wow, what a crackhead
HAHAHAHAHA that made me laugh!! I can't believe that he wrote all that trying to sell a Viper!!
flagged for removal
Certainly, pull it. A friend of mine sent it to me because he thought I'd get a kick out of it. I had to share it because it was so ridiculous.
was this the CL ad for the Viper that's gonna kill me?
Also we don't have a policy against posting stupid sh*t LOL not if it makes us LOAO
Come on...this shouldn't be pulled. It's not being posted to advertise, it's being posted to share something funny.
Craig's list pulled the ad, not us
Janni called me a smartass.......I feel honored and humbled.......
Ron Wasserman, Jerome Sparich, Normand Chouinard, Paul Mumford, Chase the wind, feel the turn,
Yes, it was Kala. Funny thing is people who I haven't spoken with in years are all sending me various links to the same ad, I guess it's gone viral. Got to admit, it really made me laugh!
- - - Updated - - -
Yes, it was Kala. Funny thing is people who I haven't spoken with in years are all sending me various links to the same ad, I guess it's gone viral. Got to admit, it really made me laugh!
Not sure why it double posted?
Thread Here!!!!-must-read!!!!
My daughter e-mailed that ad to me yesterday. I thought it was pretty creative. Got a pretty good laugh out of it.
According to another thread I read, the car has a rebuilt title. If that's correct, it would explain his or her approach. Great marketing method, I'm sure you'll see copy cats of this with other cars soon enough.
In all honesty, if there is any truth to this ad (at least for me), the car is the devil. It will make the most sensible individual do some stupid s#^].
Last edited by Camfab; 07-03-2016 at 12:36 PM.
That is great. Loved the read. He is correct!!!!!