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  1. #1

    HELP - IPSCO shifter install, shifting tranny to get into reverse

    Hi guys, 2001 GTS

    I have the IPSCO (which is beautiful) unit bolted in the car, but have gotten to the point in the instructions that read

    "If you are having problems getting into reverse you will need to loosen the transmission bolt and shift the transmission to the drivers side. Do both the transmission mount and cross member"

    Well im having that problem. Can't get it into reverse. It's hitting the transmission tunnel.

    I did buy the poly mount so guess I was going to have to dig into this anyways

    Can anyone provide any experience, instructions, pictures etc of what I'm getting into.

    Don't have a lift so will be jacking the car up.

    Any and all help appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Viper Drive, AZ
    Super easy...There's 2 horizontal bolts on each side of the transmission cross member and 1 in the middle from the transmission mount. You'll only need to loosen the transmission mount bolt if you're only moving the transmission over. If you're replacing the mount or cross member, then you'll need to remove all 3.

    Here's the OE transmission cross member with the Woodhouse Mount...

    Jack up the transmission using a block of wood. I also put a thick piece of rubber in there for grins. Loosen the bolts, the transmission has some play over the mount so you can push it towards the driver side and tighten the transmission mount bolt.

    This is the IPSCO Billet Transmission Cross Member (personalized )...

    Last edited by LifeIsGood; 07-06-2016 at 08:49 PM.

  3. #3
    Thanks for quick and detailed response. Looks doable!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    Driving around with contaminated fluids braking at 95% while squirting WD40 in people's locks
    If you are using the red poly mount that comes with the preload plate sometimes you can remove it to solve the hitting the tunnel issue.

    And FYI, there are a lot of posers here that call the preload plate a spacer. If those same people actually bothered to learn engineering past how to troubleshoot a pencil eraser, they too would figure out that plate is part of how the mount absorbs energy. It looks like however that the Woodhouse mount that Ken illustrates above does not use the plate.

    Also, be aware that your motor mounts can also cause shifter issues if they are worn. And BTW, it is usually not adequate to visually inspect the motor mounts without lifting the motor up to look for separation. They will look fine with the motor just setting there but will gap and separate with the motor lifted.

  5. #5
    I just installed this shifter, as well as new poly engine and trans mounts. No matter how much I tried to shift the trans over, I could not get enough clearance to engage reverse. I ended up "modifying" the ashtray indent area of the tunnel for clearance. Hope you have better luck.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Viper Drive, AZ
    Quote Originally Posted by Rxmfn7 View Post
    I just installed this shifter, as well as new poly engine and trans mounts. No matter how much I tried to shift the trans over, I could not get enough clearance to engage reverse. I ended up "modifying" the ashtray indent area of the tunnel for clearance. Hope you have better luck.
    What year/model is your viper?

  7. #7
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    South of London, Surrey
    I installed a Hurst Shifter in my car and had to cut a slot out of the top hole where the rubber weather gator sits.

  8. #8
    @ Gavm360: Dan Cragin just installed the ISPCO STS in my 2000 ACR. If you still need advice (after LifeisGood's info) you may want to consider giving Dan a call.

    Last edited by mitchdob; 07-07-2016 at 11:10 AM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Lynn's GTS
    Man it's always something. I had no problem on my 96 GTS but installed new motor mounts ant trans mount beforehand.

  10. #10
    Thanks for all the feedback guys. I got under the car today and installed the poly trains mount.

    Installed it in what I believe to be as far to the drivers side as possible,

    Unfortunately still cannot engage reverse. Looks like I will have to modify the ashtray area, don't see any other way about it.

  11. #11
    Hold your horses. I had this issue two weeks ago when I installed my Ipsco shifter. I took it to ViperExchange and we decided there are two ways to go about it: 1) Modify the ashtray bulkhead so that it clears up top. 2) Slot the transmission crossmember hole towards the drivers side so you give yourself more room to push the transmission over. We decided 2 was the better option. We extended the hole in the crossmember by probably less than a 1/4" and moved the tranny over. It gave the shifter plenty of room to get into reverse and not hit the ashtray.

  12. #12
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    Driving around with contaminated fluids braking at 95% while squirting WD40 in people's locks
    While holding your horses and taking the "easy way" out, you also threw off your driveshaft alignment to the pinion yoke. Given the geometry of all those items I would consider that 1/4" to be significant alignment-wise. I would clearance the ashtray.

    Your car though. glws.

  13. #13
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    Oct 2013
    I tend to agree with dave6666 on this but I have another question.

    It seems to me that it's best to either install all three poly mounts or none, versus installing just the trans poly. The theory being that if you do the trans only, it would put most of the torsional force on the trans alone? Thoughts?

  14. #14
    Tech Team

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    On 1992-2002 Vipers, the poly mounts change the driveline angle and can cause shifting issues and driveline vibration.
    I modify the crossmember to correct the driveline angle. If you put a stock mount and poly mount next to each other you will see what I mean.

  15. #15
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    So Cal
    Quote Originally Posted by Ron View Post
    I tend to agree with dave6666 on this but I have another question.

    It seems to me that it's best to either install all three poly mounts or none, versus installing just the trans poly. The theory being that if you do the trans only, it would put most of the torsional force on the trans alone? Thoughts?
    Ron, I run the Woodhouse Engine mounts, but retained the OEM trans mount. Personally I feel it's the best overall compromise. I'm not a fan of transferring torsional forces onto the ears of the trans mount. I also agree that slotting the trans mount and changing driveline angle is a bad idea.

  16. #16
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    Driving around with contaminated fluids braking at 95% while squirting WD40 in people's locks
    This is just one more nail in the coffin confirming that the average dealership "viper tech" is nothing more than a glorified oil change boy.

  17. #17
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    Montgomery Texas
    Quote Originally Posted by dave6666 View Post
    While holding your horses and taking the "easy way" out, you also threw off your driveshaft alignment to the pinion yoke. Given the geometry of all those items I would consider that 1/4" to be significant alignment-wise. I would clearance the ashtray.

    Your car though. glws.
    Dave when Chris's car came in his trans was already all the way over on the mount as delivered from Chrysler. As you know every single one of these cars are different, some come in dead center on that mount some to the right and some to the left. We clearanced it about an 1/8 of an inch instead of hacking up the ashtray. All three of us looked at it and made the decision. Driveline angle was fine (less than 1.5 degrees from shaft yoke to yoke is within spec and Chris's was well within that spec), and the car showed no signs of driveline vibration before or after.

    Quote Originally Posted by dave6666 View Post
    This is just one more nail in the coffin confirming that the average dealership "viper tech" is nothing more than a glorified oil change boy.
    Couldn't be further from the truth.
    Last edited by FLATOUT; 07-08-2016 at 11:35 AM.



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