Got to sell some Coupes before they will bring the Vert. My guess is SRT will wait until they see how the sales go in the summer of this year. Just dollars and Sense..
Better weather is only 90 days away![]()
Challenger refresh with the Hellcat.
I don't think there will be any announcements from SRT, so any hopes of the next generation Challenger or Viper model will probably be at NY in April.
They would of already hinted at it to hype it up if they were going to unveil it. My guess is that they won't.
Just my 2 cents worth but if I was a betting kind of guy, I'd put my money on a Viper Light (with V8 Hemi) before the ACR or Vert.
Going w/ vert...
Totally disagree Cap. I'm betting vert before ACR and bet there will never be a baby snake (thank God)
Wanting to see a vert myself..
He specifically said the opposite. Then again it didn't seem as though he was in a hurry to make the vert.
Hmm, just hmmm.
I don't have any facts, but my gut says no new Viper variant in Detroit - but if there is, it'll be the roadster.
It would make no sense at all business wise to bring out the top gun (ACR) at this point as Chevy looks like they want to play the waiting game. I will do the same and bring out the ACR after and only after the ZR1 is in the works and tested. At this point the TA and even the GTS can hang with anything Chevy throws at SRT, but, the only catch is, their car may cost a lot cheaper and unfortunately put some snakes in Vette seats because of it. Bang for your buck the ZO6 looks like a hands down winner at this point anyway. Testing will tell the tail of the snake.
Not fair to compare a 120K car with a 80K car. Just like its not fair to compare the Viper to a McLaren or the like.
If GM's new camaro is 75k I wouldn't be surprised if the Z07 is 90-100k and if the ZR1 is 120-130k
Good read, but I would take this with a grain of salt. Would be nice to see though....
There won't be a ZR1, that title/design is used/created once a decade by GM. The Z06 is it.
Back to Cheysler, a big unveil (actually the only one I know of) at the NAIAS is the new 200.
Yes, definitely with a grain of salt when you read comments such as this one:
"...Considering that the previous Viper ACR offered an extra 100 horsepower over the standard version..."
Kind of interesting since my ACR had the same horsepower as regular Viper.
And if a new ACR looked like the rendering they showed? Wouldn't sell. A new ACR has to look similar to the race version to sell.
My prediction for the Viper display at the show: Carbon edition, TA, and a new color. Can't imagine they would show anything else with the current sales levels and the fact that the Corvette will be the talk of the show. Unless they have something to one-up the Vette - no reason to show anything at this time.
A vert first wouldn't help IMO. The Z06 is being debuted with the Viper in its cross hairs. SRT needs to repsond with a higher performance model. It was stated in an earnings release that the Gen V would get a refresh in 2015. That may mean more power. I think it would be a better to stick to the performance aspect of the Viper and release an ACR. A vert release with more power that is higher performance than Chevy' s Z06 would sell by an order of magnitude better.