I recently picked up our 2005 Viper convertible, getting 'back into' the groove we put some highway miles on it. One hot afternoon I noted a severe vibration sitting at a red light. I stopped at my cousins house, idled it and saw the air filter/duct shaking. Turning the car off, removed the air cleaner (a few phillips head screws/couple of plastic screws). The cooling fan had a chunk out. Called JonB, had a new assembly delivered. The fan alone cannot be replaced.
Popped (screws thru fascia) the bottom front cover loose from the fascia, picked up a pair of 'push pin' removal pliers from Napa, drained a few gallons out of the radiator (plastic petcock), removed the top radiator hose, and disconnected an aluminum cooler attached to the passenger side front near the radiator, laying it out of the way. Removed the lines feeding the hydraulic fan, one hydraulic line from the power steering and another from the front of the engine, removed the four bolts that held the cooling assembly, and two push pins at the bottom of the cooler, Lifted the assembly, disconnected the hose, wiring, lifted it out and took a nap. Cleaned up the area, wiping down the different components.
Reversed the procedure, accidentally over filled the power steering...(proper fluid is critical, no room for guessing, ABC had the correct fluid). Connected everything, left covers off, let idle till warmed up... turned off, let heat build, restarted the car, cooling fan worked... smoooooth!!! no drips, not hits, no errors... reassembled the covers, showered took wifey to dinner....
No more vibration, nice relaxin cruise....
Push Pin Pliers are.... the tool to have... takes the frustration out of the deal... I can do mechanical work, do not enjoy it... typically.. this was really enjoyable, knowing everything was correct, clean, and no broken/missing plastic connectors/fasteners...