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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    ACR Demo rides at NVE 2

    Just curious to hear everyone's comments and thoughts who may have taken the ACR demo ride around NOLA at NVE 2 (last week).

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Edmonton, Alberta
    I'd say those alone must make it worth Dodges money to have the whole SRT experience there. One lap around the track and I was sold on a new ACR. Now I just need the garage space and a track available to use it at and I would be putting in an order.

  3. #3
    Bruce H.
    Well Steve, you know I was impressed with the grip of those tires. He just cranked on the wheel for the T1 90* right hander at the end of the front straight and the car just pivoted without even a hint of protest from the tire's. When we went through there I had to get the line perfect...and the tire's were screaming like you know what!

    That's what really stood out to me. Did he go over the rumble strips between 5 and 6 with you, or anyone else, and if so how did it handle that? It was very rough in the TA.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Bruce H. View Post
    Well Steve, you know I was impressed with the grip of those tires. He just cranked on the wheel for the T1 90* right hander at the end of the front straight and the car just pivoted without even a hint of protest from the tire's. When we went through there I had to get the line perfect...and the tire's were screaming like you know what!

    That's what really stood out to me. Did he go over the rumble strips between 5 and 6 with you, or anyone else, and if so how did it handle that? It was very rough in the TA.
    Bruce, it was the roughness and tire squealing that was the most obvious difference from the TA to the ACR, as well as the ACR just being more planted which of course is to be expected. I don't believe he went over the rumble strips with me. Non the less I must say the TA holds it own as far as being a track weapon. BTW-we never got to talk after you were taken out in the TA with aftermarket suspension....

  5. #5
    Bruce H.
    Quote Originally Posted by Boba Fett View Post
    Non the less I must say the TA holds it own as far as being a track weapon. BTW-we never got to talk after you were taken out in the TA with aftermarket suspension....
    Mike Levitas took me out in his TA with his DSC Tractive suspension and drove over the really rough curbing on the outside between 5 and 6 that was really jarring in my stock TA. His active dampers were noticeably smoother, and that was very impressive. Beyond that I can't say I really noticed any difference from the suspension, but his Hoosiers certainly stood out like the ACR's Kumhos as being a massive upgrade to track performance. Mike's car has so many mods on it, and he's a pro driver, so I just couldn't do a proper A-B comparison to my stock TA. Bottom line from the ride along with him and Dodge's ACR was tires are where it's at as a first and very significant track upgrade, and after that I'm sure suspension improvements would be quite noticeable.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Montgomery Texas
    Mikes car doesn't have that many mods on it, full exhaust, ECU, Tractives, and the Hoosiers.

    He is a bad ass driver though.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bruce H. View Post
    Mike Levitas took me out in his TA with his DSC Tractive suspension and drove over the really rough curbing on the outside between 5 and 6 that was really jarring in my stock TA. His active dampers were noticeably smoother, and that was very impressive. Beyond that I can't say I really noticed any difference from the suspension, but his Hoosiers certainly stood out like the ACR's Kumhos as being a massive upgrade to track performance. Mike's car has so many mods on it, and he's a pro driver, so I just couldn't do a proper A-B comparison to my stock TA. Bottom line from the ride along with him and Dodge's ACR was tires are where it's at as a first and very significant track upgrade, and after that I'm sure suspension improvements would be quite noticeable.

  7. #7
    Bruce H.
    Quote Originally Posted by FLATOUT View Post
    Mikes car doesn't have that many mods on it, full exhaust, ECU, Tractives, and the Hoosiers.

    He is a bad ass driver though.
    And BBK and very advanced alignment. Basically every performance mod available pretty much if I'm not mistaken.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    ^^^ did the t/a have the track active dampners?

  9. #9
    Bruce H.
    Quote Originally Posted by cashcorn View Post
    ^^^ did the t/a have the track active dampners?
    No, it was my stock TA that Boba Fett and I were out in.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Houston, TX
    T1 was amazing in that car. I barely had enough brakes in my TA to slow down even standing on them prior to the braking zone number signs. That was on upgraded pads, too. TA had full ass-waggle going on, ACR braked MUCH later and took T1 so fast. Then was on the throttle through the next two turns. Amazing. I already want one, that just made it more convincing. My wife also took a ride, she loved it.


  11. #11
    I think I did 6 or 7 laps in those ACRs. One run, at the end of the day, the driver asked me if I wanted another lap before pit in. Since the obvious answer was "yes", we came off the corner at speed and carried that into the full length of the straight. It was amazing to experience the speed and the G's that the ACR can operate at. I'm not a track guy but I am considering an ACR because of this.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2015
    Paradise Valley

    I like this thread!!!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Houston, TX
    When you total up the prices of the BBK, Tractives, Hoosiers, Headers, Catback, ECU..... I'd say Bruce is fine when he says "many mods". I'd agree.

  14. #14
    Had many hot laps with Warren and especially Tom,

    The ACR-E's very late braking at speed by both drivers was impressive. I could feel the door flex from the "G's" on the left handers, praying the latch would hold the whole time..! (lol)
    Later in the day, the driver Tom, said he was trying to get "Silly" with it, pushing it, but he couldn't find its limits. Very excitedly, he kept saying it takes everything I throw at it.
    It was a blast to ride along with Warren too, he was fast and very smooth, the car was never unsettled. It was like taking a casual Sunday drive.

    Coming from a GTS with no areo, it is truly amazing how you can feel the Extreme hunkering down and sucking up the road. Can't wait for ours to get here..! (Dodge... "Hurry Up already")

    Thanks Dodge for bring the Cars out. I'm sure they will get more than a few orders for the Extremes.
    Last edited by Exhlr8n; 05-17-2016 at 11:21 AM.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Blair, Nebraska
    What shocked the heck out of me was the ACRs were not totally set up. Considering there was a little bit of push and the rear diffuser extentions were not in place, nor were the vents ( hood and fender ) taken out, the ultimate pace these machines could actually run at are mind boggling. Compared to my old ACR , which was set up quite well, a 4+ second advantage over the prior model seems not only likely , but maybe on the light side. Having been in an ACR-X, and then the ACR-E, I am convinced the rumors are quite true --- out of the box an ACR-E will smack down the impressive ACR-X.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Awesome stuff guys, so glad (and blessed) to own such an amazing machine.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    ^^^ My sentiments exactly. Allan

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    I was there all 3 days since I was running the track module for the event. I can't tell you how many people got out of the cars and said I have got to get one of these. One person even went over to ViperExchange and traded their in 2013 on one of the ones VE brought to the event on the spot and drove it home from them event.



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