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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2015

    Market all whacked up

    Is the market for Gen 2 GTS's all crazy, or are most sellers dreaming?

    I cannot find 1 Gen 2 GTS with stripes that's not salvaged or wrecked nationwide, unless its 10k-20k over book.

    That said, all of these overprice cars are sitting, and not selling. A few years ago I owned a couple. Bought AND sold for reasonable prices.

    Now its just crap, or decent cars for 50-60k.

    What happened?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Montgomery Texas
    Market is definitely going up and people are buying. Not sure what to tell you but that's just what I am seeing at ViperExchange. Nice examples will become harder and harder to find.


  3. #3
    Join Date
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    So Cal
    Quote Originally Posted by FLATOUT View Post
    Market is definitely going up and people are buying. Not sure what to tell you but that's just what I am seeing at ViperExchange. Nice examples will become harder and harder to find.

    Why are people so amazed. Take a look at the Gen II forums, you've got guys hacking up and replacing parts with Chinese crap. It's going to take decent money to get a car that hasn't been molested. Guys pay 50k for a clapped out bondo slathered Camaro. So why is 50k a big deal for a quality car. I might just sell my car in the near future, I can tell you it will be north of 50k.

  4. #4
    VOA Member 99RT10's Avatar
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    With all the good press lately and a few articles saying the older Vipers is one of the best cars to buy for the future, the prices have jumped. Plus summer is here. Don't expect to see any steals.
    09 ACR With all the goodies
    99 ACR TT 99 red RT/10 Roe S/C
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  5. #5
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    Well using ebay as an example, none of the high priced cars are selling. They just keep getting re-listed.

    The issue is at 50 or 60k it puts you in Zr1 range, and very close to Gen 5 range. The Gen II Gts is a cool car, but for similar $$ the Zr1 and Gen 5 are better by quite a bit.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2000acr View Post
    Well using ebay as an example, none of the high priced cars are selling. They just keep getting re-listed.

    The issue is at 50 or 60k it puts you in Zr1 range, and very close to Gen 5 range. The Gen II Gts is a cool car, but for similar $$ the Zr1 and Gen 5 are better by quite a bit.
    Then buy one of those.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    I may have to do just that.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by 2000acr View Post
    Well using ebay as an example, none of the high priced cars are selling. They just keep getting re-listed.

    The issue is at 50 or 60k it puts you in Zr1 range, and very close to Gen 5 range. The Gen II Gts is a cool car, but for similar $$ the Zr1 and Gen 5 are better by quite a bit.
    The problem w/ eBay is that lots of times those cars don't sell on eBay. I'm a perfect example of a buyer who bought the car from the dealership directly rather than from their eBay posting. Rather than them get dinged on eBay for fees, I got them reduced in the asking price and they took down the auction. I'm sure many people deal w/ the dealer directly on eBay for these types of cars.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reboot View Post
    The problem w/ eBay is that lots of times those cars don't sell on eBay. I'm a perfect example of a buyer who bought the car from the dealership directly rather than from their eBay posting. Rather than them get dinged on eBay for fees, I got them reduced in the asking price and they took down the auction. I'm sure many people deal w/ the dealer directly on eBay for these types of cars.
    I bought two Vipers on eBay, and in both cases, called the seller before the auction ended and negotiated a price. eBay listing cancelled, no fees involved.

  10. #10
    Funny many people complain that these car don't hold value. Seems like when they hold value people complain they are overpriced.
    Which is it poor value or overpriced.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Special Ed View Post
    Funny many people complain that these car don't hold value. Seems like when they hold value people complain they are overpriced.
    Which is it poor value or overpriced.

  12. #12
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    I always find it rather anomalous when a buyer describes a market as crazy and sellers as dreamers when they can't find a Viper for the price that THEY consider to be market. If your attributed value is not readily available, then it's YOUR assessment of the market that's crazy.

    Good news is that actual markets are fluid, so in a few months a Viper may become available at a price that you will enjoy.
    2008 SRT10 Open Roof (1 of 2)
    2022 BMW X5M Comp
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  13. #13
    Join Date
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    I see no reason for them to go down. There just aren't as many unmolested, well cared for vipers out there as there were. If you are looking for an 8k mi car vs a 60kmi car, you will pay for that. It just is.

    I'm not saying one doesn't sneak through here and there cause they do. A 900 mile FE 2002 just sold for 40k in a small town here in Arizona. Easily could have gone for more, IMO. But the guy who owned it died and his wife just wanted to sell it.,so there ya go. But the Gen II is desireable even if not as "good" a car as the Gen V. So unless people need to fire sale it, they aren't gonna. But with the Viper ending (at least as we know it), nostalgia for the Gen II will only rise. Does this mean prices will skyrocket? Probably not. Just that they won't drop. Not to any significant degree.

  14. #14
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    Hey Dude-- it had 1016 miles when I drove it out of garage, now it is a high mileage car with 1158 miles! LOL. Taking it out to dinner in a few minutes and will have 1190 miles or so when I get back this evening; even though it still looks brand new! As for it's value all I know is I got a great deal and I am cool with that. Another thing I noticed is it sure is quite compared to GABOON-- Are you and your pretty lady doing dinner the 25th? Thinking it might be to hot for you cruising up to Phx-- damn hot up here today, got to 88-- LOL. As for the pm, I got appointment next week-- thanks for info!

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    They will be going up. I am already kicking myself in the ass I did not add that low number, low mile, original supplier test 92' RT/10 years ago and the 14' SRT I was looking at recently. Glad I have my 96' RT/10 at least.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coloviper View Post
    They will be going up. I am already kicking myself in the ass I did not add that low number, low mile, original supplier test 92' RT/10 years ago and the 14' SRT I was looking at recently. Glad I have my 96' RT/10 at least.
    Yessir I am soooooooooo glad I found my 92. Took me a long time to find the right one and thrilled to have it. The 92's we have had in here had sold very well, and I can se them continuing to rise.


  17. #17
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    I am not looking for a steal. Just what the historical market has been. That has been for a long time 33k to 43k for a stock gen II gts with 15-30k miles. It appears that the supply has shrunk, and the remaining cars have then risen.

  18. #18
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    Your first mistake is looking at a book when trying to value these cars.

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    Have you checked auto trader?

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    Yes, I check autotrader,, cargurus, and nationwide craigslist daily. 3 months ago there were options, but I wasn't ready to buy. Now that I am its slim.

  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by 2000acr View Post
    Yes, I check autotrader,, cargurus, and nationwide craigslist daily. 3 months ago there were options, but I wasn't ready to buy. Now that I am its slim.
    You might try the Canadian market as well.

    We just serviced the Hennessy* car and the dealer would accept US$35k.

    *The RT/10 Hennessy in Victoria.
    Last edited by GasGas; 06-17-2016 at 07:05 PM.

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    It takes patience. I see a few nice ones that are less than $45K.

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    Markets change.

    I would focus on buying a great car, with a great history, than trying to find one near the bottom of the market. I only say that because of the cars that I have seen locals buy over the internet using ebay or whatever that are brought in to my shop for service. It was a good deal until the guy or girl had to drop another 3-5K to have a car that sorted and ready to drive.


  24. #24
    What always bugs me is reading the V-alley forum and all of the owners believe these cars aren't worth dirt and will argue with you over it.

    Tell me this, is there another car out there under $100k that looks as unique and is as collectable as the Gen II Viper? I can't think of any... I bought mine after owning a bunch of other different cars, and this is by far my favorite. That being said, mine is too pristine to drive much, so I'm looking to sell or trade, and am pretty firm at $60k for my '02 ACR, just below the wonderful ACRs that ViperExchange is offering. If it sells, great! If not, I still get to own a STUNNING car!

  25. #25
    Your going to have to add a little more dollars to your kitty. Have you seen the prices at Viper Exchange ? 149K for a 98 GTS R with under 1k Miles. I love it when Bernie sells these types of cars. Makes mine at 130K a steal. Even my 96 is appreciating as we speak. I hope you find what your looking for.

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