If I take my ACR near a farm of cows will they deny my warranty if my bearings happen to take a dump from the added HP of surrounding methane?
If I take my ACR near a farm of cows will they deny my warranty if my bearings happen to take a dump from the added HP of surrounding methane?
I don't know why but this actually made me laugh!
If a cow looks at your car, good luck. You're screwed since the PCM tracks the number of cow stares.
Haha. We have no choice but to laugh. Might as well get used to seeing failed motors.
haha, now everyone is in the same boat as me. Welcome aboard!!
Posting a question about whether your warranty is still good, voids your warranty as only someone who's been up to something that would void the warranty would ask, even if you haven't been, so you're screwed. But, at least you're not a cow, it never ends well for them. Yum.
Your tires may slip on the cow dung causing you to lose control hit the accelerator and redline the car to spin a bearing.
Id be scared roaming around cows in a Laguna interior Viper, many were lost to create that rich interior!