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Thread: Viper Raffles?

  1. #76
    VOA Mamba Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BADD ASSS CARS View Post
    You were at NVE1 correct?
    Do you know for a FACT that your ticket was actually in that SQUIRREL CAGE???
    Was it video taped the entire time from when the tickets were taken from Detroit all the way to London OHIO till the winning ticket was picked
    You seen a bunch of paper(tickets?) on a table did you actually see your ticket with your name on it???? Didn't think so
    Same goes for NVE2 "SMOKING MIRRORS" is what you are seeing
    And... do we REALLY know for a fact why a non-member, with only 40 posts, decides to question something obsessively, which couldn't be done with more bleeding precision and transparency - over two years after it occurred...? Hmmm, even Jesse Ventura is shaking his head.

    I don't want to dignify ridiculous accusations (with what also seems to require a 1 hour expectation on a response) with more rationale that you'll simply ignore. The process has been made clear to you on more than one occasion and by several people. You're not here to help, or to provide insight, you're here to fight and push an agenda - and most people reading your rants know the real intent of your questions and from where they're coming from. Enough please.

    I'm not going to be overly politically correct about this, as it deserves the same lack of respect these forums have received from you... You wanted a response from someone higher up in the VOA, here it is: Fix the "?" on your keyboard, it's annoying.

  2. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by BADD ASSS CARS View Post
    Thanks for being a swell guy and not trying to beat up on me
    If I was TROLLING I would have more than 42 post
    Keep you eyes closed and everything will be good
    Whitesnake is a respected member around here and people like having him around, which is clearly more than can be said for you. He also carries himself with class and dignity which I'm sure is why he didn't respond to your backhanded comment.

    If you want to levy charges about impropriety in money handling, why not throw them at the club that has a documented history of that? As opposed to making baseless accusations about the club that has run everything above board from the beginning and continues to grow in membership?

    If you didn't go to NVE 2 and won't go to NVE 3, why do you care how they run the door prize? It doesn't seem that it effects you.

    Bottom line is, your juvenile antics are not entertaining and no one is enjoying them. Save us the trouble of clicking the ignore button and take your poor attitude and snide comments to a forum that wants them. Though I doubt you will be able to find one.

  3. #78
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    South of London, Surrey
    Unbelievable! Seriously, has anyone bought a raffle ticket from another charity or car club at a show? I have. Have I ever questioned whether my ticket was in the draw or not? Honestly, No I have not! I have bought a raffle ticket knowing that some of the funds will go to a cause of some sort and someone will win a prize.

    There were some bad goings on within the old club a few years ago which came to light in heated meetings.

    Everyone, we are a group of Guys and Girls who want to meet fellow Viper owners and share the passion we have in our cars. Time to let the Bitterness go, there are many clubs out there. If someone has no wish to join a club, fine. But some of us like to share tips and help each other enjoy our cars.

    LET IT GO!
    Last edited by Fatboy 18; 08-05-2016 at 10:56 AM.

  4. #79
    My memory of the drawing at NVE1 was that everyone stood in line to get a ticket without a name, only a number, before going into dinner that evening. There were a given number of attendees so that number of tickets were printed and numbered sequentially - say 1 to 500. Then at the appropriate time they put on the video and noted that out of the possible 500 tickets they only handed out a given number (say 482 in order from 1 to 482). In the video all the tickets were laid out on tables in order and they took tickets 483 to 500 off the table. Then they proceeded to take the remaining tickets and drop them in the cage - all done via a continuous feed. Draw a ticket, announce the number and see which person has that ticket/number. No names, no driving, pretty straightforward process.

  5. #80
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    I remember the same as Blackhawk. There were no names on the tickets though they did capture the number/ ticket you received with your name on a separate sheet of registrants when you registered for dinner to get your ticket to start with. They went to great length to show all tickets on the table beforehand and then they were thrown into the cage and the ole major drew the ticket. Pretty on the up and up. Fraud never crossed my mine then, and still doesn't now but seeing Tony P in the dinner ticket line to get a ticket only a few spots in front of me, still haunts me to this day that I should have come down that tiny bit sooner. Oh what could have been. Always Vegas, I guess! Would be nice to have a shot at a car between NVE events though.

  6. #81
    Join Date
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    If one is looking for trouble with the NVE1 give away, then you are truly stirring up trouble for the sake of being a keyboard warrior. Sometimes I really don't understand folks agenda's when they decide to be a part of a great community and club. It is truly about the car and the friendships it promotes, not the tearing apart of an organization that works hard for it's members.

    Winning a car has to be considered an incredible perk


  7. #82
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    Edmonton, Alberta
    Quote Originally Posted by BADD ASSS CARS View Post
    You were at NVE1 correct?
    Do you know for a FACT that your ticket was actually in that SQUIRREL CAGE???
    Was it video taped the entire time from when the tickets were taken from Detroit all the way to London OHIO till the winning ticket was picked
    You seen a bunch of paper(tickets?) on a table did you actually see your ticket with your name on it???? Didn't think so
    Same goes for NVE2 "SMOKING MIRRORS" is what you are seeing

    Were you paying attention at all at NVE1? Why would anyone need to see the tickets being transported? There is no names on the tickets, they are matched set of numbers, person with the matching ticket number wins the prize. Personally I watched as the camera panned the tickets to watch for my number. I saw it on the table, then watched as they picked up all the tickets and dumped them in the cage. Then they even had the mayor or police chief(some non affiliated person) actually draw the ticket. What more do you want?

  8. #83
    Join Date
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    What more do you want?[/QUOTE]

    He just didn't want to be a Big Loser! As we can see though......

  9. #84
    Join Date
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    chino valley, arizona
    thanks for setting record straight about whitesnake; nice post! the only thing bad about the NVE1 dinner and raffle was it was hot standing around in line while getting tickets-- the guy that won was in front of me in line, that upset me. As for dumb ass and his cars-- maybe a road trip to visit him and align some running lites; Excuse my poor attitude, it's something i picked up in 'Nam.

  10. #85
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    Quote Originally Posted by GABOON View Post
    thanks for setting record straight about whitesnake; nice post! the only thing bad about the NVE1 dinner and raffle was it was hot standing around in line while getting tickets-- the guy that won was in front of me in line, that upset me. As for dumb ass and his cars-- maybe a road trip to visit him and align some running lites; Excuse my poor attitude, it's something i picked up in 'Nam.
    Thanks. Not that whitesnake needs anyone to defend him, but he has us none the less.

    and no worries abour your attitude. We tend to look out for each other around here. We are very welcoming to new members. But protective of our friends,

  11. #86
    Join Date
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    This thread is why you shouldn't smoke meth

  12. #87
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by ViperSmith View Post
    This thread is why you shouldn't smoke meth
    How else am I supposed to clean the house top to bottom in 30 minutes?

  13. #88
    Join Date
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    Ohio - Florida
    In case you didn't see the pics of the doorprize winners with their Vipers.


    NVE1 Detroit - 2013 GTS Launch Edition - Tony P. (ViperTony)

    NVE 2 - New Orleans - 2016 GTS - Justin and Meredith

    Justin and Meredith with their friends from VOA Houston

    NVE 3 - Las Vegas - April 2018 - And another Viper doorprize!

  14. #89
    Join Date
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    South of London, Surrey
    Awesome pics Many congratulations to all the winners

  15. #90
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by daytonprowler View Post

    NVE 3 - Las Vegas - April 2018 - And another Viper doorprize!

    Your giving away a Gen 4 ?

  16. #91
    Quote Originally Posted by Shooter View Post
    Your giving away a Gen 4 ?

    Of course not. Get III or bust.

  17. #92
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shooter View Post
    Your giving away a Gen 4 ?


    Rest assured we'll have a couple of 2017's set aside.....

  18. #93
    VOA Mamba Member
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    Shhhhhhh! : )

    I think you'll all like the car being planned... we're narrowing on the approach and have a couple cool directions to go. It won't just be one of a kind because of NVE, but perhaps something else that adds even more significance.

    As for the pic... we love all gens - wish I kept my Gen4, I miss a convertible. Oh can I say it?... All Gens Matter!!.

  19. #94
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    Quote Originally Posted by GABOON View Post
    the only thing bad about the NVE1 dinner and raffle was it was hot standing around in line while getting tickets-- the guy that won was in front of me in line, that upset me.
    Don't be upset with upset with the nice lady that meandered into the line in front of us.
    Last edited by ViperTony; 08-09-2016 at 02:40 PM.

  20. #95
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    Quote Originally Posted by daytonprowler View Post
    In case you didn't see the pics of the doorprize winners with their Vipers.


    NVE1 Detroit - 2013 GTS Launch Edition - Tony P. (ViperTony)

    Damn...I was 60 pounds heavier that day. Apparently winning an NVE door prize also results in weight loss.

  21. #96
    Join Date
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    chino valley, arizona
    hey-- i am not upset with you!! i am bothered that you got the winning ticket and i did not, thus the drawing was rigged--right? NVE2 I got no complaints, looks like it was luck of the draw.

  22. #97
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    Quote Originally Posted by GABOON View Post
    hey-- i am not upset with you!! i am bothered that you got the winning ticket and i did not, thus the drawing was rigged--right? NVE2 I got no complaints, looks like it was luck of the draw.
    Got it, no worries. You'll win at NVE3. I've foreseen it.

  23. #98
    Join Date
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    I'll be bringing a gun. I'm getting that car one way or another!

  24. #99
    VOA Mamba Member
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    From what I've gleamed since my short time living in AZ, you'd probably have brought one anyway...

  25. #100
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chorps View Post
    Of course not. Get III or bust.
    Dammit. I didn't see the vents on the hood.

    Your giving away a Gen III?

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