Sometimes I think that if I didn't have bad luck, I wouldn't have any luck............I've spent all week trying to remove the original temperature lamp sensor that activates the ENGINE light in the dash of my 94 RT-10. It is the single wire one that screws into the front of the cylinder head just below the valve cover at the front of the motor. As recommended, I originally tried to remove a bolt/plug in the cylinder head on the opposite of the motor so I could install a new sensor there and just leave the old one in place (everyone told me they break when you try to remove them). Well, the bolt/plug has apparently welded itself into the cylinder head since all I was able to do was round the points off it with my sockets. I soaked it with BD Blaster, tried a little heat- it will not budge. So I then tried to remove the original sensor and it broke off even with the cylinder head surface before I even put much pressure to it. I've again tried BD Blaster, heat and an easy out- it too won't budge. All the easy-out does is cut into the inside wall of what is still stuck in the cylinder head. I'm afraid if I try any more, I'll cut through the wall of the sensor and into the threads of the cylinder head hole. Since the end of the sensor is sealed, I don't think it will leak if I just left it as is. Question is: would not having this particular sensor hooked up effect anything other than maybe having the ENGINE light on all the time?? It is a warning light for high coolant temp and/or low oil pressure but in addition to this light, there is also a temp gauge and an oil pressure gauge in the dash. Suggestions??? Thanks