As the dust begins to settle, and the town of New Orleans begins to calm after our Viper takeover, I want to say thanks to all who attended and helped with this event. The event truly went off well and the weather was perfect (we got LUCKY!). Everyone was treated to a great venue, good food, good tours, boat cruise, Viper cruise, free gifts, giveaways, shopping, vendors, and more track time then they've ever had at a national event (and perhaps any local event!). The auction was absolute insanity, we had one of a kind items and may have set a record on the most money taken in at a club auction ever. The store exceed our estimates by 8 fold - we sensed a variety of items is what people wanted and took a risk on creating a large offering. Based on the great response, you can be assured we'll then make even larger investments at the next event as variety seemed to be appreciated. Dodge spent hundreds of thousands supporting our event, my hat is off to them for their contributions!! And of course we awarded one of the largest prizes any club in history has ever done for such a small and privileged group. What a way to end it!

The energy before, during, and after the event was extreme. I love to see all the posts on the VOA forums and social media as it truly helps quantify what it means when people come together internationally and do something big. It was interesting sitting in restaurants and hearing people talk about "those sports cars that are all over the city". You couldn't be outside without hearing the distinct sound of Vipers in the distance. I especially want to thank our long distance attendee for traveling the farthest - Tateshi from Japan! Amazing.

NVE3 has been announced and since we need to head west, what better place than Vegas. There's a lot that goes into picking a location (more than I can get into) but for various reason this is a good hub for the next event. As we did before, we'll apply our new formula to make this a vacation style event and will strive to bring many of the high points we experienced. You can't have a bad time in Vegas, and we also plan on bringing costs down as well!

Thanks to all of our NVE2 team members, the many who help, the sponsors, the venues, and of course all of you. The work is always worth it when it all comes together. This was one wild week!

Until next time guys!!