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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Tucson, Arizona

    Millenials complain about dress code--get fired

    Apparantly, none of these kids was majoring in gratitude, professionalism, or even not being an entitled snot nose jackass. They didn't like that their dress code as interns was more strict than some of the employees. So they protested and refused and were all immediately terminated. I love it! It would be one thing if they were forced to wear something degrading or sexually revealing, etc. but they were asked to wear suits or other formal, appropriate business attire. Apparantly too much for these unique little snowflakes.

    Here is the link.

    It also bothers me that this generation is so entitled that they feel they can change policies they knowingly walked into. They took this position. Applied for it, even. And yet believed it needed changed for them. Who do they think they are?
    Last edited by Vprbite; 07-02-2016 at 07:07 AM.



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