
    TADA, that's it.

    Yours is fixed and mine is fixed, all in just a few minutes!!!!!
    Yup! Thanks for your piece of the puzzle!



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