Want to make sure we get everything,
Front splitter
Read diffuser
ACR supplemental manual
Spanner wrench for shock height
Am I missing anything?
Want to make sure we get everything,
Front splitter
Read diffuser
ACR supplemental manual
Spanner wrench for shock height
Am I missing anything?
I think you missed the front brake cooling ducts which you have to install--they come in a plastic bag with some cable ties--Dave
and the black custom bag to put the splitter and parts in.
ACR-E car cover in a duffle bag
That's right the brake ducts..!
I knew i was forgetting something.
I saw the bag for splitter, just forgot to put on the list.
Do we get a tool for the shock height adjustments?
Thanks guys..!
The spanner wrench you listed is for that
I guess I was pretty excited and didn't even look for the wrench and manual. Were they in the glove box?
The wrench is in the center pocket of the splitter bag, the manual should be with the regular manual
We got everything..! Wayne our local Viper Tech even put the brake ducts on before pick up..! He also put on the rear Diffuser blades too (not sure why? but Ok by me)
Last edited by Exhlr8n; 06-21-2016 at 08:23 AM.