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well, i can tell you where i have been - away. far away. after leslie and i became moderators, we saw alot of things behind the scenes that we werent comfortable with. we werent sure what was going on, but we knew something was going on.
i remember when Chris was moved ("elected") from one position to another. (cant remember the exact details now). from president to something else i believe? anyway, written notices would come out from "other people", but i could tell it was Chris writing them, even though it had some elses name on them, i knew better.
because the marshalls hated johnb, we were asked (told) by chris to specifically target him. not from leslie and i, but Jonb always had a target on his back and never had a chance no matter what he did. chris' problem was i have always liked Jonb and consider him a friend, but i wasnt about to target anyone on the boards.
if we werent on the boards 24/7, we would get nasty pm's about it. i guess it was our fault that we had a job, or a life, or something besides the VCA. lee apologized once for his little nasty gram, but it went in one ear and out the other because we knew he meant it. and if you havent figured it out by now, lee has a very bad habit of doing that - saying or doing something stupid, then being forced to apologize for it later.
mary was relentless with pm's about do this, do that. i think she had an even bigger hand in the clubs activities than we all think. IMO, the comment "my presidents" was a good indicator of her mindset within the club.
i also never did like the whole VPA/Parts Rack conflict, especially knowing about most of the whole marshall/jonb history. but we were always told to heavily promote the VPA by Chris. i assumed part of it was Chris' hate for Jonb and chris probably wanting the hurt Jonb financially, but now we know Chris also benefited financially from the VPA.
i could go on and on. leslie and i are good friends. she is a wonderful person. we talked alot back then and still do occasionally today. but after a ton of emails, we both decided we had enough and quit the club about same time to save our good names. IMO, about the time the VPA was formed, is about the time the VCA was no longer fun for us and everyone else and started its downhill slide.
i came back, out of curiosity, to see what was going on after i got an email that basically said the HMS VCA-Titanic had hit an iceberg and was starting to sink. the "letter of doom" and everything that has happened after that, proved to me my gut suspicions were right all along.
why did i stay? because of alex. i have casually known alex for a long time, and i think i have a very good idea what he is all about by now. even though the VCA accuses him of being a member of "the last regime", he was not a DISHONEST part of that regime. big difference. a corrupt and dishonest few does not mean everyone else is corrupt and dishonest too. alex's (and other peoples) frustration can be heard in that phone recording that was made when lee was making a fool of himself again. janni, city, and a few others were just the icing on the cake for me. i know alot of us (especially the old timers) still have our guards up right now, but getting a club back under the control by the right people is a great start, and i think given a little time, we will be able to let our guards back down and have fun again real soon.