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  1. #76
    Web Site Committee

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    Oct 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by LifeIsGood View Post
    Why wasn't the 'moderated' bunch reinstated after the national board upheaval?
    i have an even better question - why does Lee and Chris' screen names both show as still being open accounts? neither one says banned. speak your mind and you get moderated, but having a hand in completely destroying the club, and your account remains open?

    uh, huh.

  2. #77
    Quote Originally Posted by LifeIsGood View Post
    ...maybe you weren't in the 'moderated' crowd. I took being 'moderated' over there very personal and I have nothing nice to say about it and them. Why wasn't the 'moderated' bunch reinstated after the national board upheaval? They can all go $%# themselves as far as I'm concerned. I'll NEVER forget.
    I would have rather been suspended or banned. Being moderated is so childish. It takes a week to get my post up if at all. Glad I didn't join.

  3. #78
    Join Date
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    San Diego
    Should have known that you would be all over this

    Quote Originally Posted by big-n-italian View Post
    i have an even better question - why does Lee and Chris' screen names both show as still being open accounts? neither one says banned. speak your mind and you get moderated, but having a hand in completely destroying the club, and your account remains open?

    uh, huh.

  4. #79
    Join Date
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    Tysons Corner, VA
    I'll say again

    Who cares

  5. #80
    Quote Originally Posted by ViperSmith View Post
    I'll say again

    Who cares
    You keep saying that...over and over again. We get that.

    What you may consider is the fact that many that voice their opinions were members over there for a very long time. You just became involved before the 13's were launched. Maybe you would feel different if you had been with the club for 5-10 years....or even longer.

    I just joined a few years ago myself and really don't care much either but can definitely understand some of the bitterness expressed by many.


  6. #81
    Is hard to replace 20 years of history. I'm not sure what's the fascination with the vca the divorce is final. The vca and the voa are not going anywhere they are here to stay. Is very clear to me after seeing only 1268 members for the voa there are no winners ,we all lost. I was going to join the 2 clubs, but seeing tread after tread like these one I'm taking a back seat for now.

  7. #82
    VOA Member 99RT10's Avatar
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    Oct 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by commandomatt View Post
    You keep saying that...over and over again. We get that.

    What you may consider is the fact that many that voice their opinions were members over there for a very long time. You just became involved before the 13's were launched. Maybe you would feel different if you had been with the club for 5-10 years....or even longer.

    I just joined a few years ago myself and really don't care much either but can definitely understand some of the bitterness expressed by many.


    Well said Matt, and I think this is where most are coming from. I was a 12 year member and watched as the club goes thru this mess, at the same time, being "moderated" which means anything you post may or may not be posted(90% of the time it would not). I think prior to all the letters and information which finally came to light, most members would have bent over backwards to fix the many, many problems, but with Chris/Lee/Marv/Dan controlling everything and not giving up even the office or job they were given thru the club, most saw the lost cause. I am still bitter about it, because it was a great club with great people, but when all your money and efforts goes to benefit a handful of people like the Marshalls to the tune of $200K, I get this sickening feeling that we were all made to be suckers.

    Then bring up the complete fiasco of the "raffle", that was icing on the cake so to speak. I mean, really?! The winner of the car is announced, then the prize is taken back because he sold his car, but was still a member. What a goat screw. Who did the drawing?(Lee) Where was it held?(in his living room) It was suppose to be done at the Woodhouse dealership. Where was it licensed?(no where) Was it video taped?(no)
    Last edited by 99RT10; 01-06-2014 at 12:12 AM.

  8. #83
    Web Site Committee

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    Oct 2013
    i think you have hit the nail on the head. i joined the VCA in 2004 or 2005. its very upsetting when you have put that much time and effort (and i dont mean just posting comments) into something you were very dedicated to, only to have someone screw it all up. most VCA/VOA members here will never know how much time and effort i, and alot of other people put into the VCA over the years. emotions are very strong right now with anyone who was with the VCA five or more years, and emotions get even stronger for people who were around 10, 15 or MORE years.

    its all good though. there are alot of good people here that with everyones effort can again, re-create what was taken from all of us from a greedy and stupid few. it will take some time, but it will happen. we all know it always takes a little time to get comfortable in a new house.

  9. #84
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    Oct 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by cubican View Post
    Is hard to replace 20 years of history. I'm not sure what's the fascination with the vca the divorce is final. The vca and the voa are not going anywhere they are here to stay. Is very clear to me after seeing only 1268 members for the voa there are no winners ,we all lost. I was going to join the 2 clubs, but seeing tread after tread like these one I'm taking a back seat for now.
    I disagree. VCA claimed to have 3,100 members for 2013 WITH the COOL program still being active through Chrylser. It looks like a good majority of the "active" owners made a choice. Now that the automatic membership and $$ and have stopped via Chrysler the real # for active membership will show.

    The 1268 # also does not include the 2 of the largest regions which have yet to make a decision (MCVO and So Cal) If they both decide to go VOA it will go over 1500.

    The PEOPLE making the club, the club doesn't make the people.

  10. #85
    Web Site Committee
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    Quote Originally Posted by 99RT10 View Post
    Well said Matt, and I think this is where most are coming from. I was a 12 year member and watched as the club goes thru this mess, at the same time, being "moderated" which means anything you post may or may not be posted(90% of the time it would not). I think prior to all the letters and information which finally came to light, most members would have bent over backwards to fix the many, many problems, but with Chris/Lee/Marv/Dan controlling everything and not giving up even the office or job they were given thru the club, most saw the lost cause. I am still bitter about it, because it was a great club with great people, but when all your money and efforts goes to benefit a handful of people like the Marshalls to the tune of $200K, I get this sickening feeling that we were all made to be suckers.

    Then bring up the complete fiasco of the "raffle", that was icing on the cake so to speak. I mean, really?! The winner of the car is announced, then the prize is taken back because he sold his car, but was still a member. What a goat screw. Who did the drawing?(Lee) Where was it held?(in his living room) It was suppose to be done at the Woodhouse dealership. Where was it licensed?(no where) Was it video taped?(no)
    Quote Originally Posted by big-n-italian View Post
    i think you have hit the nail on the head. i joined the VCA in 2004 or 2005. its very upsetting when you have put that much time and effort (and i dont mean just posting comments) into something you were very dedicated to, only to have someone screw it all up. most VCA/VOA members here will never know how much time and effort i, and alot of other people put into the VCA over the years. emotions are very strong right now with anyone who was with the VCA five or more years, and emotions get even stronger for people who were around 10, 15 or MORE years.

    its all good though. there are alot of good people here that with everyones effort can again, re-create what was taken from all of us from a greedy and stupid few. it will take some time, but it will happen. we all know it always takes a little time to get comfortable in a new house.
    “Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power.”

    ― Abraham Lincoln
    2008 SRT10 Open Roof (1 of 2)
    2022 BMW X5M Comp
    Resident Misanthrope

  11. #86
    Not to drift from the topic, but the funniest F-you email I ever saw to VCA, I believe was from Adrain Byrd. I wish I had kept a copy.

    If no one wants to post it here, can someone PM it to me for my scrapbook.

  12. #87
    Web Site Committee
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    Adrian can do that. He's done it to me.
    2008 SRT10 Open Roof (1 of 2)
    2022 BMW X5M Comp
    Resident Misanthrope

  13. #88
    Quote Originally Posted by Drummerviper View Post
    Not to drift from the topic, but the funniest F-you email I ever saw to VCA, I believe was from Adrain Byrd. I wish I had kept a copy.

    If no one wants to post it here, can someone PM it to me for my scrapbook.
    DrummerViper, I will send it to you later I need to look for it. Adrian

  14. #89
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    Tysons Corner, VA
    Quote Originally Posted by commandomatt View Post
    You keep saying that...over and over again. We get that.

    What you may consider is the fact that many that voice their opinions were members over there for a very long time. You just became involved before the 13's were launched. Maybe you would feel different if you had been with the club for 5-10 years....or even longer.

    I just joined a few years ago myself and really don't care much either but can definitely understand some of the bitterness expressed by many.

    To me it is like worrying who your ex wife is dating. Sure there is a history, but March forward

    Beauty here is, no alimony

  15. #90
    Viper Girl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by City View Post
    Adrian can do that. He's done it to me.
    Funniest thing I've read all day...

  16. #91
    Join Date
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    Rochester Hills, MI & Orlando, FL
    Quote Originally Posted by MTGTS View Post
    I disagree. VCA claimed to have 3,100 members for 2013 WITH the COOL program still being active through Chrylser. It looks like a good majority of the "active" owners made a choice. Now that the automatic membership and $$ and have stopped via Chrysler the real # for active membership will show.

    The 1268 # also does not include the 2 of the largest regions which have yet to make a decision (MCVO and So Cal) If they both decide to go VOA it will go over 1500.

    The PEOPLE making the club, the club doesn't make the people.
    Counts may not add up as many are already members here.

    MCVO and VOA (Central FL)

  17. #92
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by ViperSRT View Post
    Counts may not add up as many are already members here.

    MCVO and VOA (Central FL)
    Yes, some are not waiting which is nice to see.

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