We've created an event survey and sent it to all the NVE2 participants (via email). It's a survey tool we've built into our website that allows people to provide feedback without having to log in. Works great.

This survey helps us use experiences from NVE2 and apply them to future events. It's focused on gathering information about things we can do better, and focused on what people like most about the event. It seems a lot of the changes we implemented for VOA NVE's are working well (special dinner seating process, doorprize car giveaway, free big gift (rather than goodie bag), mens/womens stuff, more free time, etc...). This helps us differentiate from past national events and helps improve upon the things that were needed, and we want to continue to evolve!

For those who do surveys, you know that 25% response rate is good if you're lucky. So far the response has been much better than we could have hoped for. Within days, we've already surpassed 60%! Thank you so much for the time and the good input/ideas!!

The survey will close on June 20th. For those who haven't responded, please do, we want your voice to be heard (it was sent to whichever email you used to register for NVE2).

Thanks everyone!