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  1. #1

    What does sensor control??

    Sometimes I think that if I didn't have bad luck, I wouldn't have any luck............I've spent all week trying to remove the original temperature lamp sensor that activates the ENGINE light in the dash of my 94 RT-10. It is the single wire one that screws into the front of the cylinder head just below the valve cover at the front of the motor. As recommended, I originally tried to remove a bolt/plug in the cylinder head on the opposite of the motor so I could install a new sensor there and just leave the old one in place (everyone told me they break when you try to remove them). Well, the bolt/plug has apparently welded itself into the cylinder head since all I was able to do was round the points off it with my sockets. I soaked it with BD Blaster, tried a little heat- it will not budge. So I then tried to remove the original sensor and it broke off even with the cylinder head surface before I even put much pressure to it. I've again tried BD Blaster, heat and an easy out- it too won't budge. All the easy-out does is cut into the inside wall of what is still stuck in the cylinder head. I'm afraid if I try any more, I'll cut through the wall of the sensor and into the threads of the cylinder head hole. Since the end of the sensor is sealed, I don't think it will leak if I just left it as is. Question is: would not having this particular sensor hooked up effect anything other than maybe having the ENGINE light on all the time?? It is a warning light for high coolant temp and/or low oil pressure but in addition to this light, there is also a temp gauge and an oil pressure gauge in the dash. Suggestions??? Thanks
    Last edited by Dr Pepper; 03-11-2016 at 09:41 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Red Deer Alberta Canada
    You have a PM

  3. #3
    Tech Team

    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Port Charlotte, FL
    By chance, does this RT need head gaskets, or have they already been done? If so, this would be the opportune time to pull the heads, complete the gasket update, and just have the head repaired while they are being surfaced at the machine shop. If you broke it off, you will do more harm than good without a fixture to keep everything aligned. Easy job for a machine shop, better to let them handle it. If it snapped off while it was still a complete part without budging, there is no way an easy out or similar is going to do much for you.

    We stock all of the components; from gasket packages to the sensor that broke off, if we can be of any service.
    Last edited by Viper Specialty; 03-12-2016 at 12:25 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Cottage Grove, WISCONSIN
    Quote Originally Posted by Viper Specialty View Post
    By chance, doe this RT need head gaskets, or have they already been done? If so, this would be the opportune time to pull the heads, complete the gasket update, and just have the head repaired while they are being surfaced at the machine shop. If you broke it off, you will do more harm than good without a fixture to keep everything aligned. Easy job for a machine shop, better to let them handle it. If it snapped off while it was still a complete part without budging, there is no way an easy out or similar is going to do much for you.

    We stock all of the components; from gasket packages to the sensor that broke off, if we can be of any service.
    Dan Lesser is Good People

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2018
    Bonney Lake Washington
    Any update on this? Did you car start without the sensor connected?



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