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  1. #11
    So after looking at this thread here is the deal. When we looked at our cars we originally only saw the first page, we have over 4 pages of Special Edition and GTC cars on order. Well over 200 Vipers. So it was an oversight, when we spoke with Andy. We do have VIN's on a few cars and lots of VONs. It is all fairly irrelevant as with VIN numbers, they are assigned production times and have not been assigned beginning production or starting down the line yet. All of this can change as FCA is still working on organizing all of it, with so many limited editions they are building sold orders first. The reason we have not posted anything online, or spoken with our customers on the cars regarding dates , we have ordered is because we do not want to draw a picture and set expectations with customers until we have accurate and informed information from FCA.

    Andy sorry we didn't mean to give you or any of our other special edition buyers the wrong information, and again we like to have precise and informed information on production dates, the cars are still months away from seeing the first editions, we are stoked to get our cars and when we know they have moved down the line and out of "C" , "D" or "D1" will be when we are able to communicate that our cars are moving through production.

    Thank you for your patience and your orders on our Special Editions.......
    Last edited by Tomball-Dodge; 08-23-2016 at 05:49 PM.



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