I'm trying to figure out how to remove the 1:1 dash plaque on my GTC and swap it for the ACR plaque. Anyone on here have any experience with that? Thanks.
And one more dumb question, but what the heck is the rubber mat for that came with the car? I can't find anywhere it seems to go in the car.
Update: I got the courage to swap the plaques. I started to take out the glove box and try to get behind the dash, but quickly realized that was going to be too much work on a hot Friday afternoon. So I quit that venture and simply wrapped a small flathead driver in masking tape and went around the edges of the plaque. It popped right out and the replacement popped right in. Not sure what the Dodge directions say, because my dealer is currently working on trying to get them, but no sense to making it harder than it needs to be. Just posting incase someone searches for the same question.