They keep trying to charge me, or is that what it is even if you're a VOA member?
They keep trying to charge me, or is that what it is even if you're a VOA member?
one of the admins can fix your issue, try hitting up City he is over the admins.
I believe Registered User is for forum only. Membership in VOA costs, and a classified ad is a perk that comes with membership.
Hi OP I replied to you by email.
I'll post here in case anyone in the future has this issue.
Viper Owners Association Club members (i.e. you paid for a annual club membership and have received your membership number) look for an email with instructions to log into the member portal to sync your Paid club membership and your free forum account... Once those accounts are sync'd your regional club membership will show up under your VOA forum name.
If you are a VOA club member and your regional club doesn't show up under your forum name, and you've previously sync'd your account.
Make sure your forum account, and your membership account are both using the same email. If you need to change your email, please contact VOA HQ with a request and they will make the change in the member database.
If you have any issues logging in, please contact VOA HQ at:
Phone: 888.778.1545 (M-F-8:30 am to 5 pm EST)
If you have a forum issue with logging in email the Moderator team
What she said
Janni called me a smartass.......I feel honored and humbled.......
Ron Wasserman, Jerome Sparich, Normand Chouinard, Paul Mumford, Chase the wind, feel the turn,