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  1. #26
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Bremerton, Washington
    I was at a local track recently taking my 2014 GTS out for the first time. There were a couple really quick cars who would come up on me while I was sorting things out and I gladly pointed them by so I could get on with my sorting out the Gen V (previous Viper was 99 RT-10 which was set up for track). I was very polite, but I got one comment from an instructor riding along in a Callaway Corvette. He said I didn't point to pass 2 straight times. He said they were right behind me and I wasn't looking for them. I was trying to pass a slower car then , but was watching my mirrors. I told them I was sorry, but at my driving schools they taught us to "present ourselves" by going out a half a car width to make sure you show up in the drivers mirror. The Callaway was very low and the GTS has spotty rear vision if you are right on my tail you may not be seen. It was no big deal and it was the first time I had been told about not pointing by. The nice thing is that it wound up be a word to the wise for both cars.

  2. #27
    Join Date
    Apr 2016
    New Jersey
    Hey George, clear out your PM box. I'm trying to reach you. PM me after you've made some room.

  3. #28
    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    Woodinville, WA
    I work as racing school instructor (well, one of my jobs!). It is often difficult to sort out who's letting whom by when multiple cars stack out behind one car, especially in intermediate or novice groups. Everyone feels they should be getting let by first! I am sure the instructor was reacting to his driver getting irritated, although he should had focused on de-escalating his driver's stress level, not giving you "feedback". But, hard to tell for sure without being there.

    When I coach HPDE or even race drivers, and see them get all angry about someone not letting them by, I like making them drive behind slower cars for a while, until they learn to relax.

    Here's what I usually teach: "When I am in your situation, I like to let car the behind me by, even though I am under my pace due to car in front. This often attracts attention of driver in a slower car, who thinks he is making me work hard keeping up with him - then as he lets the 3rd car by, I stay as close to it as I can, so the driver of the first car has no choice, but to let both of us by. Then, of course, I get to sort out with the 3rd car who's got the pace but at that point, he knows I let him (or her!) by before, so the favor would be returned. Everyone ends their session happy.

    In any case it did not sound like you did anything outrageous. It is not necessary to poke the bumper out to present for a let by, but it certainly helps.


  4. #29
    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    London UK
    HI Guys sorry to resurrect this thread but I thought it was very interesting to read how you guys work on track Stateside-interested to hear this pointing business. We are quite different hear in Europe. Can I ask are you able instead to just indicate with your indicator what side the guy can pass you? Its just that at high speed, negotiating near a corner the last thing I would want to do is take one of my hands off the steering wheel to point out-and anyway I don't usually track with the windows open.

  5. #30
    Good point and funny!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Leslie View Post
    If a student has the skills to handle their car and demonstrate it consistently lap for lap, I start encouraging them to stay back until the passing opportunity, then give the car being passed a Viper enema. Hehe.

  6. #31
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Chandler, AZ
    Quote Originally Posted by stradman View Post
    HI Guys sorry to resurrect this thread but I thought it was very interesting to read how you guys work on track Stateside-interested to hear this pointing business. We are quite different hear in Europe. Can I ask are you able instead to just indicate with your indicator what side the guy can pass you? Its just that at high speed, negotiating near a corner the last thing I would want to do is take one of my hands off the steering wheel to point out-and anyway I don't usually track with the windows open.
    Point-by passing is usually only required in the less experienced run groups and often only on straight sections. By the time people are experienced enough for passing in corners, they are in a group that does not require point-bys. Every one of the event organizers that I have driven with here requires driving with windows down, (unless it is raining), for ease of access by safety personnel in case of an accident.

  7. #32
    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    London UK
    Quote Originally Posted by AZTVR View Post
    Point-by passing is usually only required in the less experienced run groups and often only on straight sections. By the time people are experienced enough for passing in corners, they are in a group that does not require point-bys. Every one of the event organizers that I have driven with here requires driving with windows down, (unless it is raining), for ease of access by safety personnel in case of an accident.
    Ok that's interesting to know. Here in Europe you don't need to have windows down. Depending on organiser we can also pass either side as well.

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