Is there nothing happening this year? Wanted to book some holidays around some club events but there has been nothing.
Is there nothing happening this year? Wanted to book some holidays around some club events but there has been nothing.
Snake Rider, are you a member of the club? We sent out an email a few months ago with details on the first event of the year in Kelowna. Our event coordinator is working on the rest of the events for the season, and we will be sure to post them on the forum once we have more details.
Come on Matt. You should know who your members are. You can't even post in here unless your a member. You have been to my house. Yes I got the email of the one cut and paste even that has been going on ever since I have became a MEMBER, 8 years ago. Drive 8 hrs to sit at a car show all day. Not that there is anything wrong with that but I am sure there are lots of people that have had enough of carshows. As pointed out in the email you need to book hotel rooms months in advance during the summer months. Some places holidays need to be booked in advance as well. Guess we will just book a date and do our own thing.
Last edited by Snake Rider; 05-16-2016 at 09:31 AM.
Sorry Snake Rider, my bad, I did not intend to offend you (the forum didn't say you were a member). Just like you I'm not a huge car show guy either. I just really enjoy the 10 hour rip through the mountains. We are looking at a possible event in the Waterton National Park area, but the whole hotel issue makes it hard to find anything during the summer. We are definitely open to suggestions. I would really like to do possibly a road course/autocross this year.
We have a few things in the works. The details shouldn't be that imperative to your schedule planning. As always we have to book events on the worst possible weekends that exist(Long weekends), due to the fact that most members are Mon-Fri workers.
I don't mean to come off brash or anything. But it seems that people love to complain, and never have anything to offer. Planning events isn't a small undertaking, especially when the person planning it can't even attend. But I am glad to try and help out however I can to add value to the club. At this point I have had ZERO feedback on ideas for events, other than one idea that is in the middle of nowhere that nobody will attend and will cost 4 times what we even have in our account. We want to have things that appeal to all members in some fashion or another. But if members vocally disapprove of the events we plan, yet have no feedback on what they would like to see, then how can we as an executive provide the members what they want when they don't seem to know what they want themselves?
As always my email and PM box is open. If ideas are out there, put them forward. I will take everything into consideration and run the logistics on it if it is something that can benefit a high percentage of members. NVE2 is done so we should have some more free time to get some concrete plans going.
I know not everyone from west of BC can make the drive it takes to get to the one area in our region where we can really enjoy our vehicles. So I have a couple ideas for putting together some small one day type events, meets, cruises, etc. for the Alberta crowd. But once again, a little feedback could go a long way.
I was simply asking if there were any events planned. Was wanting to hopefully book holidays around some kind of B.C. or Washigton event that usually always happen. Since the details are not imperative to me I guess I will just have to guess where and when an event might happen. However it is looking like nothing like that will be happening and, like i said earlier, I will just to plan something on our own.
I am usually the last person to complain and I wasn't, it was simply a question. Also I have planned a complete event not long ago and I know how much work they are, you just were not at it.
Autocross sounds good. The track would be better. Is that little track by Fort Sask. out of the question? I know its small but we still had a ton of fun on it a few years ago. I know its hard to get track time but somehow groups out there seem to do it
Hey Steve, I wish we could still rent that track in Fort Sask, but unfortunately the owner of the track sold the land, and it has been rezoned as industrial. The track is still there but the new owner has completely shut it down and is now trying to sell it.
I have only been to one event that went into Washington (Cascade Loop) and it was one of my favourite events. To be honest it's the only time I've been to Washington. I would love to do Washington again, I just don't know anything about that State. Is there anything to do in Spokane?
I know nothing of those areas as well. Things are a little slower this summer and I have time to go out there, that is why I asked the question in the first place. Was hoping that something out west was happening.
I wasn't intending to rip on you, or anyone for that matter. But this is a perfect example of what I was talking about. It sounds like a good long road trip out of Province is something that would interest you a lot, much like it would interest myself too. However I never did receive any sort of feedback like this when it was requested. Don't be shy people!!! If you make the suggestion it just might be made to happen. This summer is a tough one as I started this role without much notice and I certainly do not have the time to be doing it this year. Still going to try and make the best of it though for the members.
Like I said, we are going to try and get the details sorted on some things here shortly.
Last edited by Viktimize; 05-16-2016 at 08:36 PM.
I don't think anyone is ripping on anyone, We all want to enjoy the Vipers as much as possible. I am no better, Have ideas but didn't have the time to put them on. This year is different,Have the time to maybe host one or help put one on. Not pointing any fingers but I see you guys had a track day at Calmar. I didn't see a invite in my Email either. There is no sense picking on anyone lets just get together and go for a spin and lunch, Maybe we can get together and set something bigger up to get our friends from Sask/BC together.There are lots of Alberta Roads that are very Viper friendly
Since it's really hard to book track time for this year. Would anyone be interested in an Autocross event? I know it's not as fun as a real road course but it probably will give us the best bang for your buck. For example, to do a lapping event at Castrol Raceway in Edmonton costs $295 per person. But an autocross event might only cost $70. Let us know what you think.
An autocross would definitely be fun! I would be up for that. What about organizing a lunch meet on a saturday or sunday down in Red Deer? We could head down with a group from the Edmonton area, Calgary area guys can head up and all meet the Red Deer Vipers there. I know it means no road trip for the Red Deer guys but....
And it's fairly cheap. Gas and lunch.
Autocross idea sounds awesome. I assume i have to be a paying member to join in these events ?
We invite all Viper owners generally. If you come out to an event and enjoy yourself, perhaps that will motivate you to join the club and be a part of future events too. You're definitely missing out by not attending NVE, which is only open to VOA Members.
Just remember that half your dues go straight back to our region. And that is funding we can use specifically for local events.
I have a friend who is involved with events at northlands. I could possibly get us a good deal on renting out a large portion of the parking lot for a autocross day. let me know if i should persue this idea
viper04blk that was the exact parking lot I was thinking of. We would just have to strategically layout the track since they have light poles and flower pots everywhere now. You can always casually ask your friend if they allow these types of events at Northlands and the approximate cost. This would help us in determining if it's worth pursuing.
I think most of Alberta will have some extra time this summer, so maybe we should plan a trip into Washington State.
Hey Steve, I am sure a guy could head down to that same area that you had set up a few years ago. I know I could not make it but as you say it is slower. It would be neat to take in the road to nowhere and other sites in Montana and Idaho, Maybe on the way home swing through Kelowna, I am not sure what there is for tracks but I am sure there is lots of Winding Roads And I am sure there are Vipers in Montana/Idaho/ Washington that would join in
Ya we could do that again. Lots to see and we had fun on the sea doos out on Flathead lake
We started in Calgary and first stopped in Waterton. I believe we had lunch there. There is also a short paddle wheel trip that can be taken. Then headed south across the border and took the spectacular Going to the Sun road through Glacier national park and spent the night in Kalispell. Next day we did a little shopping at a Banff like tourist town, but much smaller, and rented some Sea Doos for an hour or so. Can't remember the name of the little town, possibly Big Fork. The next day we came home up through Whitefish, Fernie and back through Calgary. Was thinking though that it would be nice to carry on through Sandpoint and maybe past Spokane into central Washington. A Buddy was talking of some spectacular dried up falls in the area. As I said though I have no idea of the area.
Do you follow the Alberta area viper owners event on Facebook? The event wasn't held or sponsored by any voa member. It was a open event to all viper owners on the fb group.
No I don't follow Facebook, Sorry don't have time to check in to see what is happening on Facebook I joined the VOA and use the forums here to see if some of my Viper Buds want to go for a spin or line up some kind of get together. Otherwise why pay and not use it, Seems pointless to me. Wasn't put on by any VOA, Well in the pictures it looks like a couple of our Western Canada Elite were there. That's OK guys.
Totally agree Grant. Also, In my humble opinion these need to be planed months ago to book venues, whether it's track time or a group of hotel rooms.
Last edited by Snake Rider; 05-17-2016 at 09:58 AM.