I will most likely get a chance on Wed.
I will most likely get a chance on Wed.
3 hours.
3 HOURS! at the dealer with the star scan.
I can't get the "Adaptive Numerator NOT Learned" to "Learned"
Okay... Went through this procedure 4 times. Not working. I am Very Appreciative to Mark for his time on the phone trying to help me through this debacle. At his advice I put the stock one back in. Then reset it, and had it need to go into learn mode. It would not learn it. This led him to think potentially the crank sensor may be malfing or just dirty... Anyone else got any input here? Code P0315 still prevelant - Crank sensor. Ironically, the car seems to run fine. Not sure how but, its obviously smarter than I am. Can anyone tell me where the sensor is on the block? Ramps needed or can it be reached from the bay? Thank you
Getnlwr -
Last edited by Getnlwr; 01-16-2014 at 03:20 AM.
Is the code present with the stock PCM?
It's "pending" It will be active next drive cycle. (IE when I go to work tomorrow)
Mark, I was concerned. The first time I tried it last week I had it at about 1/3 tank. Before I went to the dealer yesterday I put 3 gal of trick 101 unleaded in it then topped it off with 92.
Is the manual reset the reset I was doing with the StarScan or something else?
Be sure to check the wires at the PCM harness. Had this problem with my 06. Loose wire caused a crank sensor code. Check this link. http://engine-codes.com/p0315_dodge.html
The Chrysler made sensor appears to be pretty cheap... like under $30 cheap from VPA or any other source
Where is it located on the motor...?
09viperacr -
If I can't get the OE sensor to read correctly I'll be trying looking at the harness and if I do get it to work I'll be trying the MOPAR controller again.
A chat with an engineer would be nice but I got the feeling that ain't gonna happen. I need to get the wiring diagnostics and figure out atleast what plug the crank sensor wires are in (minimum) or where they are in the plug (ideal) Those little pins are fragile. I did check all of them on both computers BEFORE installation the second time around, and the condition of them AFTER removal.
Last edited by Getnlwr; 01-16-2014 at 07:15 PM. Reason: More info
Drove the car 22 miles to work then back to home. Check engine light did NOT turn on, and my OBD2 SCAN from the torque APP no longer shows the P0315 PENDING. Tomorrow, I'll be at the dealer hooked up to the STAR SCAN to see if it accepted the "Learned" status. If it has, I may swap out the race PCM one more time and see what happens. The Tech won't be at the dealer however he worked it out with the guys in the shop and just told them to hand me the STAR SCAN when I get there. Mark, you are right. . . I do have a good dealer. He might not know everything about the viper but he's willing to work with me. So far All I have had to pay was 1 hr shop labor for the initial install/program vin+mileage. No charges for anything else. I know I'll be paying for the crank sensor to get replaced, but I don't think it will be too bad. It'll give me an excuse to do the poly tran mount at the same time, and if i can help it maybe a set of stoptech rotors.
Thank you to everyone who has offered suggestions and input.
Today, Back at the dealer. StarScan says: OEM pcm states it is "learned" and running perfect.
Okay... back at the delaer again last night with the mopar pcm in. Now states "learned" beats me what the differences were or what happened, but its purring like a kitten with the growl of a tiger now. Thank you for the help from everyone. I appreciate it. Also found an oil leak last night on the passenger side of the motor. Appears to be near the oil lines. From what I've heard its relatively common amd its now the next project needing resolution.
Again, thank you everyone!
Mark and Tom have been great help on the phone, and have a lot to offer the community.
Currently stuck at the same step 5.4 with a new PCM in my ACR. Using a Starscan. Starts idles like crap and throttle doesn't work.
Edit: that issue was the ETC relearn didn't work first few go arounds. Currently doing the Misfire TEC Learn.
Last edited by ACRucrazy; 04-30-2015 at 08:40 PM.
So far so good on the new one