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  1. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by AndBL View Post
    I was working at Caldwell Development, Inc. when the idea was first explored for the V10 engine to be transformed into a V8. Zakspeed called us looking for a Chrysler engine that would fit in the Viper because of the rules change that made the V10 uncompetitive. There was no engine that fit the bill without a major redesign of the Viper's frame and suspension. I thought of the conversion of the V10 to a V8 in a flash of whimsy but then when I looked into the rules and thought about it some I realized that it wasn't such a foolish idea. I talked to John Caldwell and others about it and at first they thought I was crazy but after a day of thinking about it everyone realized that it was technically possible to do. I called Zakspeed back and told them I had a crazy idea but not to reject it until they had thought about it for a day. They called back the next day to give the go ahead for the project. It was one of the last development projects done at Caldwell before John decided to close the doors.
    Thank you for sharing! I'm sending you a private message.

  2. #27
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    Sounds like a 60's Big Block Trans am car!
    Frickin Merican Iron !!!

  3. #28
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Silver Springs FL
    What amazing ingenuity! Viper engine has cylinders to spare and still hauls butt!
    Sounds incredible.

  4. #29
    And owners are protesting that they would never drive a V8 Viper...I say where is one at? I'd buy in a heartbeat...

  5. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by FrankBarba View Post
    And owners are protesting that they would never drive a V8 Viper...I say where is one at? I'd buy in a heartbeat...
    One is in the Swiss Viper musuem with the V8 removed and one is still owned by Zakspeed.

  6. #31
    do you know what happened to the V8 motor ?

  7. #32
    They still have it there in storage.

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