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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Lake Stevens, WA

    Help Needed for MOPAR PCM module.

    2 hours at the dealer... in the shop trying to get this fu***g thing programmed right. It took the VIN, window drop works as it should. Took 5 tried to get the gas pedal to work. Ugh... At first the VT was trying to program it via a wireless tool that was synced to the computer in the shop. When we switched to a handheld tool stuff started to work correctly and programming got better. I got to the point when you have to do the speed up to 50mph then slow down to 20 in second gear and I did it repeatedly and it did not change the values. I am also getting a crank sensor error. Engine seemed run correctly. The VT ran out of time and asked me to bring it back. VT thought driving it may get it to read and doing a few drive cycles might help it. On the way home after a stop somewhere else the Check Engine light came on. He pre warned me that it might, and that it wouldn't hurt anything. Ironically, I bought the thing to help reduce the chance of getting the CEL lighting up, and the race PCM is what ends up lighting it up.

    I could use some words of wisdom from you guys. Most of you guys know this stuff well, please give any advice if you have it.

    2008 model year.
    Last edited by Getnlwr; 01-16-2014 at 03:01 AM.

  2. #2
    If the learn procedure was not completed, yes it can throw the CEL on and even put the car into limp mode or misfire.

    You need to get the tech to complete the learn/drive procedure. We did mine in my garage and took it out on the back roads to get the misfire detection learned without issue.

    Wish I had a tip for ya, other than if its not learned I would put the stock PCM back in for now.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Lake Stevens, WA
    When I got back after the drive ( I did the learn cycle instead of the VT ) I had the instructions in my lap while doing the cycle. With the crank sensor not being learned or if the car didn't accept the sensor info, would the misfire detection system not be able to learn? He looked at the 1-32 range, that are supposed to be numbers other than 10000 and they were still at 10000 on all of them.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Merritt Island Fl.
    Good luck, sorry don't have any advice BUT I will be watching this thread, because this is the kind/type of issue, that is holding me back from going the Mopar RCM route, because my little local Dodge SRT dealer MIGHT Not have the skills to do this mod, and then I'm stuck like you are now.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Montgomery Texas
    Sounds to me like your Viper Tech needs to call a more experienced Viper Tech and learn how to install a Mopar PCM lol. If he didn't install it properly I'm not surprised it didn't function correctly.

    Hopefully he gets it installed correctly and you get to enjoy the car.

  6. #6
    The steps for installing the PCM are VERY specific and if they are not followed to a tee there will be problems. When they first came out the instructions were vague and there were problems at the dealer level, but once this was changed and the instructions detailed there have been very few issues. Swapping tools in the middle could be the issue, I would have him try and start over first, it that doesn't help call me and we can try to find another route.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by mjorgensen View Post
    The steps for installing the PCM are VERY specific and if they are not followed to a tee there will be problems. When they first came out the instructions were vague and there were problems at the dealer level, but once this was changed and the instructions detailed there have been very few issues. Swapping tools in the middle could be the issue, I would have him try and start over first, it that doesn't help call me and we can try to find another route.
    Agreed. I wish I had more input when we flashed mine. I was just the dude in the drivers seat reading the directions and pushing the gas pedal. My buddy was the one going through all the menus. It was his first time doing one for a Viper and didn't have any issues.

    I will take pictures/more detailed info when I do another one this spring from scratch for the forum. Right now the car is in storage until we get above 0 and the snow melts. :/

  8. #8
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    When I get a non raining day, I'll be heading back to the dealer to try and give Mark a call if it doesnt work again. I still have thw instructions next to me, and I distinctly remeber the tech telling me the computer that programs the car doesn't have the same menu options as described in the instructions. It was pretty frustrating at that point. The code the pcm is showing is p0315 crank sensor not learned.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Getnlwr View Post
    When I get a non raining day, I'll be heading back to the dealer to try and give Mark a call if it doesnt work again. I still have thw instructions next to me, and I distinctly remeber the tech telling me the computer that programs the car doesn't have the same menu options as described in the instructions. It was pretty frustrating at that point. The code the pcm is showing is p0315 crank sensor not learned.
    here you go ...the installation on my 2008 went smooth with the Chrysler computer in the car, me driving, the mechanic doing the computer thing...a few minutes of driving.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Houston, TX
    I have a question. I have not had any problems with my Mopar PCM. But, it in order to pass annual state inspection I have to put the original back on and then run the emissions tests, then put the Mopar back on after that. I would like to do the swap from Mopar back to OEM myself then drive the hundred miles then get the inspection done, then put the Mopar back in myself. Is there any problem with this? I am under the impression that once the Mopar unit is properly installed this swap can be done with the simple relearn happening during the 100 mile drive etc.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by MtnBiker View Post
    I have a question. I have not had any problems with my Mopar PCM. But, it in order to pass annual state inspection I have to put the original back on and then run the emissions tests, then put the Mopar back on after that. I would like to do the swap from Mopar back to OEM myself then drive the hundred miles then get the inspection done, then put the Mopar back in myself. Is there any problem with this? I am under the impression that once the Mopar unit is properly installed this swap can be done with the simple relearn happening during the 100 mile drive etc.
    That is correct, just a mechanical swap, but if you have mods then you can still get a CEL and non pass.

  12. #12
    I have swapped in my stock PCM a few times without issue.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Houston, TX
    Very good MJ/ACR, thanks! My mods are in my signature. I have not had any CELs so far (except when O2 sensor burned).

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by MtnBiker View Post
    Very good MJ/ACR, thanks! My mods are in my signature. I have not had any CELs so far (except when O2 sensor burned).
    Yeah missed that sorry, glad to hear you can run your Belangers without the PCM and still pass.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by mjorgensen View Post
    Yeah missed that sorry, glad to hear you can run your Belangers without the PCM and still pass.
    Wasn't easy but I was able to get my 08 (full Belanger exhaust No Mopar PCM) to pass OBD2 port smog test 2 months ago. Took 2 hours and a few days of higher rpm drive cycles/ higher idle rpms to remove all but one "inc".

  16. #16
    We used the old starscan on mine. Buddy said he hates it because its slow, but it worked.

  17. #17
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    Lake Stevens, WA
    I had a great conversation with Mark today. I appreciate everyone who is offering advice.

    The Star scan is the hand held scanner? We went back and forth between and hand held one and the wireless one linked to a desktop. Does the hand held thing (about a foot wide touch screen computer) do the same thing as the wireless on the desk top? Do I have to use one specifically or the other specifically?

    Instructions I have are these:

    Where I think we got stuck was item 5.4 in the instructions. The P0315 code would also indicate this as far as I can tell. coincidentally I had to scan these instructions in. I couldn't find a copy anywhere on the web. I also have it in a PDF instead of JPEG if anyone wants a copy of it.

  18. #18
    The starscan was the wide hand held that plugged into the OBDII port.
    5.4 is what took him some time to find IIRC

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    Lake Stevens, WA
    So he should be able to do it all with the hand held thing...

    one other thing. Per the instructions...

    for 5.4 -

    Put Key to Run... engine off ( I think)
    reset TEC and MANV,
    Fuel tank is nearly full... (with 25% 100 octane mixed with 75% 92oct.

    When you get to the bottom with the:
    "Perform the misfire TEC LEARN procedure and allowing the car to reach operating temperatures Keep engine below 2400 RPM or the learn will be prematurely ended"

    Does the car have to be COLD when this is started? If it doesn't, How long should this take if it's already warmed up?

    It says to then back out of screen then the instructions to set the adaptive number.

    This is where the issues are coming in.

  20. #20
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    I think the issue you have is that they did not re-learn the adaptive numerator, which aligns the crank position of your particular car. Every car differs a bit so you need to set that on a new PCM. It requires a drive cycle where you bring the car up to about 4000 rpm and let it coast down to idle (no brakes). I do that a few times then check with a scanner to see if it has passed. Hope this helps.

  21. #21
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    I ran into this on the last Mopar PCM i installed. The latest version of the WI-Tech will not let you reset the info for the misfire relearn.It won't even let you see it. I spoke with someone very familiar with the unit. And he said the PCM was designed to be installed using the Star Scan. So I would go back and start over using the Star Scan only. Hope this helps.

  22. #22
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    As Tom noted, newer wiTECH has an issue here.

    Older edition that we used that day was wiTECH Application 12.01.109 which had proper steps to reset misfire relearn. After using 12.01.109 edition, the Mopar PCM install proceeded normally.

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    Alright! This is pretty much narrowed it down to the cause. I'll try it at the dealer with the Star Scan, unless there is a private individual in the Puget Sound area with one. From there if it doesn't work, I got a lot of info from Mark to try out as well.

  24. #24
    I would think once you get a starscan you should be G2G. Enjoy the new PCM!

  25. #25
    Tech Team

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    Hampstead NC
    Have you had a chance to try programming the PCM again?

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