Last edited by VYPR BYT; 01-01-2014 at 03:48 PM. Reason: mention of Bobs name spun things out of control.
Look forward not back. Leave the vca stuff on the VCA site or on the alley where it belongs imo...
Last edited by plumcrazy; 01-01-2014 at 01:18 PM.
You have to admire his loyalty and persistence in defending the VCA. Whether I agree with him or not, he has been the most adamant defender of theirs. He may finally see the light, but if he does go down with the ship, nobody can say he didn't try.
I wish Bob P would join the Alley
Bagdad bob needs to stay right where
he is that way he won't bother any Viper owners.
Let just say VCA goes away(it will) does VOA just let's him in?
Who cares
That guy annoys me!
Mr. boobtampax did just buy a 2013 TA Viper, so some credit is due.
Last edited by KRATEDISEASE; 01-01-2014 at 02:02 PM.
I admire Bobs passion. To me it really is sad seeing a once great club turning to dust before our eyes. I am very happy the VOA was formed to become a better more inclusive organization.
Good point Krate. Anyway, imo let's lighten up on the guy...he's a good egg, even if he annoys many. He'll be here some day
No it is not! He may be defending the old club which could be commended but it is the way he is doing it. Sorry but best news I heard last year was CM did not own a Viper anymore and the next future best would be if Bob no longer owning an SRT product. Guy is a first class ass and a scum bag. Said my piece, now done with it. On to the new life at the VOA, hopefully Bob free!
Too bad we can't just banish all of the people who's attitude does not meet our expectations. It would get kind of boring, though. I'd guess that you must have met and talked with Bob personally, given the animosity in your post. Hard to believe mere typed words about a social club could get such a reaction.
I cut him some slack for buying a brand new Viper. Anyone putting six figures into helping SRT, is doing good for our hobby/club. A lot of personalities on these sites, I'm sure many of us annoy each other.
Simply buying a Viper will get no slack from me. If you are a d-bag, you are a d-bag. When he told members to go GFY & DYOP or whatever it was in the hidden member section just hours before most would no longer be able to read/reply to what he wrote was the final straw for me. Shows his true character.
What would the last couple of months have been like without Bob's posts? He is an Attorney, and a pretty good one at that. He's just sharpening his skills. No one with his intelligence could possibly believe all the VCA crap he expounds.
He has only made 238 posts in the month of December.
Last edited by Granger73; 01-01-2014 at 02:57 PM.
Boobtampax is NOT a "scum bag" but he IS annoying because he is an antagonist hiding under a "objective" persona. He annoys everyone. He was a law school professor for 25 years. What do you expect after 25 years of his students, wanting to pass his class, obviously always agreeing with Professor Boobtampax and telling him he is the greatest ? 25 years of student ass-kissing and brown-nosing along with his own mother telling him he is a genius, what else would you expect but a self absorbed, self righteous Retarded Dope with a swollen ego. I said he annoys everyone. This is why I believe he has no friends and therefore the VCA is his only social exchange with humans. ( When someone that hates you tells you that you are smart, then you surely know that you are. Students you are teaching and your mom are not objective sources of objective determination of your intellect).
BUT, I have to say that Boobtampax has exquisite taste in cars, and he did do a top fuel dragster run posted on youtube, so despite being an antagonist and quite dumb he does has some good attributes !! and he just bought a 2014 TA Viper in black that looks awesome. He may be dopey and an antagonist with a swollen ego but he sure has great taste in cars.
Last edited by KRATEDISEASE; 01-01-2014 at 03:59 PM.
He is playing the violin while the ship is sinking.
Ooops...I didn't mean this to be a "bash Bob" thread. LOL
I was just trying to show that there is far less "members" there than I expected to see in 2014. (far less)
Even Paul Hawker is an enthusiast now... I didn't see that coming.
Bottom line is now we can move on >>> and not worry so much about it. (that's why I quoted plums signature)
Let nature run its course and the beast will die off in the distance.
Sad when ya think about it.
I'm glad we have this VOA established as an option!
It is a free country and people can post or act how they want. Bob is entitled to that. I am not saying we banish people who do not agree with everything stated otherwise this would be a boring place. However with his attitude toward the VOA, the Splinters as he calls them, defending bylaw changes in the past which brought on the unlimited power towards downfall, his twisting and lying to attack people then crying foul when people defend themselves as Jon B tried to recently, it would be a great discourse to the VOA club members to allow a cancer like that in the VOA. Okay now I am done with it!
Last edited by Coloviper; 01-01-2014 at 03:19 PM.