Just like the electronics world that adds small improvements to cell phones, TV's, and gadgets and tries to persuade us to buy the newest and baddest when it really is just one step up from the last, this is exactly what SRt has done here. Putting some aero refinements and subtracting some amenities for weight, they have accomplished the task, in a very cost effective way, of selling it to us as the newest and baddest. Orange to this car is like B/W was to the 96 GTS.
A great haircut can change looks dramatically. Good job SRT.
Great point there Mr. Smith
Last edited by slitherv10; 01-09-2014 at 03:36 PM.
Detroit auto show gives the new sting ray car of the year again for the performance category too.
They did a nice job with the car, as SRT did with the Gen5. There has been a lot of anticipation toward the new Vette, and a lot of "They still make the Viper?" The cars are both great, but 95% of the people out there only know one exists.
I don't agree that these are little tweaks that keep us keep using the newer models, that doesn't apply North of $100,000. They didnt put out a model that was meant to take the performance world by storm, it was meant to appeal to the imported leather, pretty paint job, this car drives so nice people. It didnt work, so all you have seen since the initial models is performance models, it in itself says we had to go back to the drawing board, not we had these all along we were just hoping people would buy this one with a spoiler since their first purchase didnt have it.
Last edited by Troublemaker; 01-15-2014 at 10:07 AM.