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Thread: recharging a/c

  1. #26
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Dodge City
    Quote Originally Posted by ViperTim View Post
    I let a guy fill mine for $50.
    Still works, was a week ago.

    Same guy filled my Lincoln 3 years ago, that one still works.

    No leak tests or nothing.
    The system in the viper had pressure tho, but we emptied it and filled with new gas. She blows cold, almost too cold!
    This is what i'm going to have to do this week, these La. summers are HOT & HUMID! I'm just as bad as Darth, i saw those AC cannisters in wal-mart the other day & thought for just a second & then i said Naw, i'm going to just take the easy way out & let someone who KNOWS what they're doing. it seems like i do this every couple of years so i have to have a small leak somewhere. Let us know what happens Darth

  2. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by Steve-Indy View Post
    Darth...cannot call you back as your number shows as "unavailable".

    Call me back when you can.
    Steve, that day was stressful. Right after I got off the phone with you I recharged my a/c system and it looked good on the gauge....I saw smoke at the passenger will and after turning the car off I saw the paint bubble and the will melt. Apparently I had a cat issue at the same time so I completely ignored the a/c issue. The gauge did read good so I hope it is okay but I spent the whole day deleting the cats and forgot the original a/c issue. I hope to check it tomorrow

  3. #28
    Thanks for the help everyone. I recharged the a/c unit as per Steve's instructions when I spoke to him on the phone. The a/c blows mediocre at best when driving (still there is a feeling of a/c in there compared to when it blew super hot before the recharge), but when I stop at the lights and idle it is as though a completely new a/c beast is awoken and it blows COLD. I know the compressor shuts off when the gas is floored, but I am talking about regular every day driving. Is this normal?

  4. #29
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Understood, Darth. Hard to tell about your specific car, but, in 85-90 degree temps, our Gen I & Ii Vipers certainly get hotter when stopped and idling in traffic. Temp gauges rise, fans come on, cabin heat more noticeable. When moving, less engine heat getting into HVAC system and leaking into cabin.

  5. #30
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    Oct 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Darth Menace View Post
    Thanks for the help everyone. I recharged the a/c unit as per Steve's instructions when I spoke to him on the phone. The a/c blows mediocre at best when driving (still there is a feeling of a/c in there compared to when it blew super hot before the recharge), but when I stop at the lights and idle it is as though a completely new a/c beast is awoken and it blows COLD. I know the compressor shuts off when the gas is floored, but I am talking about regular every day driving. Is this normal?
    Unless you put the charge in at a vacuum, you might gotten some air in there affecting the ac operation. I didn't see this thread till today but i do ac recharges and what not for friends on the side, im by no means a expert but i do carry gauges, vacuum pump and r134. I sold you the wheels. We can take a look at it if you want sometime.

  6. #31
    Join Date
    Oct 2015
    Western MD
    Quote Originally Posted by Steve-Indy View Post
    Have done a bunch of the quick fixes...on our older Vipers, many club members Vipers, and (seemingly) every 97-98 Blazer in our neighborhood. First, see if compressor runs...if so, does it click on then off then on every 4-5 seconds? If if works, try to fill with refrigerant (containing dye)...watching pressures on gauge AND, watch to see if compressor starts to run longer and longer. If this happens you are on the way to cool air. If you achieve this, shut it off and check both Schrader valves know, spit on your finger and rub a gob over it just like on a bicycle. If it bubbles, tighten it. Now, see how long it takes before charge depleted. If rapidly, "O" rings are next...starting with the ones at compressor...then on to the easy ones.

    Believe me, this is not a high quality approach (it makes REAL mechanics shudder) but it worked for several seasons in several Vipers...before I threw in the towel and ask Yom Sessions to do it PROPERLY. If you want more amateur advice, call me. 317-402-9013.
    I just added half a can of A/C Pro to 1997 GTS (AC did work before but not that cool, 65 temp from dash vent with 90 outside today before fill). pressure did improve on gauge, but I did a check of Schrader valve and I did get a little bubble or two by the valve. Now seems like no one carries a good tool to tighten valve in any of the auto parts stores.

    Steve (or anyone) is there a tool brand/part number to recommend! (IE which size valve is it?). Seems like some of the tools for sale are junk.
    Last edited by SnakeWatching; 07-24-2016 at 08:12 PM. Reason: added

  7. #32
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    Oct 2013
    A/C Pro makes a small kit to service both ports...two valve cores, two caps, one small tightening tool. It is labeled "LR 14"...sold at Auto Zone for a few dollars.

    Professional tools can be found at Snap-On...but the above kit should work. WEAR full eye protection if you fool with that valve.
    Last edited by Steve-Indy; 07-24-2016 at 08:29 PM.

  8. #33
    Join Date
    Jul 2016
    Corpus Christi
    I thought my AC was messed up but it appears it was just a Viper thing coupled with the ridiculous heat here in south Texas. I still have stock catalytic converters as well so I'm sure that exacerbates the heating effect I noticed upon buying the car. My uncle messed with my AC system, checked it, added, and now the damn thing blows 20F air when the sun is down even with the AC turned to the vertical position (between cold/hot). Does this mean my AC system has been overcharged, that's what I'm leaning towards with how ridiculously cold it can get in the car with the sun down. It's difficult to even regulate the temperature in that situation.

  9. #34
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    Lynn's GTS
    Quote Originally Posted by Hathoway View Post
    now the damn thing blows 20F air when the sun is down even with the AC turned to the vertical position temperature in that situation.
    Did you gauge it? If you did your gauge may be broke or need calibration. @ 20F you would have ice crystals blowing out of your vents lol.

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