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Thread: Wierd thought

  1. #1

    Wierd thought

    This is something I've actually thought about and perhaps someone here can shed some light on it for me.

    btw..... this is PURELY hypothetical.

    If I was pulled over for some traffic violation in one of my non-Viper cars, and the officer asked to search my car, I would politely say "no". Not that I have anything to hide, it's just out of principle. Now on the Viper I would be concerned that they would bring in the drug sniffing dogs because I'm afraid they would scratch the paint as they sniffed around. I don't know how aggressive those dogs get. Anyway, my big qestion is.............

    If their dog scratched my paint would they be liable for the damage?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Sturtevant, Wisconsin
    Just going to take a wild guess here and say, based mostly on pessimism, no.

  3. #3
    They only do that stuff if they have 'probable cause'.

    If you look like 'Reverend Jim from the 80's sitcom Taxi', and act like that,
    there is the probable cause that brings on the search dogs.

    If you look and act like a normal dude, the cops will only give you the 'regular hassle'.

  4. #4
    VOA Mamba Member
    since 2013

    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Sunny Scottsdale Arizona!
    Heh, I'm laughing... I watch those border patrol shows and actually had the same thought occur to me. I've seen them put their paws on vehicles when trying to sniff higher. Not on my viper!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Edmonton, Alberta
    Even with the fact that I look like a stereotypical drug dealer, I never get hassled in the Viper. My SRT8 300 on the other hand, blacked out with 22's, etc. I got bent over every time I was pulled over, and they always hassled me at the border as well.

  6. #6

    Being as you are in IL I can answer your question without the whole " XYZ state this happens...". Check it out, basically if a dog "alerts" on your car it means THERE IS the scent of drugs present (pick your poison). Dogs don't just alert because they want to mess with you. With that being said, maybe it was from that joint you smoked last week? Maybe from your friend Cheech's clothing who was sitting in the backseat? In any case, the dog alerting does NOT 100% mean there are drugs in the car at that moment, but it gives police the right to find out. If drugs ARE FOUND any damage to your car from the dog or police has been ruled to be "too bad so sad", or basically the cost of doing business with drugs in your car. But in all reality, depending on what drugs are found, damages would be the least of your worries because the car would be towed and paperwork started to seize it.

    With that being said, and actually answering your question, let's say the dog stands on its hindlegs to get a sniff towards the top of your car and his claws or collar scratch the car? If the scratch can't simply be rubbed out then the town/city/village will normally foot the repair bill if NO drugs are found or alerts made. Make sense?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Marietta OH IO
    Dr.taco. That was a great write up. Makes sense too.

  8. #8
    Probable cause can be any BS a cop can dream up and varies from state to state. If you have nothing to hide then let them. If they damage your car they are responsible but getting damages may require an attorney. If you are guilty and they damage your car you are sol on every way......

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Up The River..[Columbia River Gorge near Portland OR]
    Hissstory: Viper Vs Viper F-16 races: 4 years worth......Vipers were invited to park on the filght-line, adjacent to some COOL aircraft including Stealth and Drones........ anyone who drove in that convoy DID have explosives-sniffing dogs check out the Vipers! Some were spot-checked in greater detail, hoods/hatches/trunks open. I have a lot of photos of the process...... One of the canine-handlers told me that the USAF keeps the toenails trimmed and that they had not had an issue with (soft) toenail scrathces on dignitary / General Officer / VIP cars in the past. Lot of nervoous Owners, but NO damage....those Big German ShepardPolice dogs were UP and IN some Vipers!

  10. #10
    I always bring my own drug sniffing dog when I travel/drive so that the cops do not have to use theirs.... just makes it easier for everyone involved.....

    They sell drug sniffing dogs on ebay. Just do not buy the ones made in China !!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Sounds like someone's planning a road trip to Colorado .

  12. #12
    Sounds like someone's planning a road trip to Colorado
    HAHAHAHAHA! No, it's just that I'm a little "independent minded" and would generally not consent to anything just out of priniciple.

    I've only been pulled over by a cop once in the Viper. We were both side by side at a stop light and the cars coming toward us started moving forward because their light had turned green. I started a little forward myself until I realized it was a delayed light on our side and I stopped after about a foot and a half. Sure enough, the cop pulled in behind me and pulled me over. He said, "You know, I could give you a ticket for being in the lane, but really I just wanted to see the car." He was a nice guy and we talked about the car for a bit. One funny thing he asked me was, "How fast have you had it up to?" Yeah, Like I'm going to tell him that. HAHAHAHA!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Tysons Corner, VA
    You always should deny them.

    Imagine if a car tech took your car out for a joyride and left a joint in your car. Bad news.

    Who doesn't think a drug dog can't be made to mark there are drugs in your car if they want it to. lol



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