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  1. #51
    Quote Originally Posted by cubican View Post
    is 1265 member on the VOA a good thing? I think that's a poor showing so far,I was hoping to see a # over 3500.
    I would say that's a pretty good number, because I would be willing to bet that even if both clubs ended up with equal numbers of paid members, the VOA members are the more active members (forums, events, tracking, wrenching), while the VCA members are mostly people who have no clue about things and don't participate at all. They just write a check when they get their renewal notice.

  2. #52
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    The True North Strong and Free Ontario, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by cubican View Post
    is 1265 member on the VOA a good thing? I think that's a poor showing so far,I was hoping to see a # over 3500.
    Well if more enthusiasts would join then there would be no complaints. 1266 if you join.

  3. #53
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Ohio - Florida
    Sybil TF where are you? 1267

  4. #54
    From what Alex said, the VCA typically had 40% renewal rate by Dec 31, if they had 2500 members, than that would be a 1000 members renewed. So being we are a new club and have over 1200 I would say that is remarkable.

    Quote Originally Posted by cubican View Post
    is 1265 member on the VOA a good thing? I think that's a poor showing so far,I was hoping to see a # over 3500.
    Last edited by Brad00GTS; 01-04-2014 at 05:36 PM. Reason: correct my math

  5. #55
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Ohio - Florida
    Quote Originally Posted by Brad00GTS View Post
    From what Alex said, the VCA typically had 40% renewal rate by Dec 31, if they had 2500 members, than that would be a 1000 members renewed. So being we are a new club and have over 1200 I would say that is remarkable.
    You are absolutely correct Brad. I did a lot of number crunching on this before we launched the VOA. We are right on schedule... actually ahead of schedule. : ) I knew my numbers had to be right so you could do the budget accurately. How about that.... an actual budget... who'd a thought. : )
    Last edited by daytonprowler; 01-04-2014 at 06:27 PM.

  6. #56
    Join Date
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    Green, oHIo
    Quote Originally Posted by daytonprowler View Post
    You are absolutely correct Brad. I did a lot of number crunching on this before we launched the VOA. We are right on schedule... actually ahead of schedule. : ) I knew my numbers had to be right so you could do the budget accurately. How about that.... an actual budget... who'd a thought. : )
    Budget huh? Whoa... there's waaay too much transparency going on here!
    You might be banned soon.

  7. #57
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Chandler, AZ
    Quote Originally Posted by Granger73 View Post
    If you look at the bottom of each VCA forum, they have a section titled "Forum a Information and Options". It shows 9 members browsing the RT10/GTS forum.

    Users Browsing this Forum
    There are currently 109 users browsing this forum. (9 members & 100 guests)
    GRANGER73 avijay Invasivore kenphjr michael71 RedEnuf93 SpeedRacer tim721 TowDawg

    None of the 9 users listed is a member. There member count appears to be very misleading. I wonder how many VCA members there really are?
    Quote Originally Posted by TowDawg View Post
    I think they count "members" with the forum numbers, as anyone who has a registered account on the forum. Definitely a bit misleading, but would you expect anything else?
    You guys (and quite few others) crack me up with your ingrained distrust of the VCA and innate trust of the VOA. It does get tiresome seeing the VCA put down for normal forum software things as if there is some secret black suited team there working on each tiny detail in order to deceive members, guests, enthusiasts. I just don't understand why you can not just move on with life and enjoy this nice new house we have here ?

    Just an FYI, I think that the VOA forum operates exactly the same. I am listed in the Thread Information below amongst the 16 "members" viewing this thread. and then it says 9 guests are viewing.

    I am NOT a member of the VOA. I am a registered user of this forum, and therefore a "member." I do not believe VOA is intentionally trying to deceive the VCA with this info.

  8. #58
    Quote Originally Posted by daytonprowler View Post
    We are right on schedule... actually ahead of schedule. : )
    And if a certain West region comes over soon, it could be 150 more

  9. #59
    Quote Originally Posted by AZTVR View Post
    You guys (and quite few others) crack me up with your ingrained distrust of the VCA and innate trust of the VOA. It does get tiresome seeing the VCA put down for normal forum software things as if there is some secret black suited team there working on each tiny detail in order to deceive members, guests, enthusiasts. I just don't understand why you can not just move on with life and enjoy this nice new house we have here ?

    Just an FYI, I think that the VOA forum operates exactly the same. I am listed in the Thread Information below amongst the 16 "members" viewing this thread. and then it says 9 guests are viewing.

    I am NOT a member of the VOA. I am a registered user of this forum, and therefore a "member." I do not believe VOA is intentionally trying to deceive the VCA with this info.
    If that's the normal way for forums to do it, then that's fine. I wasn't aware of how "members" were typically counted on web forums.

  10. #60
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    Chandler, AZ
    Quote Originally Posted by TowDawg View Post
    If that's the normal way for forums to do it, then that's fine. I wasn't aware of how "members" were typically counted on web forums.
    TD, No offense intended; but, because you and several others seem to immediately assume that VCA is still doing bad things all the time, and state it that way, the posts just serve to continue the ill will here and there which a lot of us do not harbor. You certainly have a right to voice your opinion, for sure; but, I'd just recommend thinking about whether talking about your bout with cancer at a birthday party is appropriate. That analogy is extreme; but, I think the serious issues of VCA are mostly behind them, and I think those that are still members there don't care, and that those that are members here should move on. The VOA National VP asked that we tone it down and I respect that. I wish both sides' upper leadership had taken that position earlier.

    Just my 2 cents, and worth every bit of it, LOL.

  11. #61
    VOA Mamba Member
    since 2013

    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Sunny Scottsdale Arizona!
    And it's true. It's funny that most of the things we've moderated are negative comments about the old club and people attacking people at times (but it hasn't happened much).

    We can discuss topics, that's all fine and of course the club change is big news so it needs to be allowed. But let's just be respectful of each other, the tone is important, as we committed to a classy exit and as a membership group we'll all do the same. It's actually painful taking VOA supporters and telling them to tone it down (advice that I wish the other club would offer their members), but it's the right thing to do. And it gets more difficult as the old club sends negative mass emails outside of this forum even after folks have left their club. We must get 100 requests from our members to respond to these emails, but it's better just to let go, as hard as it is to bite our tongues when we see misleading statements like: the club is fixed, all the bad guys have left, they're working with SRT, they have a massive membership, etc... All misleading and some in our own club find it aggravating why we don't respond -but that's how we need to do it.

    There was a lot of distrust of the past national officer group (actually for years), and this year's scandals became public so many people became aware and it really turned people off. The letters that were sent to Ralph boss, the craziness with their president suspending board members when they voted him out, the Mopar letter that was in conflict with theirs, the withholding of the regional money due to cashflow issues, the raffle, etc... all added to the distrust. So I can understand why people continue to be suspicious, and this is what leads to assumptions - but we'll moderate when things get ugly even if it's to our own detriment.

    On this particular topic, it's because the VCA hasn't released any public statement regarding their current membership counts, this is why people are guessing. That's why membership numbers are such a hot topic right now. Transparency was a huge issue for the past club, and because things aren't communicated, members have to go looking. This is why we put a counter on our homepage to show real-time membership #'s.

    But as I said, stick to the facts and your observations, but leave any guessing, name calling, anger, etc... behind. Just keep discussions like this above board and they're fine.

  12. #62
    If you want a good model , go to the ford GT forum. No BS, no politics, internal or external, keyboard tough guys are shown the door. Just a bunch of great enthusiasts who talk cars-- much like the GEN 1 and 2 days of VCA (maybe part of Gen3)

  13. #63
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    Chandler, AZ
    Quote Originally Posted by Drummerviper View Post
    If you want a good model , go to the ford GT forum. No BS, no politics, internal or external, keyboard tough guys are shown the door. Just a bunch of great enthusiasts who talk cars-- much like the GEN 1 and 2 days of VCA (maybe part of Gen3)
    Yes, I used to follow that forum when I thought that I might spend some 401k mone for my dream car ! They are as classy as the cars; but, they did have some drama also that had to be moderated. Very successful folks that are attracted to high horespower cars tend to be a little "out there" at times.

    Damn, if I had just bought a Ford GT when I was seriously thinking about it, it would have been a great investment, monetarily. However, I would have never driven it as much as I have the Viper, so, on total fun factor, Viper wins again!
    Last edited by AZTVR; 01-05-2014 at 11:01 AM.

  14. #64
    Yeah,they had one particular group that was very full of itself and thank god they started their own forum.

    On the fun factor, I have had 11 Vipers over almost 20 years and bleed Viper red, but once you drive a GT, nothing else is quite the same. Night and day. Both wonderful cars.

  15. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by plumcrazy View Post
    Look forward not back. Leave the vca stuff on the VCA site or on the alley where it belongs imo...
    what he said

  16. #66
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Leslie View Post
    what he said
    Agreed. Who gives a <insert colorful adjective here> about who has the higher renewal rate? It's like trying to <insert colorful adjective here> up a rope....pointless. Leave them be. Let us be. Move on.

  17. #67
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Saskatchewan Canada
    I almost bought a Ford Gt a few years ago. I was on the GT forums and surfed for a while. I put a post on asking a question about the GT. It was an honest post asking an honest question. For the life of me i cant remeber what the question was but it wasnt a stupid question. The post was deleted and I sent a question to one of the mods asking why it was deleted. I was replied to that i wasnt an owner and not to post unless i became an owner and a paid member. I wasnt impressed to say the least. I left the forum and never went back. Left a bad taste in my mouth and to be honest after the reply i would not have joined anyway even if i had bought the GT. It seemed an elitist attitude and i wanted no part of that. Ive never had a problem with any forum ive been on including the Lambo and Ferrari forums which I am also a member of. I stay away from politics and the reason i stopped being a paid member on the other site was because of all the behind the scenes politics and bs. Not my thing. Also. This in no way is what i think of GT owners as a whole. I have met a few of them and every single one has been awesome. But one moderator and his response ruined that site for me. I can only hope to own a GT one day. If i hadnt just bought my ACR I may have bought a GT. Better investment for sure. Lol.

  18. #68
    Quote Originally Posted by AZTVR View Post
    TD, No offense intended; but, because you and several others seem to immediately assume that VCA is still doing bad things all the time, and state it that way, the posts just serve to continue the ill will here and there which a lot of us do not harbor. You certainly have a right to voice your opinion, for sure; but, I'd just recommend thinking about whether talking about your bout with cancer at a birthday party is appropriate. That analogy is extreme; but, I think the serious issues of VCA are mostly behind them, and I think those that are still members there don't care, and that those that are members here should move on. The VOA National VP asked that we tone it down and I respect that. I wish both sides' upper leadership had taken that position earlier.

    Just my 2 cents, and worth every bit of it, LOL.
    I've never had cancer, so of course it wouldn't be appropriate for me to talk about my bout with it at a birthday party!

  19. #69
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    The land of two incarcerated governors
    I honestly considered belonging to both clubs, but I have been left on moderated status over there since something like September, when all the moderations and banning took place. As they left me out in the cold, I will do the same in return.

    Here is one of my favorite quotes from a person I greatly respect.
    "Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people." - Eleanor Roosevelt

  20. #70
    Quote Originally Posted by daytonprowler View Post
    Sybil TF where are you? 1267
    I want to be 1300

  21. #71
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Saw a new Gulf FGT at Woohouse back in 05 that I fell in love with but the wife liked a Yellow 05 Gen 3 Vert. So we bought the snake. Absolutely no regrets as the Viper opened up a whole new world of enjoyment and wonderful friends that we have made all across this country and in Canada too. Now we have a new snake that is just awesome (no criticism of other Gens). I wonder what she would have said if the FGT was yellow?

  22. #72
    Quote Originally Posted by Rizzo View Post
    I almost bought a Ford Gt a few years ago. I was on the GT forums and surfed for a while. I put a post on asking a question about the GT. It was an honest post asking an honest question. For the life of me i cant remeber what the question was but it wasnt a stupid question. The post was deleted and I sent a question to one of the mods asking why it was deleted. I was replied to that i wasnt an owner and not to post unless i became an owner and a paid member. I wasnt impressed to say the least. I left the forum and never went back. Left a bad taste in my mouth and to be honest after the reply i would not have joined anyway even if i had bought the GT. It seemed an elitist attitude and i wanted no part of that. Ive never had a problem with any forum ive been on including the Lambo and Ferrari forums which I am also a member of. I stay away from politics and the reason i stopped being a paid member on the other site was because of all the behind the scenes politics and bs. Not my thing. Also. This in no way is what i think of GT owners as a whole. I have met a few of them and every single one has been awesome. But one moderator and his response ruined that site for me. I can only hope to own a GT one day. If i hadnt just bought my ACR I may have bought a GT. Better investment for sure. Lol.

    Very sorry to hear about that. That would be the exception. It is a truly great forum and the annual events are unreal.

    Hopefully this site will set yet new standards

  23. #73
    Web Site Committee

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    Oct 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Troublemaker View Post
    I honestly considered belonging to both clubs, but I have been left on moderated status over there since something like September, when all the moderations and banning took place. As they left me out in the cold, I will do the same in return.

    Here is one of my favorite quotes from a person I greatly respect.
    "Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people." - Eleanor Roosevelt

    ditto. i was considering renewing over there, but i have never been taken off moderated status. makes it easy to decide what to do.

  24. #74
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by AZTVR View Post
    ...the posts just serve to continue the ill will here and there which a lot of us do not harbor.
    ...maybe you weren't in the 'moderated' crowd. I took being 'moderated' over there very personal and I have nothing nice to say about it and them. Why wasn't the 'moderated' bunch reinstated after the national board upheaval? They can all go $%# themselves as far as I'm concerned. I'll NEVER forget.

  25. #75
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by LifeIsGood View Post
    ...maybe you weren't in the 'moderated' crowd. I took being 'moderated' over there very personal and I have nothing nice to say about it and them. Why wasn't the 'moderated' bunch reinstated after the national board upheaval? They can all go $%# themselves as far as I'm concerned. I'll NEVER forget.
    I tend not to spend much time looking back in life, but sometimes you need to at least keep it in your mind as to not make the same mistakes twice. They can all go %#+£ themselves as far as I am concerned also.

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