2 hours at the dealer... in the shop trying to get this fu***g thing programmed right. It took the VIN, window drop works as it should. Took 5 tried to get the gas pedal to work. Ugh... At first the VT was trying to program it via a wireless tool that was synced to the computer in the shop. When we switched to a handheld tool stuff started to work correctly and programming got better. I got to the point when you have to do the speed up to 50mph then slow down to 20 in second gear and I did it repeatedly and it did not change the values. I am also getting a crank sensor error. Engine seemed run correctly. The VT ran out of time and asked me to bring it back. VT thought driving it may get it to read and doing a few drive cycles might help it. On the way home after a stop somewhere else the Check Engine light came on. He pre warned me that it might, and that it wouldn't hurt anything. Ironically, I bought the thing to help reduce the chance of getting the CEL lighting up, and the race PCM is what ends up lighting it up.
I could use some words of wisdom from you guys. Most of you guys know this stuff well, please give any advice if you have it.
2008 model year.