I have always dumped the factory filled oil and filter at 500 miles on all my cars. Right or wrong, thats what I have always done.
I know that SRT has switched to Pennzoil for the SRT line and it is now the factory fill for the Viper.
I am sure there are many owners out there like me who also own an earlier generation Viper. I have a rather large stock pile of Mobil 1 0W40 on hand and will probably us it in the new TA when the time comes. Anyone have any thoughts on that decision?
I have been following a site that has wear tested a wide variety of oils. Below is an exerpt for some of the oils that Viper owners may be considering using.
Wear protection reference categories are:
• Over 105,000 psi = INCREDIBLE wear protection
• 90,000 to 105,000 psi = OUTSTANDING wear protection
• 75,000 to 90,000 psi = GOOD wear protection
• 60,000 to 75,000 psi = MODEST wear protection
• Below 60,000 psi = UNDESIRABLE wear protection
All the oils were tested at a representative operational temperature of 230*F.
The HIGHER the psi value, the BETTER the Wear Protection.
65. 0W40 Mobil 1, API SN, European Formula, made in the U.S., synthetic = 82,644 psi
zinc = TBD
phos = TBD
moly = TBD
66. 0W40 Pennzoil Ultra, API SN, synthetic = 81,863 psi
zinc = TBD
phos = TBD
moly = TBD
85. 5W40 MOBIL 1 TURBO DIESEL TRUCK synthetic, API CJ-4, CI-4 Plus, CI-4, CH-4 and ACEA E7 = 74,312 psi
zinc = 1211 ppm
phos = 1168 ppm
moly = 2 ppm
98. 15W50 Mobil 1, API SN synthetic = 70,235 psi
zinc = 1,133 ppm
phos = 1,168 ppm
moly = 83 ppm