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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Brownsburg, IN

    DSE-VP-CP-00x Gen III and IV Carbon Fiber Closeout Panel:

    Dodge Viper Gen III and IV Carbon Fiber Closeout Panel:
    The main purpose of the DSE closeout panel is to direct the path of high - pressure cool air from the grille through the radiator and / or airbox as desired instead of flowing around into the engine bay without being utilized. Another advantage of the closeout panel is improved look under the hood.

    The result is more efficiently used air - lower coolant temperatures when running on the track, and/or more airflow into the airbox depending on the version of panel and the configuration used.

    2 Versions
    There are 2 versions of the panel: “standard” and “ram air”. The standard version is a flat design that promotes maximum cooling airflow at all times. The “ram air” version has molded outlets that feed the Gen III and IV hood ducts with high pressure air to feed the airbox.

    One advantage of the “ram air” version is configurability, where the holes can be blocked as needed when maximum cooling is preferred (on track) but left open when maximum airflow through the airbox is needed (maximum acceleration,
    reduced IAT, etc.).

    The closeout panel is constructed of hand laid carbon fiber which is cured in an autoclave. Several layers of automotive clear coat are applied for UV stability and a high gloss finish. The panels are 100% USA made by motorsport professionals.

    Gen III Owners
    Due to the depth of the Gen III underside hood scoops there is a chance for contact with the closeout panel near the radiator. The use of felt tape on the hood or panel should mitigate any rubbing that could mar the finish of the closeout panel or hood.

    Available for purchase at:

    Ram Air Version

    Standard Version
    Last edited by SSGNRDZ_28; 07-19-2016 at 12:09 PM.



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