Plum...ditch this thread! It's conduct unbecoming, especially for the victors!!
Plum...ditch this thread! It's conduct unbecoming, especially for the victors!!
Does number of posts equal intelligence? My tenure at law school proved there are 50% in the lower class standing !
F2V, he can't ditch it cuz the last time that created a fire-storm.
The intent was to show there is no need to dwell on things over there since everyone else saw thru the bs and didn't renew.
You guys need to understand that before all stuff last summer, Bob always visited the "politics 101" forum... because he likes to debate.
It's just the way he's wired.
Not my intention to crucify him.
I'm going to remove Bob's name from the original post and ask plum to change the thread title to "Low renewal rate on the other site"
Last edited by VYPR BYT; 01-01-2014 at 03:49 PM.
Title of thread changed as per OP.
Great idea BTW
As everyone celebrated the official start of the new club, it's truly something a bunch of us were looking back on and realized the trail that was just blazed. We should all be proud. And the support has been truly helpful guys.
That said, keep things light. We actually didn't want to have any VCA stuff on this site at all. But moderating it would be wrong (however any attacks or strong verbiage should be removed). It's obviously the biggest news that is out there in Viper land right now, but let's keep it light and keep it classy. We've purposely not published a thing about the VCA since the new club started - and there's a reason for that. And as much as the postings by their board members on their forums can be disputed in a way that isn't even funny, let's not even bother. Let them say whatever it is they claim (membership #, SRT support, massive change, etc...), just let it be. The reality is that none of it would have even begun if a new club option wasn't there.
Through our membership numbers (which is the great majority of the active club members), the number of regions that came over (almost all of them), the talent, the passion, and spirit that is here... that is what makes the club exciting. I'm sure there will be more negativity on their forums and additional solicitations that will come from them as time goes on. Just let it go and let it fall on deaf ears. Focus on what we've now built, nurture it, and protect it.
So discuss if you must, but don't slam. Nothing would be better than if as a group they saw our solidarity by demonstrating a culture that is quite different than what existed. Let your membership #'s, your regions affiliation, and your involvement speak for itself.
Onward and upward is the mantra!
Well said Smokn, lets keep this forum a positive one. Happy new year and happy Vipering to all of you!!!
Unfortunately we can't leave this subject on the other site since they are still spreading lies.
One guy however is still member ... you know who I am talking about.
This issue still continues to cause problems to every one who owns a Viper![]()
edited to be nice..........for now. But the individual in question should NEVER be allowed to join this club. If he is allowed to join, I will personally start the "discussion" to keep his lying ass restricted to the "site suggestions" area.
Last edited by 99RT10; 01-01-2014 at 07:06 PM.
Man...they seem pretty desperate, including the e-mail that just showed up in my inbox a few minutes ago. I obviously don't know what's really going on behind the scenes over there, but it sure doesn't look good from my perspective.
I met the guy in person in Charlotte 2012...after a few minutes I had to turn around and leave the scene...could not stand the 'talks' back than.![]()
Not defending what he said and if anyone would take the time to look at the post, you will see that I took him to task on several points. He did delete those last ones on his own and the timing would suggest that there could have been a little liquid courage talking there? I'm just willing to give him the benefit of a doubt and recognize that he is passionate. There will be life after VCA and VOA for that matter for most. There are still some in the South fighting a war almost 150 years old and still don't think they lost, as there will be VCA members and VOA members fighting for perhaps several generations to come. The fact that he deleted them and people are preserving the comments tells me we are still a ways from a truce or peace of any kind. The talk for reparations is rampant and that can't even take place until a ceasefire, truce and peace treaties are signed. IMOI By the way it was DIYOP and I didn't have a clue, I Google Searched it and struck out. So, I contacted him directly and I know what it means from the horse's mouth so to speak. PM me if you want to know!
And relative to this letter guys, while we don't address these things publicly, understand that we don't agree with what they do and nor how they do it. We know all of you are still receiving propaganda letters like this as they're using old email lists to continue to write to members directly. No need to forward them to us, we se them.
Just know that silence is not agreement. They're pushing people away with solicitations and negativity on their own. The end of that letter yet again is proof. Let it go.
Alex, You made it to the end? I only got this far:"The new VCA BOD has beens(sic)" and hit DELETE!
Lucky I didn't empty my trash file yet and i was able to get this for all to use! Cut and paste this link in your browser and follow the prompts!
I know they are desperate. I was tired last night and was reading threads on the VCA when I replied to a thread by error, thinking that I was here on the VOA site because I had two windows on my computer screen open for each forum. And guess what ??? my post on the VCA was actually posted.....I guess I am somewhat reinstated without any notification.....Woohoo !!! ( they want Kratedisease back !!) what does that tell yah !! Yup, we all know what that means !! D-E-S-P-E-R-A-T-E
Anyway, I would invite and like to have boobtampax post here. NOT to read his babbling banter. BUT only to hear about his new 2014 TA Viper.
His other non Viper topic posts are very long, drawn out and boring. Speaking of boring he even is monotone when he speaks.
I would have to drink at least five Red Bulls to stay awake in class with Professor boobtampax lecturing me.
Wow, I didn't read that 2nd to last paragraph in the VCA email.
They still don't get it. The negativity isn't winning anyone over.
Well, to be honest, Bob may have his points that we dislike or that aggravate us but in reality it is admirable that he sticks to his principles and hasn't wavered in his support. You have to admire someone who sticks with what he says. You may not like the person but at least like his tenacity. The individual is devoted to the club he is in and we could only hope to have everyone as loyal as he is. I have no ill feelings towards anyone myself and think that alot of people have blown things out of proportion. There are some that have a reason to be upset and they should rightfully be so. As for the best way to go forward, it is to ignore what you detest and put things that cause you unrest in your rear view mirror.
What most of you should do is be happy that you have a local VOA region to attend. Many of us don't have that luxury now. Being a member in the North Texas Region, we really have no VOA club to attend. So for us, it is either join both, join VCA or join VOA. Priciple is one thing but being able to hang out with old friends is something else.
If you look at the bottom of each VCA forum, they have a section titled "Forum a Information and Options". It shows 9 members browsing the RT10/GTS forum.
Users Browsing this Forum
There are currently 109 users browsing this forum. (9 members & 100 guests)
GRANGER73 avijay Invasivore kenphjr michael71 RedEnuf93 SpeedRacer tim721 TowDawg
None of the 9 users listed is a member. There member count appears to be very misleading. I wonder how many VCA members there really are?
is 1265 member on the VOA a good thing? I think that's a poor showing so far,I was hoping to see a # over 3500.
Last edited by cubican; 01-04-2014 at 04:51 PM.
I think they count "members" with the forum numbers, as anyone who has a registered account on the forum. Definitely a bit misleading, but would you expect anything else?